#dev 2017-12-29

2017-12-29 UTC
Speaking of posting with micropub I just built an in app reply function into togther, that feels really good to write a reply directly in a reader
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed: How do we decide when Micropub 1.3 is ready?
GWG: manual testing...then whenever you want!
snarfed: I meant, feature wise
eh. whenever!
ag and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
the reply built into woodwind is very nice
ange_, KartikPrabhu and AngeloGladding joined the channel
edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+1) "update, wrap Baltimore so it doesn't breakinword"
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edited /next-hwc (+0) "next"
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edited /Planning () "(-3149) move SF and LA to 2018, trim their 2017 dates"
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edited /Planning (+0) "/* Organize */ 2018"
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tantek, eli_oat, Kaja, renem and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell aaronpk: I’m working with xray on some parsing… is xray’s return data considered JSONified mf2? or jf2? or something else
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jf2 mostly, tho it's kind of on the bleeding edge rather than following it
aaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 35 minutes ago: I’m working with xray on some parsing… is xray’s return data considered JSONified mf2? or jf2? or something else
Gotcha. I’m building some Swift classes into Indigenous to be able to interpret the data so I was trying to figure out what “library” to put it into. I’m trying to keep all my code in separate groups until I make some official libraries.
jjuran joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell schmarty While parsing https://martymcgui.re/2017/12/26/102358/ I realized that your dt-published date is ISO8601, but the dt-start is Jekyll’s offshoot date where you place the “T” with a space and add a space between the time and the timezone
Homebrew Website Club Baltimore
jjuran, sknebel, tantek and snarfed joined the channel
edited /glowing-bear (-15) "link dfn"
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thanks gRegorlove
Nothing like a productive middle of the night due insomnia
AngeloGladding and barpthewire joined the channel
lazymention: Support WebSub and Webmention on a static site. https://github.com/strugee/lazymention
lazymention - Support WebSub and Webmention on a static site http://dailyjspackages.com/pkg/lazymention #npm #javascript #nodejs
lazymention (1.0.0): https://npmjs.com/package/lazymention Support WebSub and Webmention on a static site
I just published lazymention 1.0 to npm. elegant outbound Webmentions for static sites are here. #indieweb… https://pump.strugee.net/alex/note/_eD4LL9eQQG-Tq7DoaIwpQ
[kevinmarks], eli_oat, snarfed, John___ and [eddie] joined the channel
Can it be assumed that generally any dt- properties should be ISO8601? Or should I check for some other date/time formats as well?
I have two separate answers to that. On the one hand I would assume any string that works for HTML time elements (see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/dev/text-level-semantics.html#datetime-value )
On the other hand, from a microformats parsers output, you have no idea which properties were dt- and which were not. `published` could have been `u-published` and actually contain a data:-uri.
So what context are we talking about? Are you consuming mf2? Are you creating HTML? Is this about the Micropub client submitting dates?
The list of valid VCP patterns is also interesting, but afaik a subset of ISO 8601
snarfed joined the channel
ohhh interesting. So eventually I plan to build an mf2 parsing library in swift, but until then I have a private xray instance set up that Indigenous uses to parse pages. So I guess it would be a question of what xray does with the different potential values
I am actually not sure what XRay does
For now, the jf2 spec says ISO8601 for the published/updated, but that may change.
I know XRay is doing jf2-like stuff, so if aaronpk followed that it should be ISO8601
I always output dates like 2017-12-29T07:57:00-0800
i'm not actually sure what XRay supports for consuming though, it might be flexible
On cursory glance it looks like XRay just gives whatever value the mf2 parser gives. And IIRC, the PHP mf2 parser does not datetime normalisation.
So on the consuming usecase, it is basically any string.
ah interesting, I should probably add some normalization to XRay for the "published" property
Ahh gotcha. I take text strings (like 8601) and convert them into native Swift Date objects. Are there other popular datetime strings that I might need check for? I definitely think I’ll add support for the Jekyll date default (8601 but converting the T to a space and adding a space before the timezone)
I would like to get datetime normalisation as part of the mf2 spec, the problem is writing up the rules, haven’t had time just yet.
[tantek] #12 should dt-* parsing do date and time parsing for all values?
Definitely yes to the space variant, [eddie], as that is valid for the HTML datetime property.
As long as you can handle all the strings valid for the HTML datetime property I feel like you are safe to parse most modern sites.
