[eddie]aaronpk: Should Watchtower have some type of environment variables file? (https://github.com/aaronpk/Watchtower) I’m not seeing any example environment file or anything but I know it’s supposed to have an API key
Zegnat!tell aaronpk Why does IndieAuth have the response_type parameter? There doesn’t seem to be a way to check if the auth code is being checked by the client (for ID) or by a token endpoint (for authz), to from the authorization endpoint there really is no difference between `id` and `code` requests. Or am I missing something?
Loqiaaronpk: Zegnat left you a message 3 hours, 21 minutes ago: Why does IndieAuth have the response_type parameter? There doesn’t seem to be a way to check if the auth code is being checked by the client (for ID) or by a token endpoint (for authz), to from the authorization endpoint there really is no difference between `id` and `code` requests. Or am I missing something?
ZegnatYou could on verification have the authorization endpoint say for what type it issued its code. If it isn’t `code`, but `id`, a token endpoint could refuse to issue a token. Was my first thought.
ZegnatYes, seems fine now. So auth endpoints for response_type=code always set a scope, and token endpoints for no scope on code verification should not issue a token.
ZegnatThis was one of those things that came up working on my token endpoint :) I was wondering how to make sure I wasn’t issuing tokens for authentications.
[eddie]manton The current build I’m working on adds publishing “notes” which follow the standard micropub `content=` (https://indieweb.org/Micropub#New_Note) So that I’m assuming to work with micro.blog out of the box
[manton]Notes should definitely work with Micro.blog now. I'm working on mapping bookmark-of to Micro.blog favorites today... It's not all a perfect mapping but I think it's the place to start.
LoqiTogether is a reader that was initially conceived at the 2017 IndieWeb Summit in Portland by Jonathan LaCour and several others during the Putting it all together session https://indieweb.org/together
[manton]That sounds right. I may end up renaming Favorites to Bookmarks. Although then the "star" icon makes less sense, so I'm not quite ready to do that.
[manton]Something like this is what I was thinking this morning if we wanted a way to discover types and have them adapt to whatever names a Micropub endpoint used... The concern raised is that it could become kind of too abstract and complicated. https://gist.github.com/manton/bc51805cf421ba45b13cd7214f48a034
aaronpk[manton]: the trick with that is those properties depend on the vocabulary, so those actually are saying which h-entry properties the server supports. if a server supports h-event, then you also want to know that, and also which properties in h-event are supported. so this quickly gets out of hand.
[eddie]manton if through brainstorming you are able to come up with a good potential solution to the posting type discovery, and make micro.blog a publisher, I’d be happy to make indigenous a test consumer, because while complicated I do think that information is an important next step in our tools as more Gen 2/3/4 come into IndieWeb tools and it becomes difficult to explain why Quill or Indigenous has all these interface options that break or donâ€
[eddie]I think the key would be making sure the consumer (the Micropub app) if it doesn’t find the mp types configuration, it defaults to everything being available.
ZegnatI wonder if there is some way to specify the post types (as per https://www.w3.org/TR/post-type-discovery/) that are supported by the Micropub endpoint, rather than specifying the exact properties it expects.
ZegnatInstead of what [manton] showed where he used “repost-of” (which is a property), or exposing what root h-* objects are supported, just tell the client what types the endpoint can create.
LoqiThe monoculture antipattern is best described as, if only everyone would install and run this one open source project then we will be good https://indieweb.org/WS_Deathstar
[eddie]Yeah, it’s tough. But I think ultimately h-roots and properties are really what the Micropub clients need to know in order to know what to send and what not to send
[eddie]I think h-entry is really the biggest fluctuating h-based item, so I wonder if you somehow define the h-types and then just the h-entry properties and assume all properties for anything not an h-entry?
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat standards suitable for embedding data in HTML.
[manton]Yeah, I see the slippery slope to WSDL if we go down that path... I was really just thinking about what the user sees, e.g. "Does this server allow me to bookmark something?"
tantekthe interesting thing is, in practice the fallback summary text is unique enough per existing response type that their simple fallback reply posts could get upgraded in the future
[manton]I hadn't thought about it until today... If Indigenous (for example) will eventually show 5-10 different options for the user, what would they expect to happen if they choose "RSVP" or some of the less common ones. Not sure.
