#tantekwonders if "get homepage", parse with mf2 parser, get first h-feed object or lacking any, all h-entrys is too hard for " query for list of posts "
#tantekor is there where all the pagination stuff is needed?
#aaronpkIt is too hard because you don't need an mf2 parser for the rest of Micropub
#tantekcities are a good place to organize and host both [[IndieWebCamps]] and [[Homebrew Website Club]] meetups; see the list of cities below which have all had one or the other both in the past few years.
#tantek.comedited /poke (-96) "Yo is not a poke, it is its own minimal nonsense thing, you can't actually *do* anything after the poke, which is the intent of a poke (to solicit an actual conversation)" (view diff)
[xavierroy], tantek, KartikPrabhu and [miklb] joined the channel
#[miklb]If I’m going to rebuild nginx from source to add the google pagespeed module, any other nginx modules I should look at? LEMP stack for WordPress
#ZegnatI would want to be able to migrate a site using Micropub, and that would include dt-publish values. But I might create a special scope that allows for it on the endpoint side.
#aaronpkAh yea for that it makes sense. An import client is not a typical client tho
#aaronpkI have a few clients that import data from elsewhere like Fitbit where the client sets the published date
#dgoldno, I'm doing it on the server; was just wondering if there were a normative option
#aaronpkYep check h-entry for those kinds of questions
#ZegnatDo those clients use your regular micropub endpoint aaronpk? How do you exempt them from the server setting the pubdate?
#ZegnatThe real issue is that I do not have my IndieAuth password on my phone. So I literally can't.
#ZegnatBut Sink allows anyone with a Micropub client and IndieAuth enabled URL to post, so if you want to test InkStone you can just point it at Sink and see if it works.
#ben_thatmustbememy implementations were done before it was formalized fully, so while i meet all the requirements of it, i sometimes do things in addition
#ZegnatThere is array_splice too. Which will let you define part or an array. It then modifies the existing array to lose those items, and it returns the removed items.
#ZegnatBut I need a better example of exactly what Python pop() is (or what you want to do) to give a better answer
#ZegnatSPL will give you heaps and fixed arrays and stuff in PHP, if you really need those. Otherwise I also appreciate https://github.com/equip/structure for Set and Dictionary objects in PHP.
#Loqi[equip] structure: Simple, immutable data structures
#dgoldso I need to 'save' the value of (e.g.) $...content['0'] , and unset $...content
#dgoldi wrote a thing a little while back that both rewrites my old YAML-frontmatter blogposts as JSON-frontmatter, plus it sets the mtime of the files to the date: field of the post
#ben_thatmustbememakes sense why that happened with quill, html content would have forced json encoding i believe
#LoqiYAMLFeed is an attempt to ensure there is always a format war; since JSONFeed claims to be more readable, writable and easier to parse, than RSS, we present YAMLFeed: even more easier to read and write https://indieweb.org/YAMLFeed
#ben_thatmustbemeZegnat, i really like the way that works, its a great idea, the problem of how to have login to remote sites to post has been something i had been thinking about all wrong, doing it this way makes sense
#ZegnatThe only thing this does that was a mental change for me is that the user does not supply their own token endpoint. Or at least, it doesn’t make sense for them to do so.
#ZegnatSo for me it feels like token endpoint goes hand-in-hand with micropub endpoint now, instead of going together with authorization endpoint.
#dgold:) _KarlMarxBot now has 9 followers! Internet glory shall be mine!
#ZegnatI see no reason why it would drop the contents of 1 property on my end, so probably on your end? Hard to be sure.
#ZegnatI should maybe also log the raw POST requests somewhere.
#ben_thatmustbemeZegnat, i know you created sink as a multi-user posting tool, but this is a great debugging tool as it is now
#ZegnatI am not really advertising it as a debugging tool since it doesn’t have a strict micropub spec implementation at this point. Just bare minimal happy flow.
#ZegnatBut I will probably keep it available, so feel free to use it. I might start removing some of the posts after some time to keep data usage low.
#dgoldbut it doesn't look like it has wide acceptance, looking at sink
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#Zegnatmp-type might be a thing that ben_thatmustbeme’s endpoint understands. That’s what mp-* is for.
#ZegnatBut I doubt all clients are going to send it.
#ZegnatHowever, you can simply follow Post Type Discovery to find the type of whatever was submitted. Because the POST body should already be parsed microformats.
#LoqiPost Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for determining the type of a post by what properties it has and potentially what value(s) they have, which helps avoid the need for explicit post types that are being abandoned by modern post creation UIs https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
#ZegnatPretty straight forward checking the properties of the request to establish type :)
#Zegnat(Also not sure how valid “looking at sink” is as an argument ;))
#[eddie]Yay!! I finished weather information for my posts! Unfortunately, I initially thought my code must be wrong because I had no idea it was only 14 degrees F!! Brrr! Looks like I’m staying inside today!
#[eddie]Now that Indigenous supports multiple micropub accounts, I’m trying to figure out how to set a “default”. I have two thoughts. The first is to use the last selected account within the app itself (https://slack-files.com/T03QR2B2T-F8K8BAUF3-a7d2405a50), the other option is to actually have a “Set as Default” button above the “Log Out” button, and then add an icon to the accounts listing to show that is the default account.
#aaronpkand always showing what account it will be posted from is a good idea too
#tanteksgreger: webmention.io receives webmentions on my behalf
#tantekso I have to query it to get them to display on my site
#[eddie]awesome, sounds good 🙂 I felt like the “last used” account was clever but was definitely worried the cleverness would end up providing unwelcome surprises when attempting to use the share sheet 🙂
#LoqiA resumé or curriculum vitae (CV) is a document that represents a person's background and skills, commonly used to secure employment https://indieweb.org/cv
#aaronpkmy formatter takes any plaintext post and does a few autolinking things to it, like linking hashtags, turning URLs into links, and linking @-names from my nicknames cache
#tantekone thing it doesn't do that you mentioned - it doesn't autolink hashtags because I haven't come up with a good automatic way to do so, and didn't want to hardlink those to Twitter hashtag results
#Loqi[kylewm] cassis-autolink-py: Python port of a subset of Tantek Çelik's CASSIS
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#gRegorLoveThe talk of posting interfaces and micropub in -meta got me thinking how difficult it is for me to move away from using a posting interface on my site, heh. Micropub is rad and I'd like to use it more, but old habits die hard.
#gRegorLoveaaronpk's recent auto-liking tweets is pretty cool though, maybe that will nudge me.
#aaronpkI don't think there's anything wrong with using built-in posting interfaces
#aaronpksupporting micropub in addition to that means you get a lot more flexibility in clients to use
#gRegorLoveOh, sure, doesn't feel "wrong" to me. The different approaches are interesting, and it seems like some people iterate faster with micropub.