What is datetime?
datetime refers to an expression of the date (year, month, day), time (hours, minutes, optionally seconds), and optionally timezone https://indieweb.org/datetime
datetime << [https://html.spec.whatwg.org/dev/text-level-semantics.html#datetime-value Valid <code>datetime</code> values in HTML]
ok, I added "[https://html.spec.whatwg.org/dev/text-level-semantics.html#datetime-value Valid <code>datetime</code> values in HTML]" to the "See Also" section of /datetime
edited /datetime (+121) "Zegnat added "[https://html.spec.whatwg.org/dev/text-level-semantics.html#datetime-value Valid <code>datetime</code> values in HTML]" to "See Also""
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Handling the various partial formats is an issue in some languages
Ahh that makes sense. I’ll take a look at those valid strings. Thanks!
I think tantek said somewhere that dt-* should always be a datetime? Thus never “partial”? You remember that, sknebel?
That breaks a lot of bdays though.
that sounds like the opposite of what tantek would say
Yeah. And VCP specifies otherwise
aaronpk: using xray as a library, my scripts are throwing an error with line 14 of helpers.php
that's odd, that must be a really malformed URL it's encountered
can you figure out what the value of $url is there?
it appears to be throwing the error on https:// $url
just tested on a http:// url and no issues
the URL is literally just "https://"?
[Daniel Goldsmith] Spent time this afternoon working on my nanopub script. I’ve started using composer for the first time. People far more skilled than I have created these packages, it seems churlish not to avail of them.
can you `echo $url` there to see the value it's actually trying to parse?
[tantek] There is no "just a time" feature in mf2. dt-* properties are for datetimes (hence the "dt"). The TZ is optional however as there are use-cases of "floating" datetimes (local to whatever timezone).
That to me suggested he meant datetime to always be a date and a time.
To me it reads that he’s not a fan of time only
I think date only is still potential based on that statement
May very well be I am both misreading the statement and misremembering the context. It was something I just vaguely recalled just now.
I had to step away from the issue a bit to work on something actually practical instead.
aaronpk: a*ha*, I think it's breaking (fvv breaking - the data is still returned) on a mailto: address in a h-card
I should make it not break for that :)
Yes! XRay parsing enables different actions based on the parsed item
The “Poke” for the h-card is a joke, lol but I wanted something to put there
is that using xray.p3k.io or some sort of local version?
a local copy just for indigenous
oh right I forgot you already have a bit of a server backend for it
snarfed joined the channel
If you want a joke action on an h-card, make it a dating option. https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2017-12-24/1514108336796700
[[kevinmarks]] Is swiping right a homepage mention with a rel="crush"?
Zegnat: haha, true!
aaronpk: yep 🙂 definitely long-term I’m looking forward to Swift mf2 parsing, but I figured that will take awhile, why hold back the app’s capabilities waiting for time to do that. Plus, I figure if you are on a website in your browser, you probably have an internet connection to use the indigenous copy of xray anyway
[xavierroy] joined the channel
The cool thing is I have an Mf2Types enum and a Jf2Post class so this stuff is getting pretty easy! Here’s a gist of the function that controls what options appear: https://gist.github.com/EdwardHinkle/18aec9a1914556bdb621facbf11ec89c
Also, Codable in Swift 4/iOS 11 was the BEST thing to ever come out of Swift. If I have a Struct or Class that have a protocol of Codable (which is pretty much all of my structs/classes related to micropub/mf2/jf2 stuff)
When you get a JSON response All it takes is JSONDecoder.decode(ClassName.self, from: returnedData) and you get a fully formed class or struct with all the correct URL/String/Date types, etc.
Completely changes the way you work with APIs in iOS
i'm sure its been done many times but
tantek++ for cassis & aito_link
tantek has 20 karma in this channel (411 overall)
that's just _so_ good
it does work very well
Looking at that listen option, [eddie], I really want to start doing “watch” posts.
snarfed, gRegorLove, Muchospanish and [eddie] joined the channel
Yeah? You're in luck. I have a micropub watch client in the plans. Right now I use an iOS app to track which shows I want to watch, and then I use a custom CLI script on my server to create my watch post files, however I am wanting to set up a web app that allows me to login, and do all of those functions including sending a micropub post to my site.
leg joined the channel
More because I saw your code. And because my XRay instance parses YouTube links. It could easily enable watch posts from YouTube 😅
snarfed joined the channel
oh! Yeah, YouTube!