[manton]Aaron proposed that "summary" might be better for a fallback in some cases. I just checked and Micro.blog actually ignores summary at the moment, although that's easy to change.
Loqi[gRegor Morrill] Martijn asked if I had documented the micropub request I make for read posts. I had not yet, so decided to make some quick notes while it's fresh in my mind.
Currently, it sends an h-cite object with properties: status, url, name, author, and isbn....
Loqi[gRegor Morrill] Martijn asked if I had documented the micropub request I make for read posts. I had not yet, so decided to make some quick notes while it's fresh in my mind.
Currently, it sends an h-cite object with properties: status, url, name, author, and isbn....
gRegorLoveZegnat: Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder to check my URL discovery. I think it trimmed the trailing slash off your URL for some reason, so found the wrong endpoint
LoqiAn edit (AKA diff, change) is a special type of reply that indicates a set of suggested changes to the post it is replying to. A collection of (presumably related) suggested edits in open source is often called a patch or pull request https://indieweb.org/edit
tantekok now that I've loaded into my head how /tag-of (including /person-tag reply) posts could/should work, and deduced that they really are a special variant of an /edit post, I've documented what I figured out to hopefully make more incremental progress on that next time
tantekthat's too much to try to implement in less than two hours, but definitely glad I worked through a bunch more of the details (added to research on /tag-of silo examples and brainstorming) and made the connections between /edit/tag-of/location-of and /untag
tantek.comedited /Falcon (+123) "/* one-off person-tag response to photo */ example aaronpk check-in I could try person-tagging with manton" (view diff)
tantekyou're safe for today aaronpk, you won't be getting any person-tag reply posts from me just yet. but I have uncovered more of the key details in how to do so, including how to implement it in /Falcon in particular, so next time I may have better luck
[manton]eddie One thing I ran into while testing Indigenous... I had to add NSAllowsArbitraryLoads to the Info.plist for the share extension. The OS was never letting the app hit Micro.blog's Micropub endpoint.
gRegorLoveIt's not marked up in the h-entry currently, just text prefixed to the h-cite, and included in the e-content / summary properties so the fallback is human friendly.
gRegorLoveSimilar, but this property affects content that appears in the post, isn't about the status of the post itself / where it should or should not appear.
LoqiTo read or reading is the act of viewing and interpreting posts or other documents; on the IndieWeb, a read post expresses that something has been read, like a book or section thereof https://indieweb.org/read
aaronpkso in that case, you'd want the book URL to understand the difference between "have read" and "want to read", so those are good consuming use cases for read posts
gRegorLoveI'm definitely using it for the first use case there "to share books, etc. with followers" and eventually to track metrics for myself, like # of books read.
aaronpkso if I take your example post, i'd imagine seeing something like <div class="e-content"><data class="p-read-status" value="want-to-read">Want to read</data>: <em class="h-cite"> ...
Loqi[gRegor Morrill] Martijn asked if I had documented the micropub request I make for read posts. I had not yet, so decided to make some quick notes while it's fresh in my mind.
Currently, it sends an h-cite object with properties: status, url, name, author, and isbn....
aaronpkyeah I would expect that you're posting an h-entry, so that you get the regular post properties published/author/content/etc. then like a bookmark-of adds additional data, you're adding additional info about the thing you're reading and your read status. so your h-entry could include a "p-read-of" property that is an h-cite that describes the thing you're reading.
ZegnatHuh. Loqi seems smarter than the PHP Microformats parser? It added a space between “Want to read:” and “Typewriters:” that I am not seeing on microformats.io
ZegnatCITE seems fine too. Though I am not sure how CITE is currently described, I recall some sort of web-dev petition in the early HTML5 days about its usecases.
[manton]As aaronpk commented to me, I need to fix whatever is weird with Micro.blog's SSL certs so that Apple accepts them, but I think this Info.plist change is good until more people support https.
[manton]I'm thrilled with the way Apple handled this... I wish there was some feedback to the user when it's not https or there's an issue with the cert.
@rMdes_... Get a webmention like ping that push your new address to their system and voila. You want to vote? ID with your NFC phone + a paper vote uniquely generated for you, login, vote, you can choose to make your vote public in the ledger or not and stay anonymous but authentified (twitter.com/_/status/939982249386225664)