#dev 2017-12-06

2017-12-06 UTC
oops found another bug
forgot that the auth code verification needs to return the scope https://indieauth.net/spec/#authorization-code-verification-0-p-4
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Have you tried indieauth with .local names, and with self-allocated IP (169.254.*.*)
Did you see the whole discussion earlier about local IPs and making sure shpub use case is possible?
I did - I mean the zeroconf cases, on a local subnet with no uplink/dns server
tantek joined the channel
should be fine. I mean I have a whole copy of indieauth.com, my website, and a bunch of other apps running on my laptop that works with no internet
aaronpk: I think #categorytree function isn't enabled on the new mediawiki https://indieweb.org/2017/Austin/Schedule#Other_Years
ooh missed one
lucked out, they have an updated version of it
hm darn, we seem to have no notes from the "WYSIWTF Separating CMS from Web Publishing Tools" session from 2011. I wonder if that was foreshadowing the Micropub spec
The case I was thinking of (which is a kind of Aaron one) is where you have several separate devices on the local network but no uplink.
leg joined the channel
yeah I don't see any reason that wouldn't work
[mrkrndvs], KartikPrabhu and tantek_ joined the channel
edited /tagboard (+1) ""a" -> "an""
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KartikPrabhu, tantek, renem_, [miklb], jjuran, oodani and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Is this idea already built with quill and voxpelli's github micropub endpoint https://github.com/voxpelli/webpage-micropub-to-github/blob/master/README.md
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[scripting] #48 New project: The "English" editor for GitHub
snarfed, gRegorLove and cweiske joined the channel
!tell aaronpk is it worth reiterating somewhere in the IndieAuth spec that scope and state are parameters borrowed straight from OAuth and should not contain codepoints not allowed by OAuth? That's how selfauth works, but I am not sure the spec .ales it clear.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jeremycherfas], tantek, tyler-web, [kevinmarks], kapowaz, KartikPrabhu, Magnus, foobar1 and eli_oat joined the channel
Zegnat: thanks, probably a good idea to drop a few reminders
aaronpk: Zegnat left you a message 7 hours, 26 minutes ago: is it worth reiterating somewhere in the IndieAuth spec that scope and state are parameters borrowed straight from OAuth and should not contain codepoints not allowed by OAuth? That's how selfauth works, but I am not sure the spec .ales it clear.
snarfed joined the channel
edited /pronoun (+260) "/* See Also */ Added two blog posts."
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jeremycherfas joined the channel
What is gravatar?
Gravatar is a silo service to host a profile photo (avatar) for e-mail addresses https://indieweb.org/gravatar
edited /Gravatar (+335) "/* Criticism */"
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Gravatar << [http://wordpressexpose.chrisgherbert.com/ Wordpress Exposé] demonstrates privacy issues on wordpress sites
ok, I added "[http://wordpressexpose.chrisgherbert.com/ Wordpress Exposé] demonstrates privacy issues on wordpress sites" to the "See Also" section of /Gravatar
edited /Gravatar (+111) "sknebel added "[http://wordpressexpose.chrisgherbert.com/ Wordpress Exposé] demonstrates privacy issues on wordpress sites" to "See Also""
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Hmm, my gravatar is my face, so I guess I don’t see it as much of a privacy leak. If I need to stay private I can use a throwaway email address. But that page sure is interesting
Zegnat: yeah, the issue is that it doesn't communicate that at all
and thanks to the defaults exposes even if you aren'T signed up for it with a custom image
I don't care if people have my email, but I think gravatar doesn't belong
jeremych_ and [andrea_arbogast joined the channel
I dislike the use of Gravatars everywhere for privacy concerns, but because of the photo rather than the email address. I don’t want my face out there wherever I have an account, which is why my Gravatar is not a photo. I want to choose where I show photos of myself.
Reminder not to push all sorts of text into CSS content properties, because screenreaders will read them outloud: https://developer.paciellogroup.com/blog/2017/12/short-note-on-making-your-mark-more-accessible/
if you put "all sorts of text" there, wouldn't you likely want it to be read?
also, I'm surprised it doesn't get copy-pasted in his example
For a while people were putting “decorative” texts in there. E.g. arrows for links or other unicode icons.
You didn’t want “Link: right pointing arrow Home” as text, so people put the arrow glyph in the CSS content.
Which I think used to be fine, but today will get read out.
This is also why icon fonts should use reserved unicode blocks, as those have no pronunciations, rather than the wingdings way of overwriting actual letters.
ah, right
tantek, [andrea_arbogast and snarfed joined the channel
PSA you may want to update your email client: https://www.mailsploit.com/index
what is email
Email is a decentralized, non-web messaging transport, with typical user interfaces that encourage excessively lengthy messages, in contrast to texting https://indieweb.org/email
holy crap
that's amazing
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
email << [https://www.mailsploit.com/index Mailsploit: list of vulnerabilities in email clients, sender spoofing, code injection attacks, etc.]
ok, I added "[https://www.mailsploit.com/index Mailsploit: list of vulnerabilities in email clients, sender spoofing, code injection attacks, etc.]" to the "See Also" section of /email
edited /email (+137) "tantek added "[https://www.mailsploit.com/index Mailsploit: list of vulnerabilities in email clients, sender spoofing, code injection attacks, etc.]" to "See Also""
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If you are a MailMate user like me, the fix hasn’t rolled out into a release yet, but you can force an update anyway: https://twitter.com/mailmateapp/status/938423567032705025
@securescientist Test release for Mailsploit issues: Hold down option when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane.
Does that apply to web-based services like Fastmail?
it could. gmail is not affected (I just checked)
Mozilla Thunderbird: WON'TFIX sounds *great*
Yes, several web basted platforms are on the list jeremych_
Oh well. I suppose vigilance is the best protection. Mostly, the phishing emails I get are just so, fishy.
