2018-01-21 UTC
# 00:15 j12t Is there a description somewhere what exactly one has to do to indiewebify a typical Wordpress theme?
[miklb] joined the channel
# 00:18 [miklb] I guess it depends on what defines “indiewebify” as
# 00:21 j12t miklb: "best practices". I guess I could take one of the recommended themes and "diff" it with the original, but I figure that might be messy.
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# 00:26 [eddie] j12t: I think the main thing in that regard would probably be adding microformats2 markup to the theme. It allows your site to be parsed by others
# 00:26 Loqi eddie has 10 karma in this channel (28 overall)
# 00:30 [eddie] Still early stages but it allows me to at least stay up to speed on things. And hoping for more improvements to it as I go forward.
# 00:30 [eddie] I’ve been using it for a couple weeks and it works decently. Although the recently added image support has some layout bugs I’m hoping to get fixed shortly
[tantek] and tantek joined the channel
# 00:43 Guest61315 j12t re: indiewebify a wp theme (or anything), see /IndieMark and pick what level of IndieWebification you want :)
# 00:44 j12t I was hoping somebody had written a post "how I indiewebified the XYZ theme" or such ... :-)
# 00:48 Loqi [dshanske] twentysixteen-indieweb: Indieweb Fork of WordPress Twenty Sixteen Theme
# 00:51 tantek_ j12t that's totally worth an analysis and write-up
# 00:51 tantek_ "how to indiewebify a WP theme" would be a great page or section to add
# 00:52 tantek_ "how to indiewebify a WP theme" would be a great page or section to add
# 00:55 GWG Just woke up, needed a lie down post IWC
# 01:00 Loqi [David Shanske] Converting WordPress Themes for Microformats 2 – Part 1
leg joined the channel
# 01:06 j12t GWG: Is there a part 2? Because I can't find it.
eli_oat, snarfed, renem, tbbrown, [miklb], [jgarber] and jjuran joined the channel
# 05:22 GWG And I've gotten a token endpoint working
[tantek] joined the channel
# 05:32 Loqi gwg has 20 karma in this channel (304 overall)
[eddie] joined the channel
# 06:00 GWG Okay. That's working. Going to bed
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# 06:16 Loqi [Chris Aldrich] For those interested in more and who know a bit of code, David's also got a "master class" on adding microformats to modern themes in his commit trail for updating/upgrading the TwentySixteen theme to be more IndieWeb friendly: https://github.com/dsh...
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# 11:35 sknebel (so really, posse scenario, since the site itself isn't a silo)
# 11:38 Zegnat Well, the question is of course, how would the site (that isn’t a silo, as you say) mark up the post to make it a video post ;)
# 11:42 Zegnat documents the use-case and the twitter card format
# 11:52 sknebel interestingly, the "podcast" link in the post is a link to a video file - so in this case they could mark it up as video
John_Ivan, [eddie], [jonathanprozzi], [kingkool68] and jjuran joined the channel
# 14:57 GWG aaronpk: I have some questions for you.
raretrack joined the channel
# 14:59 jjuran Are there microformats for posting an annotated disassembly of a program?
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# 15:29 GWG snarfed: aaronpk is helping me check the code on my token endpoint.
# 15:29 snarfed GWG: this is a token endpoint you want to put in the micropub plugin?
# 15:30 GWG I tested it with the Micropub plugin last night. It worked
# 15:30 GWG I just want it bulletproof as it is controlling access to people's site
# 15:41 sknebel jjuran: not that I know of (I actually can't think of any structured format for that? is there one I'm missing, and if yes what is it used for?)
[eddie] joined the channel
# 15:44 jjuran sknebel: I was responding to schmarty’s hypothetical IWC Sunday project example of an assembly language program that generates microformats. :-)
leg and tantek joined the channel
# 17:23 gRegorLove tantek_: hehe, well to be fair it was upgrading utf8 to utf8mb4, which is fully backward compatible. didn't have to deal with double-encoded or mis-encoded data. 4-byte emojis were being dropped before, that's all :)
# 17:23 gRegorLove I also did the minimal amount to get it working; didn't upgrade the entire db just the one table
# 17:23 Loqi incremental has 3 karma in this channel (8 overall)
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# 17:34 tantek_ schmarty, jjuran re: service that sends Webmentions for your / a page / post, consider how will you support sending update/delete webmentions
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# 17:54 Loqi A passive post is a post that is created without the person taking an explicit action to create the post, such as listening to music that happens to be playing or watching a show that starts playing by itself, like YouTube's autoplay https://indieweb.org/passive
# 17:56 tantek.com edited /Ghost (+283) "move criticisms from see also to actual Criticism section, note mf2 concrete use-case is rich webmentions" (
view diff )
eli_oat, [miklb], deathrow1, [mattgriffin], [kevinmarks] and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 19:54 jjuran Does ‘&’ have to be escaped within an HTML attribute?
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# 22:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 22:40 Loqi [gRegor Morrill] Hello from IndieWebCamp Baltimore!
[colinwalker], [miklb], jjuran, chrisaldrich and [eddie] joined the channel
# 23:27 [eddie] Well, I just deployed my new token endpoint too. :crossed_fingers: Here’s to hoping I didn’t break micropub on my website
# 23:28 [eddie] Slack is ridiculous. That emoji has existed forever.
deathrow1 joined the channel