#dev 2018-03-11

2018-03-11 UTC
snarfed, KartikPrabhu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
AngeloGladding have you looked at dat?
eli_oat, snarfed and [eddie] joined the channel
In the long-term I should fix that issue, but I do like the idea of that regardless of what’s going on with my server, I can post via micropub because it goes through Amazon Lambda, which should be pretty bullet proof.
Anyone besides [cleverdevil] looked into AWS stuff for hosting? I’m thinking about converting my media endpoint and micropub endpoints to actually be hosted using Amazon Lambda, because when my server gets under too much stress when lately I’ve noticed sometimes it locks up.
[eddie]: where's your storage? not on your server?
It is, but it’s a git repo
eli_oat joined the channel
ah. and upstream is somewhere else? so lambda doesn't have to talk to your server to store new posts?
and your server...pulls periodically?
It does
Every time it rebuilds
sgtm then. hell, if it's a static site, consider porting the builds to lambda (etc) too
I didn’t know if Jekyll could build on lambda (haven’t looked into that yet) but that would be awesome as well
eh or anything serverless. plenty of those options
Yeah that makes sense
Yeah, that would be pretty awesome so just spin up lambda processes to rebuild the site
I actually build a public and a private static site (so it takes double the time). But they aren’t dependent on each other so if lambda, the builds could happen in parallel :exploding_head:
snarfed and gobengo joined the channel
@lonekorean Yes, and it should be webmention 👍🏻
[tantek] and snarfed joined the channel
After observing it for weeks, I’m impressed enough with IndieWeb to make two-way Webmention support my next Plerd priority. Still obscure tech — I hadn’t heard of it before last month, anyway — but when used by a blog that implements it well, I think it could prove really cool.
tantek, renem, chrisaldrich, [tantek] and eli_oat joined the channel
created /response-context (+26) "prompted by KartikPrabhu and redirect added by KartikPrabhu"
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tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
edited /media_fragment (+352) "/* How to */ Jon Udell experiments with clippers for HTML5 Audio, Video, and YouTube."
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KartikPrabhu, AngeloGladding, tantek, rMdes and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
!tell kevinmarks Bake
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek, barpthewire, gobengo, [Vanessa], leg and jeremycherfas joined the channel
jeremycherfas: "> Read as Unicode turns it into complete rubbish" - that seems odd, how are you reading it exactly?
cause utf-8 should be correct
Let me try again.
unless it's read correctly, and then gets destroyed during output when you try to view the variable content?
Is there a way to know for sure the encoding of a text file?
There is a command called iconv but with the defaults it does not seem to be working as I expect.
jeremycherfas: No, there’s no way to know for sure. A file’s contents is just a sequence of bytes.
OK, Thanks. Well, I guess I will just try some of the obvious ones.
Though you can get pretty far with some decent heuristics.
E.g. if it’s valid UTF-8, it’s /probably/ UTF-8.
How to test whether it is valid utf-8?
I don’t know what the most convenient way for you to do that is, but there are clear rules for it.
Where can I find you utility jjuran?
You’ll need my help to walk you through building it, but it’s not hard
Let me look at iconv a bit more, then I'll get back to you.
I just found a hint that you should be able to read utf-8 files by doing "set filecontents to do shell script "cat <filename>"" in applescript
Hmmn. I saw that before and skipped over it. I'll go an take another look. Thanks.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Sknebel++ for reminding me of a vital clue
sknebel has 31 karma in this channel (90 overall)
A little CSS and this could all be ready for publishing
created /User:Jmac.org (+1666) "Created page with "Howdy. I am <span class="h-card">[http://jmac.org/ Jason McIntosh]</span>, an independent creative and software professional who lives in New England. On IRC and elsewhere, I...""
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edited /IRC_People (+83) "/* Nicknames */ Adding myself (jmac)."
