#loqi.meedited /YAML (+137) "[kevinmarks] added "https://venturebeat.com/2013/01/30/rubygems-org-hacked-interrupting-heroku-services-and-putting-millions-of-sites-using-rails-at-risk/" to "See Also"" (view diff)
#Loqiok, I added "https://venturebeat.com/2013/01/30/rubygems-org-hacked-interrupting-heroku-services-and-putting-millions-of-sites-using-rails-at-risk/" to the "See Also" section of /YAML
#loqi.meedited /Reading.am (+118) "Zegnat added "https://github.com/reading-am/reading-extensions/pull/1#issuecomment-345412360 Fixed Firefox extension is en route." to "See Also"" (view diff)
#snarfedtwo URLs and a photo. photos supposedly don't take up chars any more. counting the URLs as 23 each, it's exactly 280 chars...and yet twitter failed with "Tweet needs to be a bit shorter."
#snarfedinteresting, when i paste it into twitter's UI, it says it's 3 chars over
#snarfedwell one part is it counts the camera emoji as two chars. argh.
#snarfed...and the ellipsis emoji is also two chars
#snarfedseems like most emoji count as two chars. seems like that wasn't true before...?
#snarfedargh i so don't want to spend time on this ??
#ZegnatI seem to recall reading something about them going from unicode counting back to byte counting?
#ZegnatThat’s why e.g. Japanese characters now get counted for 2 again, because they wanted to normalise content length for all languages (or something like that)
#snarfedsays they still count code points, not bytes
#ZegnatSo I guess that is why they went for the little progress circle? Because they are using some weighting and comparing that to some sort of max permitted weight?
#ZegnatYeah, that one simply counts using Python’s len(). So it is correct in all situations where implementations use the same (logical IMHO) counting. Twitter just decided to go with something that sounds like their own counting invention
#sknebelso unless I'm missing something, they haven't published their weighting lists. so it's impossible right now to implement that right, without massive try and error
#ZegnatUnless UC somewhere defines these weights, but I have never seen it mentioned anywhere except for here
#snarfedthanks guys! i appreciate the help investigating. feel free to follow up on the issue
#sknebel" The algorithm for length calculation is as follows: ... It is important to remember that this length is not the absolute length of the Tweet" ...
#snarfedi get it now at least. details in the issue. still though.
#sknebelsnarfed: when I tried to follow your steps the tweet seemed actually decode to one char shorter than it showed for you (I url-decoded the request to twitter)
#sknebel(I took the query to twitter from the first erroring one and urllib.parse.unquote.plus() it
#sknebelah, you picked one with more newlines it seems. but 2 newlines added still doesn't give the same result. something wonky
snarfed, bengo, [miklb], loicm, KartikPrabhu, snarfed1, eli_oat, [eddie] and goodmode joined the channel
#Zegnatsknebel, seen snarfed’s update for tweet counting? Looks like he is treating char ranges as inclusive. Was that in the doc and did I miss it or did he figure that out himself?
#sknebeldon't think that was documented what it means
#sknebelwondered about that, didn't test what it actually is
#Loqimisses it or did he figure that out himself too
#GWGI found the query parameters option was more reliable than the classes because parsing WordPress themes with mf2 is inconsistent
#snarfedif i'm voting on your time, i vote for 1) nudging pfefferle to merge the two outstanding semantic-linkbacks PRs, and 2) drive everyone to figure out that mf2 plugin interaction standard
#GWGI missed the registration feature until you pointed it out
#GWGsnarfed, I am in the midst of my update all plugins to declare 4.9 comparability before they scare people off
#snarfedhey yeah how do you do that?! i couldn't figure it out
#GWGWell, you upload a new readme without changing the version number is the easiest