They also found XSS vectors on some online platforms, not much vigilance can do against those I believe
Phew. Fastmail: No, No, No
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
sknebel can you find the WONTFIX from Mozilla? I haven’t been able to actually find the bug :/
there is none, as mentioned in the note behind it
I want to use MarsEdit 4 so badly, I'm considering creating a little service that translates API calls from other publishing APIs to Micropub...
I suppose it would be better just to get enough people using Micropub that it makes logical sense for publishing clients to adopt Micropub.
Oh, must have missed the note
That's like the opposite of silo.pub
Exactly, kevinmarks.
It would allow lots of client software to interact with Micropub-capable services.
I can't decide if its a great idea, or a terrible idea.
i've had an XMLRPC->Micropub gateway on my list for a loooong time
Honestly, it would make a good *addition* to silo.pub.
there's almost certainly a good xmlrpc python library so it might not be too hard to add it. the trick I think would be the authentication
Yeah, I am thinking the best way would be for silo.pub to generate some credentials, and share those with the user.
At the same time, silo.pub would map those credentials to a token for a Micropub endpoint.
[eddie] joined the channel
XMLRPC -> Micropub would be awesome. I too had considered the usefulness of something like that in relation to the Ulysses iOS app. It can publish to Wordpress through XMLRPC, so that would be a short-term Micropub fix for Ulysses (although they DO have micropub on the list, who knows wen it will be completed)
XMLRPC is built into Python, so it wouldn't even require any additional dependencies.
I'm gonna open the suggestion as a ticket on silo.pub and see if it sounds appealing.
[cleverdevil] #52 Feature: Add support for XMLRPC -> Micropub
the main question I have is what assumptions about the XMLRPC APIs other than creating a post most clients make
for example getting a list of posts, or getting a list of tags and such
[manton] joined the channel
aaronpk I was chatting with Daniel Jalkut about that today. What should an app like MarsEdit do to retrieve a user's posts? Read from the feed? I think that makes Micropub less of a drop-in replacement, although hopefully still doable.
I think that'd be a good extension for micropub
if he's willing to consider adding support I would happily work on formalizing that and implementing it in my site to test it out
what would be a good place to start is knowing from him what features he expects out of this kind of API. for example starting by listing all the features of the XMLRPC API that he already uses
Yeah, there's variations since MarsEdit has special support for different platforms, but to get the basics from MetaWeblog there aren't that many calls that are needed.
gRegorLove joined the channel
do you think you could document the features of the API that MarsEdit uses here? https://indieweb.org/MetaWeblog
I do wonder if maybe just reading from a user's feed would be enough of a replacement for getting the post details. Although an extension could be used to get drafts that wouldn't be in the feed.
yeah drafts are definitely an issue
Sure. I can copy what I have on this page (scroll to the very bottom): http://help.micro.blog/2017/api-posting/
as will be private posts
private/limited audience
It makes sense for Micropub to evolve to enable these concepts, I think.
I agree
[manton]: that'd be perfect. then we can work on mapping those to micropub commands and fill in the gap as needed
I do also think it's a lot to ask from app developers to include a microformats parser and deal with all the variations there
Drafts are a bit trickier. I vaguely remember some approval process with roles, but I can't remember which blogging tool that was
edited /Planning (+6) "/* Baltimore */"
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edited /Planning (+0) "/* Baltimore */ dates"
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[pfefferle] and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
created /IWC_Baltimore (+27) "prompted by gRegorLove and dfn added by gRegorLove"
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edited /Planning (-329) "/* Planned */ rm Berlin, +Austin, +Baltimore"
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edited /Planning (-303) "Austin initial planning archived, removed"
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[andrea_arbogast joined the channel
edited /Planning (+95) "/* Los Angeles */ +IWC Baltimore dates"
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KartikPrabhu joined the channel
The wiki Vector theme is responsive now, so we might be able to drop the #bodyContent max-width
Not really causing any problems, though some pages the TOC makes the content narrower with the max-width, looks better when the full content area is used.
edited /Drupal (+136) "Alpha release of Drupal 8 Linkback module with webmention support"
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Webmentions are supported in @drupal thanks to @HongPong &amp; others! Now more websites can communicate directly with each other on the open web. Wouldn't you like to @mention someone from your own website to theirs? It's a rapidly growing reality. #IndieWeb http://boffosocko.com/2017/12/06/alpha-release-of-linkback-module-for-drupal-8-with-webmention-support-8-x-1-0-alpha1/
tantek, wladz, GWG, jjuran, [chrisaldrich], [manton] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
edited /IndieWebCamps (+7) "/* Before */ IRC => Discussion"
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Ruxton joined the channel
edited /IndieWebCamps (+367) "+Austin"
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edited /timeline (+96) "/* 2017 */ 2018 section, first IWC Baltimore"
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edited /IndieWebCamps (-18) "/* How to organize */ current style is session grid with links to individual etherpads"
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edited /IndieWebCamps (+0) "/* During */"
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edited /Etherpad (-83) "/* How to take notes during IndieWebCamp */ adjust for session grid page instead of etherpad"
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Drupal News: "Alpha Release of Linkback Module for Drupal 8 with Webmention Support [8.x-1.0-alpha1]" http://ift.tt/2iwLFLk
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
edited /IndieWebCamps (+29) "add missing h-event div"
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edited /Etherpad (+87) "/* Dumping IndieWebCamp notes */ videoduration usage"
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schmarty, KartikPrabhu, [kiai] and [miklb] joined the channel
edited /migration (+79) "tantek added "http://www.kiaikim.com/2017/how-to-move-a-wordpress-site-from-one-webhost-to" to "See Also""
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leg joined the channel