Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 2 hours, 23 minutes ago: ICYMI - looks like I found a bug with Bridgy Publish's support of longer tweets when there's a photo included: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2017-11-18/1510993441166000 I couldn't find an issue on this in particular, should I file a new one?
sknebelseems that they don't believe that off-silo comments are that important, so they are kinda negative on that aspect. or did you mean something else?
ZegnatE.g. they say “the IndieWeb movement feels something important was lost with the decline of comments and conversations between bloggers and publishers, each with their own domain.” But they never point out what the important thing that was lost is: control of the content, less content loss when websites go down.
ZegnatYep, not negative, just ... shallow? It isn’t really an article that explains any of the tech. It is just a post. I guess a way to keep your corporate blog going?
grantcodesaaronpk: Hmm think the paging looks good. In your examples it looks like you have 2 values for both `after` and `before` separated by a semi colon or do your post uids have a semi colon?
grantcodesYeah don't know if this is meant to be a techical but if it said `&after=post100&before90` or something more readable it would make more sense to me
aaronpkI could update the example to use sequential numeric IDs, but it's also meant to be opaque to clients so that clients don't make assumptions about the values
tantekand yet they go to all this duplicate effor to do so (a whole another format), instead of doing the significantly *less* incremental work of producing higher quality HTML
tantekxml is deprecated, and maybe their JSON output will be deprecated in another 10 years for whatever new dev-centric format is fashionable in the next 5 years
aaronpkgrantcodes: i'm hesitant to recommend any specific default page size cause I feel like it might be dependent on the context. but maybe I could use 20 in the examples just to sort of set the baseline?
grantcodesaaronpk: yep I think 20 is a better example number. And for the cursors I'm no expert but is it not more useful to use uids just in case your data is sorted by something other than date? (not a hugely likely scenario). In the example I would remove the semicolons just so it's more obvious it's a random id
aaronpkthose are actually the strings I use in Monocle, it's actually two timestamps that I use to sort. date added to the channel and also published date.
aaronparecki.comedited /Microsub-spec (-9) "/* Example Paging Workflow */ update example to 20 per page, and remove colon so cursors are just a hex string" (view diff)
aaronpkanother question, should servers be expected to support a "limit" or "count" query param so the client can decide how many results it wants per request?
grantcodesI would say a count/limit param would be useful, but it would probably need to be limited. I know the WordPress API has a max of 100 for example
grantcodesYeah that makes sense. The only issue is I can totally imagine people writing a for 1 to 1000 loop and thinking it works fine on with their microsub server but breaking with other servers that won't return 1000 posts. But I might be trying to idiotproof it too much ?
aaronpkso if a server wants to return only one item at a time, as long as it supports the paging parameters a client will be able to deal with it without any different code than a server that supports 100 at a time
aaronpkI was imagining clients working more like slack clients where it just keeps loading history of a channel seamlessly just might do it different numbers of chunks at a time
aaronpkI think it'd be reasonable to recommend a server supports page sizes of like 20-100 but clients should be able to handle whatever comes back and ultimately can't make assumptions about the server anyway
KartikPrabhuaaronpk: why "before" and "after" in the micro-sub pagination with explanation to "newer" and "older"? Why not use "newer" and "older" directly as property names?
aaronpk"newer" and "older" only make sense for pagination of things that have timestamps, whereas "before/after" can refer to positions in a list, not implying timestamp ordering
aaronpk!tell grantcodes I just finished up enough of Monocle that it should be a functional prototype! I've added you to the beta so you can log in to it! https://monocle.p3k.io/dashboard
Loqigrantcodes: aaronpk left you a message 11 minutes ago: I just finished up enough of Monocle that it should be a functional prototype! I've added you to the beta so you can log in to it! https://monocle.p3k.io/dashboard