j12ttantek: E.g. https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started, Ben and Kevin have their picture in front of their names, but Erin does not. The markup looks the same, though.
j12tAhhh! The problem turns out something entirely different: I pointed my template to the Twitter profile picture, and Firefox tracking protection does not render it.
[eddie]!tell aaronpk: Interesting, I noticed that indieauth.com returns a me=URL when providing the authorization_code response back to the client. However, when looking at the Spec, I don’t see that as being required. Is that an old thing that IndieAuth.com is doing?
[eddie]!tell aaronpk: I ask because I actually have Indigenous checking for it, so that might be breaking on some instances if people aren’t returning that. In fact since my new authorization_endpoint went by the spec, I didn’t add it and broke Indigenous for myself! oops 🙂
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "delegation" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "delegation is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tantekdelegation is a way to entrust someone(s) via OAuth preferably IndieAuth (without sharing passwords) to post things on your site on your behalf while you are away, like on vacation.
Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 3 hours, 23 minutes ago: Interesting, I noticed that indieauth.com returns a me=URL when providing the authorization_code response back to the client. However, when looking at the Spec, I don’t see that as being required. Is that an old thing that IndieAuth.com is doing?
Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 3 hours, 23 minutes ago: I ask because I actually have Indigenous checking for it, so that might be breaking on some instances if people aren’t returning that. In fact since my new authorization_endpoint went by the spec, I didn’t add it and broke Indigenous for myself! oops 🙂
aaronpkI haven't removed it from IndieAuth.com entirely yet because i don't want to break all the clients expecting it. I do plan on removing that when I launchthe
GWGIt says "Clients must use the resulting me value from the authorization code verification or access token response rather than assume the initially entered URL is correct."
[eddie]Gotcha. Thanks aaronpk. It’s funny, I accidentally built Indigenous testing it mostly off of IndieAuth.com. Turns out because I built my IndieAuth endpoint off the spec I found my own bug!!! Haha 😆 that doesn’t happen every day
Loqi[Nelson Minar] Free business idea: a domain parking service for people who want to retire a website but want to keep it online and out of the hands of SEO spammers.Take a one-time static snapshot of the site when it is parked. Serve that very cheaply as static file...
[cleverdevil]Awesome. Yes, the getaway was lovely, and much-needed. Took the wife to San Diego for her Christmas gift. Five star hotel, dinner at a great restaurant, Hamilton, and then brunch with a view (and champagne). I'm pretty sure we knocked it out of the park this year for Christmas 😉
[eddie]Haha, glad you’re excited, cleverdevil! Apple has been dragging its feet on the review time this weekend. I’m excited to finally get it out to people 🙂
Loqi[jerf] "What is XML good at?"
(For the purposes of this post, I'm including HTML in the XML family.)
XML/HTML is good when:
1. You have two dimensions of markup you want to do. That is, you have a clear distinction between what is a new "tag" and what is an...
eli_oat, [jgarber], snarfed, dgold, mindB and myfreeweb joined the channel
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Code Climate" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Code Climate is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[jgarber]I was having some trouble getting Code Climate to recognize that I was an admin/owner (in the GitHub sense) of a repository belonging to a GitHub organization. Because of this, I wasn’t able to configure the repository on Code Climate (despite being able to add it to my account).
[jgarber]4. Once that’s done, click “Add Repo” next to any of the IndieWeb GitHub organization-owned repos that you’d like to add to Code Climate. This is silly since, if your account is anything like mine, many of those repos are already in Code Climate. Go figure.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Code Climate" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Code Climate is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[jgarber]☝ Those instructions are pertinent to the IndieWeb GitHub organization (which I’m not an admin/owner/member of), but they should work for anyone in a similar situation.
[jgarber]Code Climate is a private company providing Web-based automated code review and maintainability data. It is free to use for open-source repositories.
[eddie]!tell aaronpk: What PHP version are you running teacup on? I installed it on my server to see if I could remove it’s reliance on the me property (https://github.com/aaronpk/Teacup/issues/8) but for some reason I’m getting back an error in the footer that the authorizing attribute is undefined rather than displaying the login form
aaronpkhah, my own auth server doesn't return "me" so I can't actually log into Teacup right now either! Guess I've been using the little bookmark to home screen thing for so long that I haven't had to log in.
[keithjgrant]Anybody on here who speaks a language with non-latin characters and/or accent marks? Curious what you preference would be for slugifying those
Loqi[pfrazee] I spent the weekend preparing a solution to this issue that I'd like to propose.
My goal was to make something that won't generate too much frustration. That's a pretty high bar to clear in an opinionated space, so I hope this gets close, and I a...
snarfedGWG: yeah you can create a new branch off of your PR branch and work there. then, after the PR has been iterated and merged, pull master and rebase the downstream branch to get any changes
[eddie]Hmmm, Indigenous got rejected for the first time… apparently App Review is upset that they can’t log in and test it. The strange thing is the past 2 betas went through fine. I guess they didn’t demo them? haha.
[keithjgrant]aaronpk ha! I'm sticking with a few regex filters. It currently drops non-latin chars, which is... not ideal. But I'm going to call it MVP for the time being
aaronpki'm considering setting up a few indieauth identity URLs that everyone can use for testing, in order to test some of the trickier situations in clients
tantek.comedited /Jekyll (+346) "/* IndieWeb Support */ microformats2 support by default! rewrite rest as a history section with dates as items, add when pull request was merged" (view diff)
Loqi[kevinmarks] Fritter's use case is very close to what Activity Streams was designed around, so if you're committed to going with JSON-LD, adopting that makes sense. The field names have been thought through and based on converging multiple social networks over ti...
Loqi[kevinmarks] I think you have addressed an imaginary problem to avoid dealing with a real one.
Currently you have a handful of field names that don't need namespaces. You are going to have to cope with people adding arbitrary new fields to your json, because i...
Loqi[pfrazee] I spent the weekend preparing a solution to this issue that I'd like to propose.
My goal was to make something that won't generate too much frustration. That's a pretty high bar to clear in an opinionated space, so I hope this gets close, and I a...