tantekok I'm going to let that run on my site for a while to see if I notice anything broken anywhere before committing the update to cassis.js to GitHub later tonight
ZegnatNothing. It was just a thought. The spec writes about how a provider “must specify” (must?!) URL scheme and API endpoint pairs (https://oembed.com/#section2.1) yet it seemed like this specification isn’t discoverable.
ZegnatI was also thinking it may be possible to build a rudimentary mf2-to-oembed service. If your website could just set the API endpoint once you wouldn’t need to go and add links to every page pointing to the service.
snarfedyou can ask for them! but yeah, easier than even the new letter links is just putting their domain in the url, e.g. brid.gy/twitter/[DOMAIN], as mentioned in the issue
gRegorLove[xavierroy]: Good question, I'm not sure. It kind of depends how you would want the plain text to appear in your post, and how you might want consumers to show it.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "plain text design" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "plain text design is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiText-first design refers to the practice of designing information so that it is usable/actionable in its most basic plaintext form https://indieweb.org/text_first_design
[eddie]GWG xavierroy: I think those p-read-status match my use case so far. I would have to-read, reading and finished. If I re-read a book, I would go from finished, to reading, and to finished again.
[eddie]I won't really want to know how many times I've read a book WHILE I'm reading it, but I would want to be able to tally up how many times I have finished reading the book. So as long as I post a finished post every time I read the book, that works for my use case
gRegorLoveSounds good, eddie. Yeah, I'm not even to that point in my use-case, so I'd be speculating to add statuses at this point. Of course, anyone can experiment with publishing different ones.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "text design" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "text design is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiText-first design refers to the practice of designing information so that it is usable/actionable in its most basic plaintext form https://indieweb.org/text_first_design
[manton]gregorlove Heh, yeah... My own blog is not in a very good state in terms of IndieWeb stuff. I've been hesitating to invest in it since I don't think I'm going to keep it on WordPress.
tantek.comedited /payment (+417) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ subheadings for people, note new features on aaronpk's and tantek's /pay pages as of IWC Austin" (view diff)
Loqi_, KartikPrabhu, renem, KevinMarks, TheGillies and grantcodes joined the channel
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "donation" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "donation is ____", a sentence describing the term)
loqi.meedited /pledge (+98) "sknebel added "https://liberapay.com/ pledge-only (does not allow rewards), fee-free service for libre content" to "See Also"" (view diff)
snarfedaaronpk: i take it back, you're right. h-cite p-in-reply-to does work. khurtwilliams has bigger problems though. that post's markup is kind of all over the place.
tantek.comedited /payment (+718) "improve why, add why with amount (with specific use-cases), move Payment page with amount from Brainstorming to How, add a few more tips" (view diff)
snarfedkhurtwilliams: ok, i see your most recent test < 500 chars, and it looks like you have the redirects set up right. not sure why it's still not working.
gRegorLoveAnd honestly I tried and tried to convince that client to do a PWA first, but they resisted. They really wanted to be able to say "find our app in the App Store" heh