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jeremycherfas: nice!
chrisaldrich joined the channel
edited /lulz (+76) "thx chrisaldrich :)"
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!tell snarfed: your homepage does not have h-entry, only hentry, but mf2-style properties on your posts!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[eddie] and grantcodes do you have any thoughts on how you want to present "like" posts in your readers? I'm struggling with this in Monocle
aaronpk: why is it different from presenting them on your site?
good question
ah it's because i'm mixing two different ideas
showing "likes" that are actually of your own posts received via webmention, vs showing likes of things from people you're following
aah yes those are different even on you own site no?
I don't have a timeline/feed view of webmentions i've received on my site
the display of likes that you posted is different from likes of your posts from webmention
I tend of think of a reader interface roughly as "a website where many people can post"
so likes posted by people you're following would show up in the stream as if they are like posts
[snarfed] joined the channel
sknebel: yup! backcompat. still works, if not ideal. will fix eventually.
[snarfed]: sknebel left you a message 23 minutes ago: your homepage does not have h-entry, only hentry, but mf2-style properties on your posts!
Kartik Prabhu
[snarfed]: doesn't work anymore with the updated backcompat rules! the backcompat rules were meant to only convert mf1 to mf2, not support mixing them
aaronpk: ^ real life example :P
i use the new mf2py
that was unexpected
my site could not find the u-like-of under hentry which is correct
yeah so I've heard. still works in practice almost everywhere fortunately. will fix eventually!
yeah no worries just a heads up
hates working on his own cms
[Vanessa] and [eddie] joined the channel
aaronpk: My most likely scenario is really just wanting a “recommended” channel or something of the like. Either done by the Microsub server or by a Microsub client service that reads all the posts and generates basically a “discovery” channel based on number of likes, bookmarks, etc.
Which is an idea I heard from [cleverdevil] awhile back
Besides that I don’t think I have a strong desire to show “likes” in themself
oh interesting, so you don't want any "likes" in normal channels?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
That was indeed my plan for Together.
To have Likes not displayed in the timeline, but use them to surface things in a “Discover” view.
then presumably you would be seeing the liked posts in that view, rather than "so and so liked a post"?
Yes-ish. With some context.
Correct, it would just be the post itself. Maybe some additional info like “liked by X people” or something
A header or footer indicating why it showed up
I kind of like the idea of having that work done by an external microsub client service
The other option for people that MIGHT want to see them (because Indigenous isn’t just for me) is just have it display like twitter’s retweets where it’s the sub content really displaying just with a small text saying who retweeted it
Nuzzel does this with Twitter.
I agree, aaronpk
Then it’s portable across readers.
across microsub servers even
Would need the ability for Microsub servers to hide likes and bookmarks and reroute them to other channels though.
not if it's an external service doing it! the service just needs a way to remove a post from a channel
What is Nuzzel?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Nuzzel" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Nuzzel is ____", a sentence describing the term)
this is a cool idea
It really is!
cleverdevil has 19 karma in this channel (72 overall)
Nuzzel is a service with an app that surfaces articles based upon how many of your friends like those articles. http://nuzzel.com
created /Nuzzel (+157) "prompted by [cleverdevil] and dfn added by [cleverdevil]"
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edited /Nuzzel (+1) "linkify ('x is y. <url>.' pattern)"
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that'd be a great place to get to, but in the mean time, I have an actual pressing need to solve displaying likes right now haha
aaronpk, my actual display of them for others needs is listed above a couple messages if it helps you
yeah, I think that makes sense
Personally I’d like to see unfurling of like/bookmark/repost in Together.
that does require that the server return the expanded post tho, which may not always be available such as if the post being liked doesn't have mf2 or such
That’s true
so we still need some display of posts where the like-of is just a URL with no extra info
right now I have "gRegor liked a post on eddiehinkle.com" in Monocle
and it shows up without the like/repost/reply buttons
and a smaller author photo
That seems pretty good as a basic fallback in my mind
I guess i'm going to need to bump up the priority of fetching permalink content in Aperture
if there is info about that like-of URL available in the post, then Monocle should upgrade the display of it
Reminds me a lot of facebook’s initial likes
Which is a compliment, I think they did it very well back then
btw I did add a method to remove an entry from a channel in Aperture already, since I found myself wanting to remove things occasionally https://github.com/indieweb/microsub/issues/25
[aaronpk] #25 Add method to remove entries from a channel
hmm [eddie] I keep seeing your "this day on previous years" in my reader. should I not be following your home page but follow https://eddiehinkle.com/timeline/ instead?