I am not yet sure how I would do TV watch posts
Right now that is super complicated for me when it comes to YouTube, that would be a nice feature
Instead of having listen hard-coded to my URL, I might add "listen, watch and read" post options and put them behind a "experimental micropub" settings flag
Then anyone that wanted to could activate that, which would add those options to h-entry URLs, which would then send a listen-of, watch-of or read-of with the URL that the user is on
That would enable you to be able to then use your xray to parse the watch-of property
On a side note as far as how to handle TV watch posts, The forthcoming TV micropub web app will send the TV/movie data as embedded JSON like OwnYourCheckin does (with an optional urlencoded summary property fallback) since there is no authoritative URLs for TV/movies
I am currently using https://github.com/ltGuillaume/DroidShows to log what I am watching. Thankfully the database can be exported :)
[ltGuillaume] DroidShows: A Reboot of DroidSeries Offline TV Shows Tracker
That sounds great ! I keep considering how/if to post my tv episode watches. I use Trakt.tv right now
Zegnat: That's great to have an exportable database.
aaronpk: I used Trakt.tv for a year or two before moving to my own tracking of it. I've manually imported about 6 months of my Trakt.tv data because it's not 100% authoritative so I have to determine which were real watches
I also find tv episode watches are a useful use of the visibility property. I don't post all my shows publically, certain ones are public others are private just based on personal preference
In fact, I plan to have my micropub app allow for default settings on a per show basis, that way when I first watch a show I can add the category, visibility and person tags and they will default when I watch it
Because what often happens is I watch certain shows with my wife (based on her interest) other shows on my own, etc.
Right now I have SSH clips in the Prompt app that pre-fills all those settings for the CLI to make my watch posts quick to make, but having all of that in a web app would be SO much more convenient
tantek joined the channel
Per show settings is a neat idea
My problem with Trakt.tv is it's still relatively manual so I often forget to tap "watched" until the next time I'm watching the show so my watch dates are definitely inaccurate
ahhh yeah, that's tricky. That happened when I did it through Trakt.tv, however since I've been doing it on my own site, it's given me enough purpose to do it every time
So the accuracy of my tracking since I've been doing it on my website instead of Trakt.tv (even still being manual) has greatly improved
DroidShows also requires me to tap watched, but with a long press it will let me set a specific watch date, which is nice.
Oh that's nice, so that's for backdating a show?
The one thing I dislike is that I am watching several shows where I missed episode 1. For all those shows it tells me my next episode to watch is episode 1 :(
Means it is also bad at guessing what episode I want to mark as watched next, so it doesn’t auto show it.
For shows I have seen all episodes from 1, it will instantly present me the next unwatched one and let me tap “watched”.
Ohhh yeah, there should be a "mark as next episode" button that doesn't track the episodes before it as "watched" but allows it to set what the next episode to watch is
I have that problem with my iOS app I use as well
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net (+850) "/* feature requests */ Update Events from individual event pages"
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Apparently it is being worked on by the dev. He recommended me to just backdate previous episodes to an impossible date.
snarfed joined the channel
Oh, I forgot to add that to "in progress"
hmm - if you "watched" shows/videos from inside your /reader that is already on your own site, then that same code could auto-post when you start/finish watching any particular video or show.
otherwise I think I'd want the video equivalent of Shazam, that could auto-recognize what show I was watching and fill in all the details for a post
I consume a lot of video content from YouTube and Twitch, when I have a good internet connection, so that would work for me. But I don’t think a lot of people will be getting TV shows in their readers any time soon.
Yeah, TV Shows are gonna be locked away for a long-time, which is unfortunate. I'd be happy if Apple allowed apps to integrate with the TV app (it tracks what you watch), so I'd be in heaven if I could have a micropub app that connected to the TV app's database and create posts
I wonder if there is a private API that I can access if I just manually install the app 🤔
At least when I watch on Plex it auto scrobbles to Trakt
I tried setting up Plex on our NAS at home, but it never really worked well for me
All of my shows are locked in proprietary apps 😞
last I checked iTunes had a AppleScript "API" that you could use to watch what it was doing (including watching videos)
leg joined the channel
I think most watch statistics are locked in, right? Does Spotify allow you to export the data? I think you are limited to scrobbling your listens live because no exports possible.
