[eddie]miklb yeah, I write all my blog posts (as well as other long-form writing) in Ulysses. Currently I then go from there to copy it as rich text and paste into Quill's Editor and post. So it would be awesome to just be able to click a button and have it post to my site :)
oodaniHmm. According to the Micropub spec, the URLs given to files posted to the media endpoint should be "unguessable" - but based on what information? Naming the file after a hash of its content is easily guessable if you already have the content, but pretty much impossible if you don't.
oodaniIn most cases the presence of a file would be public knowledge anyway, since if you upload to a micropub media endpoint you'll probably subsequently use the uploaded file in an entry, right?
aaronpkfor example I often post screenshots to my media endpoint and then either don't use them in a post or use them in a private post, but the file itself isn't behind any other authentication
aaronpkI probably need to update webmention.io to follow redirects of the target when a WM is received, but this question is actually about handling changes to URLs after a WM has already been processed
[eddie]I think there are two different issues. I think there are changed "permalinks" and there are url variations. I think keith's issue is about variations rather than actual changes.
[eddie]What about normalizing urls? (ignore the difference between http and https? and ignoring trailing slashes? I find it hard to imagine a world in which webmentions would need to be seperated based on https and trailing slashes?
aaronpkbut if you *change* your URLs, either minor changes like http->https, or even major changes like when I totally redid my URL structure, that's a different problem
sknebelIt's tricky what's the best way for global changes like http-https. Allow rewriting with some kind of pattern? Specialcase that one? Have an option to have wm.io check all receiving pages for a domain for new redirects? (Better than reprocessing all mentions at least)
[keithjgrant]aaronpk: I could see some sort of way to tell wm.io about redirects so it can update existing WMs. My site redirects all four versions of the URL to the same one
[keithjgrant]I do have some permalinks that have fully changed, so that could cover that use case too (though in my case, I didn't support WMs at the time of that change)
aaronpkinteresting, tantek will get a kick out of this. backblaze sent me an email with this warning: We’ve detected that your account has Time-Based One-Time Passwords (ToTP) turned on as your Two-Factor Verification (2FV) method of authentication, and that you have SMS Fallback turned "Off."
aaronpkWe’ve detected that your account has Time-Based One-Time Passwords (ToTP) turned on as your Two-Factor Verification (2FV) method of authentication, and that you have SMS Fallback turned "Off."
aaronpkIf you have ToTP enabled and do not have Backup Codes or SMS fallback enabled, Backblaze cannot unlock your Backblaze account if you lose your ToTP device
aaronpkthis is interesting for two reasons: 1) they are promoting SMS as a fallback 2fa method, and 2) they claim they will not be able to "unlock" my account without the TOTP device if that's the only 2fa method on my account
sknebelsounds interesting, although my first ideas all boil down to using u-uid to point somewhere else than the homepage, which seems wrong as well (at least to my intuition about what u-uid is about, which might not match others)
[kevinmarks]Aaronpk - the 302 vs 301 redirect distinction is important for webmention - if it's a 301 it should update the displayed link, but a 302 shouldn't
aaronpkfor this new update feature, i'm going to make that an explicit action that you have to take, so there isn't really much of a difference between returning 301/302 in that case either, tho I could make it only update the webmentions on a 301 response.
Zegnatsknebel, to answer your previous answer, I would say any h-card no matter where in the tree. If its url property points to the current page that is the important take-away, not whether it sits at the root
sknebeltrying to understand where the cases come from/how you'd use them. (I remember Angelo Gladding's crawler project looked for them, and it didn't like mine, I think due to my redirect of the homepage). Also didn't want to add a note without at least checking if context can be gotten in chat
[kevinmarks]If you're strict, 301 is permanent, so you should change what you have cached, whereas 302/307 is temporary, so you should keep the original link as it may resolve differently next time
sknebelrereading precisely, only the last step differs: where representative insists on there being a single h-card on the page, authorship a) ignores non matching and b) uses the first of multiple (as do the steps before in both algorithms)
ZegnatThat makes more sense. I didn’t think they were that different. So maybe worth documenting the difference in the last step, and looking at which one to change to get them inline?
[kevinmarks]Hm. Maybe I'm missing something. If I webmention with a variant url as source (missing www or trailing / or whatever) shouldn't webmention.io follow and change what is shown?
LoqiThe representative h-card for a page is an h-card on that page that represents that page, if any, as not all pages are about a person or organization, a page might not have a representative h-card https://indieweb.org/representative_h-card
[eddie]!tell aaronpk cleverdevil miklb dougbeal dgold FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undetermined
[eddie]!tell aaronpk, cleverdevil, miklb, dougbeal, dgold FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undeterm
[eddie]!tell aaronpk,cleverdevil,miklb,dougbeal,dgold FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undetermined
[eddie]!tell miklb,dougbeal I didn't see a /contact page on your sites so if you want to send me your email to eddie [at] eddiehinkle [dot] com I'll send you the TestFlight invite (this includes anyone else that is interested but hasn't expressed interest previously)
Loqi[miklb]: [eddie] left you a message 42 minutes ago: FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undeterm
Loqi[miklb]: [eddie] left you a message 39 minutes ago: FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undetermined
Loqi[miklb]: [eddie] left you a message 39 minutes ago: I didn't see a /contact page on your sites so if you want to send me your email to eddie [at] eddiehinkle [dot] com I'll send you the TestFlight invite (this includes anyone else that is interested but hasn't expressed interest previously)
Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 49 minutes ago: cleverdevil miklb dougbeal dgold FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undetermined
Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 47 minutes ago: FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undeterm
Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 44 minutes ago: FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undetermined
[eddie]It's waiting for TestFlight Review, but once the Apple gatekeepers approve it, you all should receive the invite emails and be able to download it. I'm excited to have my Mac computer issues all worked out and have my dev credentials all set up again ? Now I can pull it out to work on it more often
oodaniHmm, weird. Omnibear can't find my endpoints properly - it says "Missing micropub data on https://00dani.me. Please ensure the following links are present: authorization_endpoint, token_endpoint, micropub"? Yet, Quill found all three without any problem and I've been publishing using it for the past week. ?
Loqi[dgold]: [eddie] left you a message 1 hour, 19 minutes ago: FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undeterm
Loqi[dgold]: [eddie] left you a message 1 hour, 15 minutes ago: FYI, I'm opening up the beta of Indigenous for iOS. Before anyone gets too excited it currently supports using the share extension when activated against a URL (in safari or other apps like TweetBot) for the following actions: Like, Repost and Bookmark. The next build will hopefully support posting notes and replies. The micropub media endpoint stuff will be in the third build (timeline undetermined