#[eddie]With people posting more things like listen and watch posts, and as Microsub gets stable, it’ll be really cool to be able to use readers to do some cool things like showing podcasts or tv shows that your friends have been watching.
#grantcodesYeah that could be awesome! I've not checked if there are set mf properties for stuff like watch / movie title, otherwise it would be hard to check if you and I have watched the same show
#[eddie]I’ve been playing with some on my site but nothing reads it
#grantcodesYeah I have all the data saved in a custom property just now, but only showing the summary property at the moment
#[eddie]Yeah, that’s the key. As long as you’re saving all the data, we’ll be able to work out the mf2 as we look at trakt and services like that. Right now the three main people I know tracking all the info is you, me and cleverdevil
#[eddie]!tell cleverdevil: I’m assuming you’re storing the in-depth watch info in your storage? Or are you just storing a summary?
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "payment request api" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "payment request api is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#aaronpkPayment Request API is a W3C specification for collecting payment information (credit card, billing address, etc) by the browser, to help streamline the payment process on a web page.
gRegorLove_, tantek, cweiske, tantek_, j12t, jeremycherfas, deeden, [pfefferle], [jeremycherfas] and eli_oat joined the channel; deeden left the channel
#loqi.meedited /GDPR (+26) "Zegnat added "https://www.gdprwp.com/" to "See Also"" (view diff)
#LoqioEmbed is a 2009-era JSON-based format for providing information to construct a link-preview of a page https://indieweb.org/oEmbed
snarfed joined the channel
#[miklb]2009-era sounds a little snarky doesn’t it? It still feels like magic to general users. Hell, I still appreciate it in WordPress
#sknebelI used it manually to figure out the best embed for wordpress.tv videos. didn't quite understand what's supposed to be going on, but figured it out
#sknebel(when I shared the talk recording yesterday)
#sknebeland agreed [miklb], just like microformats2 is a 2010-era ... :P
#sknebelduh, could have just checked. your site does, so I assume that's a general thing
#sknebelif you are not aware of turning it on specifically
#[miklb]oh, you mean embedding another WordPress site, yeah, I think that’s built in. I’ve not explored Oembed much, just handy for things like tweets, Youtube videos and I noticed Meetup too.
#sknebelno, it provides an endpoint so I can embed your posts using oEmbed in my site
#LoqiA snarkinition is a portmanteau of (and meaning both) snarky and definition, often used to start wikifying a technology or piece of jargon which is not necessarily well regarded, sometimes as an implicit challenge to advocates to step-up and say why otherwise https://indieweb.org/snarkinition
#[miklb]we just differ on whether that has any place in a community wiki in the first place tantek
[pfefferle] joined the channel
#[miklb]a community that has an open and inclusive code of conduct I personally do not believe should have “snark” anywhere. IMO of course.
tantek_ joined the channel
#[jeremycherfas]What he said. I’m not even going to bother with s /well regarded/well regarded by the definer/
tantek_ joined the channel
#tantek[miklb] re: code of conduct - please do not conflate treatment of people vs. treatment of ideas/technologies/projects - that does a disservice to the important aspect - respecting and being kind to *people*, whether individuals, or as a group with particular attributes.
gRegorLove joined the channel
#[miklb]I’m sorry, I’m under the impression **people** are behind ideas/tech/projects
#tantekOTOH ideas/technologies/projects and even companies *should* be critiqued, criticisms documented, issues filed etc. (does not justify snark, to be clear, just clarifying that such things are not people)
#aaronpkI tend to agree, snarkinitions don't actually benefit anyone. they're most likely offending anyone behind the specific technology, which puts them off instead of encouraging them to contribute to the wiki, and they aren't helpful for new people reading them either, since they don't actually provide a definition and make it look like the wiki is summarily dismissing whatever it is without actual
#tantekaaronpk, though similarly, codes of conduct "put off" people who prefer to be mean or physically threaten people
#aaronpkyes but codes of conduct are also appealing to people who we do want to contribute
#tantekand frankly I'm both ok with that, and think it's *good* to discourage people who are mean to people (personal attacks), or make physical threats etc.
#tantekthe grey area is how to encourage (or discourage) people that harm productivity (typically as a side-effect of continuous academic / non-practical advocacy/debates)
#tantekyou have two choices, either you're overly permissive, allow such folks, and then productive folks leave, and a community shrinks (or moves)
#tantekor you actively discourage such participation
#aaronpkI suspect there are ways of discouraging that participation without also offending the positive members of the community
#tantekthus perhaps it's not the most effective method, but snarkinitions for such academic / non-practical efforts, if they to put them (theoreticians / architecture astronauts) off, that's actually a good thing for the health of the community
#[jeremycherfas]You can also set an example, modelling the kind of behaviour you expect in others.
#tantek[jeremycherfas]: that's necessary but insufficient
#tantekit's still leaves a community vulnerable to being polluted and overwhelmed by theoreticians / architecture astronauts
#aaronpkin this specific example, oEmbed does not fall into either of those categories (academic or non-practical), since it is actually widely implemented and still in use.
#tantek_aaronpk, right, so the update to /oEmbed is a good one, and appropriate way to fix it. a good counterreaction, not unlike reaction to a vaccine
#Loqiarchitecture astronomy is the practice of analyzing problems, seeing patterns, and then generalizing to higher and higher level abstractions on top of those patterns to the point where the abstractions become so general, so vague, so detached from the original problems being analyzed, that they don't mean anything at all https://indieweb.org/architecture_astronomy
snarfed, tantek, [eddie], tantek_, John____, [tantek], [jeremycherfas] and benwerd joined the channel
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#GWGsnarfed, using my flight delay to document some division thoughts
[eddie] joined the channel
#snarfedGWG: ok! honestly i don't think this is the best time to work on that though. i think we need to figure out the plugin/theme interop question first, since that will have a significant impact on code organization.
#snarfedthe order should be something: 1) nail down a protocol for how plugins and themes negotiate who renders mf2, 2) prototype btw a few plugins/themes, 3) implement (and reorg code if needed)
#Zegnatdgold: have a script go through all the previously received webmentions and send their exact contents (source & target) to your new endpoint again. Basically replaying.
#ZegnatYou will then lose the original date times of them coming in. And you will need to have deduplication set-up so you do not start showing comments multiple times, just in case.
#snarfed[miklb]: thanks! nah, that's fine. i'm deliberately taking a back seat, since fewer people is generally better for decision making, and wordpress mf2 interop isn't a priority for me personally right now...
#snarfed...but settling it is definitely important for wordpress micropub's future direction, so i'm definitely glad you all are planning it!
#GWGsnarfed, the only person it is affecting is me. But also potential new users who want it to just work. I want to solve it the right way for them
#GWGIf not for this issue, I would have done a bunch of things and I keep hitting it as a wall
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "invoice" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "invoice is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#aaronpkinvoice is a request for payment for specific goods or services
#Loqiok, I added "https://aaronparecki.com/2017/12/11/21/ - a plain text invoice post with a link to submit payment" to the "See Also" section of /invoice
#tantekok I checked all my own posts and can't find any instances where I would have wanted that so I think this is an accident and not by design
#tantekseem much more indieweb to hyperlink that to the domain and not the twitter handle (though Twitter will link the @-name so maybe that's why I did that? to match Twitter?)
#Loqi[cleverdevil]: [eddie] left you a message 20 hours, 24 minutes ago: I’m assuming you’re storing the in-depth watch info in your storage? Or are you just storing a summary?