#Loqi[snarfed] thanks again for filing. note to myself: html2text has a couple new releases since the version i'm using! https://github.com/Alir3z4/html2text/releases . (i'm still on 2016.9.19.) worth looking at first.
#Loqi[EdwardHinkle] Awesome! Great to hear other areas where this has worked well. Do you have any thoughts between it just applying to channels and it applying to the posts? What does your IRC client do?
(Originally published at: https://eddiehinkle.com/2018/02/25/5/r...
#Loqi[Eddie Hinkle] Awesome! Great to hear other areas where this has worked well. Do you have any thoughts between it just applying to channels and it applying to the posts? What does your IRC client do?
#aaronpkaw, I can't do the same because your post doesn't link to the github copy
#aaronpkoh but cool that your comment shows up as a comment on my canonical post!
#aaronpkif yours links to github then when I display your comment it will also link to the github copy!
#[eddie]Yeah 😕 I have some programming time scheduled for today. I might have to look into getting my syndication automated, because I’ve getting tired of manual webmentions lol and that would help me to be able to store that stuff back into the post
#[eddie]Webmentions used to be more rare for me, but with Indigenous, Microsub and micro.blog, they have become a daily thing.
#[eddie]For posting, I added a Syndication Target inside my site called micro.blog, so I can choose which posts go to micro.blog
#[eddie]Internally if the syndication target is m.b then I mark it for inclusion into my m.b specific rss feed
#[eddie]For reading, I’ve built up a list of people i follow on micro.blog. I did that by using the m.b app and looking at the discover sections and seeing conversations between people I know and people I don’t
radicaledward101 joined the channel
#[eddie]So now I have an interesting group of people that I can read on a routine basis.
#[eddie]So when I read something interesting I can reply
#[eddie]#TechDebt 😞 I’m in process of migrating 441 old posts that are on an old permalink structure (which because of jekyll means they are in a different strorage folder structure). Not horrible, but since Jekyll only supports 1 form of permalink structure my solution is I just automated the output of a 441 line rewrite file that I’m going to hopefully copy and paste into my nginx config (not sure if that’s gonna blow up or not) that basicall