[eddie]!tell aaronpk what do you think the best default is for Micropub. Urlencoded unless the post requires JSON (like embedded) or JSON unless they change settings to urlencoded. I don’t know how Micropub servers compare in their urlencoded vs JSON support
Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 3 minutes ago: what do you think the best default is for Micropub. Urlencoded unless the post requires JSON (like embedded) or JSON unless they change settings to urlencoded. I don’t know how Micropub servers compare in their urlencoded vs JSON support
aaronpkI guess what I've been doing is form encoded for the simple ones, likes, reposts, plaintext notes, and JSON default for things that require it, and letting the user switch back to form encoded fallback if they want
aaronpkIn the cases where the user chooses the form encoded fallback, there is definitely data lost, like checkins end up sending a plaintext representation without all the venue info
[eddie]That seems like a pretty good default. urlencoded for everything that you can, JSON only when it requires it. For now that means Indigenous can probably run almost completely off of urlencoded.
[miklb]if I purge the cache permissions stay good. But I was able to recreate the issue by simply reloading nginx. I’m OK with knowing that at this point, will just write shortcut to reload and reset perms I think.
[miklb]but overall I’m pleased with performance. Even with a badly optimized image and all of the Twitter oembed stuff, I’m getting < 3 sec full load, < .5 time to first bye So I should quit for now while I’m ahead
[keithjgrant]I think I’ve set everything up correctly for fed.brid.gy, but I can’t follow @keithjgrant.com@keithjgrant.com. I click the "+" button to follow, but I see no posts. When I come back to the profile later, I see an hourglass where the "+" was
snarfedheh. definitely shows the power of self dogfood and scratching your own itch. my only personal use case for bridgy fed is liking/replying, so that's working pretty well, but i don't use it at all otherwise (e.g. following, reading, posting), so those clearly aren't there yet
[keithjgrant]Yeah. I’m still not entirely sure what my ideal workflow would be. I think I’d want to follow mastodon accounts via RSS, and see the posts in a standalone reader
[keithjgrant]I have no idea how we could indicate the follow to them. Somehow let them know "@keithjgrant.com@keithjgrant.com" is following them back, for instance
snarfedit's activitypub, so fed.brid.gy could definitely translate an mf2 "follow" post on your site to an activitypub follow that mastodon could consume
sknebelnot a "follow post" from your site, but activitypub has a special subscribe message does it not? I guess bridgy fed would generate one of those and submit it to the right mastodon instance?
sknebel(is the post discovery part in one of the new standards, or is that how GNU social did it or ...? (as in, will other software implementing activitypub be forced to also accept a simple atom feed for interop, or could there be issues with them requiring different feeds?)
sknebelyes. just wanted to clarify what "would mastodon recognize a follow post" means (=mastodon seeing the post via feed vs bridgy sending something speical thats not on your site but is based on the post)
snarfedah got it. yeah theoretically mastodon (and hubzilla etc) can see and ingest posts from your site via atom. but afaik that's just posts. interactions like follow, they need activitypub or ostatus, respectively
sknebeleli_oat: btw, did you see my comment about your h-cards? (apparently I didn't leave a !tell) - the url property on your h-cards points to the article it is on, not your homepage
eli_oatthe reason I link back to the specific post in my h-card is that I wanted to make sure replies/reposts of my stuff on other sites would link back to the correct source
tantek.comedited /consultant (+405) "more useful dfn, encouragement to add people, kevinmarks and j12t who I thought I saw listed already but perhaps that was a different page?" (view diff)
Loqij12t: tantek left you a message on 2017-11-17 at 6:30pm UTC: also consider joining the WordPress Outreach Club which helps folks onboard with WordPress and such: https://indieweb.org/WordPress_Outreach_Club
Zegnateli_oat people who display your stuff on their pages should be linking to the specific u-url of the h-entry. If they do not, ask them to do that.
@tAnother thing I need to implement for my site:
* Delegation — a way to entrust someone(s) via OAuth preferably IndieAuth (without sharing passwords) to post things on my site on my behalf while I’m on vacation, e.g. indie events for #IndieWeb ... http://tantek.com/t4sW2 (twitter.com/_/status/954472515413295104)
@nhoizey@mariejulien J’allais te répondre, mais @Enwin a tout dit ! 😉
Ah si, je suis un dingue de webperf depuis des années, et je n’ai pas de lazy loading sur mes images.
J’y viendrai peut-être juste pour les Webmentions. (twitter.com/_/status/954477588038193154)
[cleverdevil]It'd be nice if the "items" returned as part of a request to "timeline" in a microsub server included some level of detail about the source associated with that item, such as the name, and the url of the site.
aaronpkI do think we need some indication of which "source" a post came from if only to provide a UI to unsubscribe from the source a particular post came from
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "reederapp" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "reederapp is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[cleverdevil]Basically, in Together, which (currently) provides more of a timeline or "river of news" experience, there is only a Channel name and an Item in view.
aaronpkThe idea of always showing the list of sources per channel is interesting too. I'm not sure it makes sense for everything but for the traditional blog feed following it makes sense