Loqi[gRegor Morrill] I signed up for a https://micro.blog account and added my Atom feed. All went smoothly and I appreciated that it accepted the Atom feed even though the form requested “RSS feed.”
The only bug I’ve noticed so far is that images with a relative...
schmartyi was. i set it up on a whim to test things against back when aaronpk and snarfed were doing initial research into federating with it, but ended up using it quite a bit.
schmartyit's all good! in the long run i would rather use something like bridgy fed to interact w/ the fediverse, and follow the folks there using an indie reader.
sknebel[kevinmarks] regarding the packaging proposal, since they want to prove that the document is from the source domain, without the browser contacting it, a signature is what they need IMHO. Also adding non-repudiation to HTTPS along the way if I see this correctly (interesting for archives)
eli_oat, dougbeal|mb1, snarfed, loicm and [eddie] joined the channel
[eddie]micropub JSON syntax. When sending a micropub request in JSON, do you prefix properties with mp-* or do you embed the mp properties within an mp object? I couldn’t find any clarity on mp properties in JSON syntax in the spec
ZegnatProperties get the mp- prefix if they contain data for the Micropub server to handle, and not to store/be-part-of the microformats object. You can make it 100 mp- properties, or just 1 mp- property specific to your server and have a config object inside there.
ZegnatThough for properties that several server implementations share, they probably expect them as separate properties on the main object. Makes interoperability easier.
[eddie]so just type and properties keys on the root level object. Everything else goes into the properties object, any micropub server communication gets the mp- prefix
[eddie]I’m pretty excited. I build a native MicropubPost object in Swift, and I’m building in a method where you provide either ‘urlencoded’ or ‘json’ as an output value and the MicropubPost object will convert itself into the body content needed to be sent
ZegnatNote that not all micropub bodies have valid urlencoded variants, [eddie]. If you have properties with objects in them (e.g. in case of `content: { html:"" }`) you *must* use JSON
sknebelhm, that there is no mp- example with JSON in the spec seems like an oversight. aaronpk, can you still make such purely informative changes, or is that completely process-frozen now?
sknebelat least according to apples dev-documentation they'll use wrongly sized favicons if available, and if you don't link any just try the filenames on root
tantekgRegorLove: interesting. I wonder what the reasoning is. perhaps just omission? those pages all could start with an h-feed of posts, and use JS to auto-update
gRegorLoveZegnat, ultimately self-hosting a reader was my goal too. I love woodwind.xyz but it's been having issues, understandably, as kylewm isn't available as much to maintain it.
tantekI'd still like to figure out an incremental development path from including integrated reply-contexts in posts on your site to ... an integrated reader on your site
tantekmy sense is that there are useful steps along the way, each of which is both not too hard to implement, and provides actual user benefit when built.
tantekI'm not saying there shouldn't be separate / standalone reader UIs like Woodwind and Monocle, rather that that represents existing (pre-social-media) models / apps, and that a compelling UX (as compared to social media) for gens 2-4 will require integrated /reader UX.
tantekZegnat: I think I understand the need for per item readstate (some "feeds" I definitely want to make sure I see / read every item?) - could you add what your thoughts are on that to https://indieweb.org/reader#Challenges ?
sknebelyes. most microblogging doesn't make sense to follow per-item. with per-item tracking + bulk-commands in the API the reader can relatively easily offer both
ZegnatI already have some podcast feeds in my reader set to show chronologically rather than rev-chronologically. It is definitely very content dependent
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "microblog" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "microblog is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "microblogging" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "microblogging is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tantek[kevinmarks] I think that's unnecessarily conflating *possible* plumbing (attention.xml) with the UX requirements (what me, Zegnat, sknebel are talking about)
vanderven.se martijnedited /Microsub-spec (+2132) "/* Feedback */ My view on the two types of feeds, why one needs per-item tracking, how it does not compare to emails but to real life magazines, and an anti-pattern I have seen abused." (view diff)
ZegnatI hope the concept I am trying to convey is clear. Concepts are sometimes hard to express in non-native languages, no matter how fluent you think you are.
Loqi[Aaron Parecki] I'm doing basically this already thanks to @superfeedr doing all the crawling! It translates any mention of my site into a Webmention which I handle like every other Webmention, which sends me a push notification to my phone! https://aaronparecki.com...
tanteke.g.a reader like Woodwind or Monocole *should* be able to use registerContentHandler to register to handle the application/atom+xml and application/rss+xml MIME types, thereby turning every *existing* link to an Atom or RSS feed into a double-opt-in Follow button!
tantekI mean imagine if we suddenly upgraded all those RSS/Atom links to actually work like confirm-to "Follow" buttons without the sites having to do anything themselves?
tantekcaveat: currently *only* supported in Firefox (and at risk of removal!), HOWEVER, given implemented use-case like that, we could flip that and make it an actual standard that other browsers supported
[cleverdevil]RDS is Amazon Relational Database Service, a managed relational database service that is part of Amazon Web Services (AWS). RDS provides MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and other RDBMS's as a managed cloud service, including automated backups, provisioning, scaling, and more.
leotsemI'm getting a "Could not find your authorization endpoint!" but AFAIC I've setup the appropriate meta-tags etc. I feel like I'm missing something but I'm not sure what :/