YouTube used to let you access what you had watched, but that was scrapped from the API as well :(
Oh yeah I think there's also a trick where you can ask the Apple TV what it's playing regardless of what app it's coming from
is using global variables in php a really really bad thing, or just an inelegant thing?
I don’t know why it would be any worse than in other programming languages. I am not a fan. For anonymous functions you can use `use` to pass along variables from the outer scope, if you need a variable to be mutated you can pass them by reference. Not sure I have had any use cases for global variables lately.
Mostly inelegant, but bad if you're writing a module that will be used by other things. I think most of the dangerous parts of it have been removed from the language in 7
Things like query string paeans setting global variables, or parse_str setting global variables
dgold, depends if you're a beginner programmer (sure, why not?), intermediate programmer (never use globals anywhere for any reason!), or advanced programmer (avoid globals, but if using them results in simpler more maintainable code, go for it).
hmmm; my particular use case is bringing in twitter-api-keys to a function
the keys are used elsewhere in the script for other tasks, but I also need them for a specific function
it really depends on how your code is structured. sometimes passing things around everywhere causes a lot more complexity than it is worth.
I usually make a static config class for stuff like that
a little nicer than global vars but still easy to use
I am super stringent these days where, if a function requires some data it can’t go and fetch by itself, it should be passed in as a parameter.
aaronpk: care to point a newbie at an explanation of a static config class?
Not an explanation, but an example.
Allows the code, anywhere, to just do Config::$base and get whatever was set as the base URL.
I am trying to learn more about dependency injection and container stuff for passing around configs and other objects. I feel like I haven’t really grasped that yet.
Hellow GWG :)
How goes?
I had a productive Indieweb morning
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
dgold: I use https://github.com/vlucas/phpdotenv for things like twitter api keys. Easy to get going if you use composer
[vlucas] phpdotenv: Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automagically.
Do you lose it for configuration on your live environment too, gRegorLove, or do you use actual environment variables there?
I use it in production, just getenv('VARNAME')
https://github.com/vlucas/phpdotenv#usage-notes - “phpdotenv is made for development environments, and generally should not be used in production” - is why I asked ;)
[vlucas] phpdotenv: Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automagically.
Interesting. Hadn't noticed that.
[stephen634] joined the channel
Is there a script or framework I can set up as a simple authorization_endpoint/token_endpoint for local development of a micropub endpoint? Trying to figure out the best way to post from a local install of micropub.rocks or an app like micro.blog to my local dev site while I work on the endpoint plugin for my site
[eddie] joined the channel
stephen634 You might want to take a look at https://github.com/Inklings-io/selfauth
[Inklings-io] selfauth: self-hosted auth_endpoint using simple login mechanism
oh sorry that doesn’t contain a Token Endpoint
That is authorization only
Thanks I’ll take a look. I’ll see if I can just assume the token is valid for now
You can try https://wiki.zegnat.net/media/token-provider.php to give a Micropub client an endpoint URL and a token, without requiring you to set-up IndieAuth at all.
Doesn’t work with all clients though, I think. Mileage May Vary.
If you want to selfhost a token endpoint, you can also use https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth-Token-Endpoint . You should be able to combine that with https://github.com/Inklings-io/selfauth even
[aaronpk] IndieAuth-Token-Endpoint
tantek joined the channel
For your token provider, how does the magic url work? Does it eliminate `<link rel=“authorization_endpoint” href=“”> ? Or do I use the url it creates for that?
The magic URL is what you give to the Micropub client you are using as your login URL.
oh, okay, I’ll give that a shot
On the page that results from the magic URL there is actually an authorization endpoint, token endpoint, and micropub endpoint, and it simulates an entire login flow.
So the Micropub client will end up with the micropub endpoint URL and a token that you defined ;)
But not all clients will appreciate the IndieAuth mangling I am doing there. Which is where the “mileage may vary” comes in.
It should get Micropub clients posting to your endpoint though, so you can do testing on your endpoint.
