LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "netnewswire" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "netnewswire is ____", a sentence describing the term)
vanderven.se martijnedited /accessibility (+1008) "/* See Also */ Links to Eric Meyer working on the accessibility of his blog design, contains advice that goes for many on the IndieWeb." (view diff)
dgold, John___ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
tantek!tell snarfed reminder, when was the first indieweb reply federated to a mastodon post (and has anyone done the opposite? federated a mastodon reply to an indieweb post?), and do we have a count of the # of replies bridged to mastodon permalinks? (over time)
Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 6 hours, 12 minutes ago: reminder, when was the first indieweb reply federated to a mastodon post (and has anyone done the opposite? federated a mastodon reply to an indieweb post?), and do we have a count of the # of replies bridged to mastodon permalinks? (over time)
Loqi[snarfed] thanks for looking, @nightpool! i added `id`s and updated `inReplyTo` and `attributedTo` and now get a 204 instead of 500. great!
the reply itself still doesn't show up on the original post, https://mastodon.social/@dgold/98862730409351002 , but t...
snarfedright...but i'm not actually implementing the authorship alg. i'm taking a given mf2 object, which may include an author property, and translating it.
aaronpkto find mine, recognize that it's a URL, then you can look elsewhere on the page for a top-level h-card with the same URL and get the info from there
snarfedright. i may extend this to do full authorship...but right now, it's handled as an isolated translation from mf2 object to AS2, entirely in memory
sknebelsubscribe to your own site and check you get notifications? of course that's more external monitoring, not something that respond in-band to an issue
[keithjgrant]yeah, I just spammed the heck out of Superfeedr... eventually its dashboard showed the pings (it doesn't update immediately). But still not seeing latest post in Feedly
aaronpkso if you add a post to that page, then send a publish request with "https://keithjgrant.com/posts/" as the URL, you *should* see the notification
LoqiThe representative h-card for a page is an h-card on that page that represents that page, if any, as not all pages are about a person or organization, a page might not have a representative h-card https://indieweb.org/representative_h-card
[eddie]Basically the posting screen is the same no matter what you are posting. If the reply attribute is set on the micropub object, the reply field appears (the goal is it will also turn into a link preview if my xray instance can parse it).
ZegnatBTW, [eddie], may I point you at http://www.otsukare.info/2017/11/02/fatwigoo ? When I go to your homepage with my current CSS/JS blocking my entire screen is filled with 2/3 of your menu icon. 😇
Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message 2 hours, 18 minutes ago: somehow your events are missing the p-name class when they are on your home page, but include the class on the permalink
sknebel[mail]: the benefit of having less fixed structure is that you can mix types. E.g. a reply with an image is just a post that has a "reply-to" property and an "image" property, which in a naive split into specific post types with a (Database)schema for each type can be harder
[eddie]mail I store all my posts as “posts”, eating, drinking, watching, listening, articles, notes, likes, etc. that said, i store my posts as flat files so it doesn’t clog up a database table