RuxtonGWG: something up with the way videos are being handled in OWG? Videos from end of Jan, start of feb look broken in list on OWG, most recent videos show as images and only posted image to endpoint :/
[kevinmarks]reading the implied name issue again - if we stop implying a p-name, will that mean that api clients that assume that there is always a name will fail?
[eddie]If you can, try to uninstall it, reinstall it. You should automatically be logged out. Log back in and see if it still crashes. I’m wondering if it’s missing something from your previous session
[cleverdevil]I had to use curl directly, rather than Known's built in Webservice helper, because its got some bugs that prevent it from being used to send Micropub posts (mostly seems to be related to it not properly respecting headers that are passed in).
[eddie]The microblog -> Microsub notification backend. I added an IndieChat module that uses my local X-ray instance to parse the IndieWeb, Dev and Meta chat pages and then I loop through the feed and look for “search words”. If the search word is found, I create the Microsub notification for it
[eddie]Its all configured based by user url, so when I add the front-end for microblog, I can add a front end for this. Then others can register for notifications too.
[eddie]For now I’m calling it notiforward because it forwards notifications. The plan is microblog mentions, indiewebchat, and twitter mentions. Potentially others in the future but those are my main ones for now
[eddie]That would be cool, however that would only do a person’s @mentions. Because I implemented watch words, that allows me to be notified about Indigenous or other keywords in the future
Loqi[audreyr] favicon-cheat-sheet: Obsessive cheat sheet to favicon sizes/types. Please contribute! (Note: this may be in flux as I learn new things about favicon best practices.)
[eddie]!tell aaronpk Looking at my microsub channel payload, person tags get displayed in refs, but not in-reply-to. Is that an intentional part of the spec? It’d be convenient if in-reply-to was parsed into refs as well
[cleverdevil]But, that's likely a ways off from being a reality, and I am guessing that the share sheet functionality is reasonably similar across iOS and macOS already.
Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 44 minutes ago: Looking at my microsub channel payload, person tags get displayed in refs, but not in-reply-to. Is that an intentional part of the spec? It’d be convenient if in-reply-to was parsed into refs as well
aaronpkI do want to eventually "fill out" the details with all that, but it will be its own challenge to handle how/when that data is fetched and included