Thanks! That was exactly what I needed. Works w/ my local install of micropub.rocks
Good! Happy it worked :D
Much nicer path than I was attempting to go down 😉
tantek joined the channel
edited /YouTube (+478) "/* Issues */ Poor Safari Support"
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KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel
edited /YouTube (+165) "/* Poor Safari Support */ screenshot"
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barpthewire and jjuran joined the channel
jekyll-webmention_io - A Jekyll Plugin for rendering Webmentions via Webmention.io https://github.com/aarongustafson/jekyll-webmention_io
snarfed joined the channel
forgot to post about XFN anniversary this year. from last year: tantek.com/2016/350/t1/happy-13-xfn-growing-indieauth-identity
interesting, does Loqi need the explicit http:// ?
weird, and only partially
looking into it. thanks sknebel
but https://gmpg.org/xfn/11 still works AFAIK
as does the gmpg home page
What is XFN?
XFN (XHTML Friends Network) is the network of visible links across blogs that claim various XFN relationships with/to each other https://indieweb.org/XFN
ok, I added "https://gmpg.org/xfn/11" to the "See Also" section of /XFN
edited /XFN (+26) "Zegnat added "https://gmpg.org/xfn/11" to "See Also""
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[eddie] joined the channel
So I’m building a syndication site (that will host things posted by me and my wife). I would post something on my site, and then syndicate-to my secondary site. As far as authentication goes, should I just forward the bearer token to my syndication site and have that syndication site check for the token endpoint from eddiehinkle.com? Does that seem dangerous? both sites are https
j12t_ joined the channel
Feels a little weird to have the same token active on multiple endpoints. Though as you run both sites it might be less of an issue.
Normally you would want to keep those separate, as any client that now has a token for eddiehinkle.com suddenly also has the right to post to syndicationsite.example
The other option that came to mind would be a static server to server token (eddiehinkle.com to syndicationsite.example)
Although based on the library I’m using for micropub it wants a token endpoint to check
On syndicationsite.example you would overwrite the token endpoint check to check internally, I would say.
That’s where Sink came out of.
created /ACM_Hypertext_Conference (+368) "prompted by tantek and dfn added by tantek"
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Hmm true. I wrote that discussion of because this is a syndication, so I wouldn’t need to add syndicationsite.example to my micropub endpoints
But I guess the identity could still work the same way
What is Sink?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Sink" yet. Would you like to create it?_ (Or just say "Sink is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Sink is an experimental site by {{martijnvdven}} that allows anyone with an [[IndieAuth]] enabled URL to post to it using any [[Micropub]] client. https://sink.zegnat.net/
created /Sink (+199) "prompted by Zegnat and dfn added by Zegnat"
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edited /ACM_Hypertext_Conference (+27) "tantek added "2010: http://ht2010.org/" to "See Also""
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edited /ACM_Hypertext_Conference (+65) "tantek added "2011: www.ht2011.org (appears to be squatted as of 2017-12-29)" to "See Also""
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edited /ACM_Hypertext_Conference (+47) "tantek added "2012: www.ht2012.org (dead as of 2017-12-29)" to "See Also""
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edited /ACM_Hypertext_Conference (+77) "tantek added "https://ht.acm.org/ (appears to be abandoned since 2013, as of 2017-12-29)" to "See Also""
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The interesting part, [eddie], is that eddiehinkle.com’s micropub endpoint could also be a micropub client. Then you can syndicate to *any* website that has a micropub endpoint.
edited /ACM_Hypertext_Conference (+35) "tantek added "2013: https://ht.acm.org/ht2013/" to "See Also""
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So if syndicationsite.example has a Micropub endpoint (and its own token endpoint), and you authenticate to it as eddiehinkle.com to get a token (much like how Sink works), you could have eddiehinkle.com post to it as if that was your Micropub client.
hopes this makes sense, he is half asleep.
Would love to discuss this more, but I need some sleep. Hope to have sparked some ideas!
edited /database-antipattern (+274) "tantek added "[[ACM Hypertext Conference]] site [http://www.sigweb.org/ht08 for 2008] as of 2017-12-29: <blockquote>Database Error: Unable to connect to the Database: Could not connect to MySQL.Database Error: Unable to connect to the Database: Could n..."
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Yeah that’s interesting. Have a good night’s rest and it has definitely sent me down the path to thinking
edited /ACM_Hypertext_Conference (+561) "document a few other years to see if there is any pattern of what broke or not, maybe a paper on their own site reliability itself is worthy of a submission to this conference"
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created /person_mentions (+27) "prompted by tantek and redirect added by tantek"
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created /homepage_mentions (+27) "prompted by tantek and redirect added by tantek"
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deathrow1 joined the channel