Ohhh. I thought I removed mf2 from my homepage
Yeah, I would suggest following Timeline and with Microsub starting to take off I should probably find a way to suggest that move to people with a follow button at the bottom of my site
Ohhh I remove h-feed but not the h-entries I think
Because the h-entries are powered by my templates
Which are used everywhere lol
i've had that problem too lol
Yep, tricky parsers
I ended up adding a parameter to my templates called "context" where I can tell the template in what context it's being used so it can turn on and off features like mf2 markup
Ahhhh that’s smart. I’ll have to add that to do
It makes me wonder, I know Bridgy has a link that allows you to point to your firehouse. I wonder if Microsub following should check for an optional link that points to a user’s primary feed page, that people could put on their identity pages
aperture kind of does that already
Oh yeah?
oh not quite
right now it looks for rss/atom feeds linked from the input URL https://media.aaronpk.com/Screen-Shot-2018-03-11-11-02-50-e4qQztVyQU.jpg
it would take another http request per link to do that for additional rel=feed URLs
bridgy uses that already
Yep, that’s how I direct Bridgy to my proper feeds
the whole search/preview thing in microsub is supposed to allow that kind of discovery
That’s true!
rather than assuming the thing the user enters is the exact URL to be followed
That makes sense. That something I still want to add pretty badly, the ability to “follow” from safari using indigenous’ share sheet and see a preview of the pages posts and then tell which channel to add it to
Is all of that working on Aperture’s side?
that'd be sweet
yeah! together uses it!
Excellent! One of these days I’ll have to get around to that. Because I definitely find myself hitting a hesitance in following things that I find on my iPhone because it feels combersome
I typically add the url to my to do list
clever haha
aaronpk: I think you’re right, though! I think I’m gonna have to try that context thing, because if I can remove mf2 from my historical and featured posts, I could re-add the h-feed for the today posts.
that'd work!
It used to be that my homepage wasn’t good for following because it was essentially articles and events, but now that it shows almost all the posts of the day it’s actually a GREAT page to follow
The only thing it doesn’t show is media posts (watch/listen) and are/drank posts
that seems reasonable haha
Which would typically be followed anyway
Oh, [aaronpk] I forgot to tell you. I put up an initial pass at JSON Schema for mf2 — https://github.com/cleverdevil/microformats2
[cleverdevil] microformats2: Validate Microformats2 JSON with JSON Schema
snarfed: ok, just wasn't sure due to the mf2 properties which as Kartik said aren't/shouldn't be parsed
*not be follow
Would love some feedback 😀
[cleverdevil]: wait didn't we already talk about this?
We talked about my earlier attempts. But now it actually works and has tests 😀
ah gotcha, last time it was just a gist, right
Right now it just has tests for the samples on the wiki.
tantek joined the channel
I’m thinking once some of the more immediate things are done (like Indigenous 1.0 is released), I think to build out more Microsub servers, I’m going to build an Amazon AWS based Microsub Server, using lambda functions, s3 and their db services. I’m guessing with Bridgy and (maybe woodwind?) such we have a lot of python parsing code, which lambda supports. That would definitely help to spread out the Microsub standard a bit
Parsing is my biggest concern, but if I’m able to utilize some pre-existing python code, that would make things easier
eli_oat joined the channel
Awesome, let me know if you need help [eddie].
I'm heavily using AWS now 😄
(I'm also a decent Python programmer, so I can help out!)
I am working on a side project, which is a tiny Micropub server in Python that stores everything in an embedded JSON database.
I highly recommend getting a solid grasp on parsing done first
the only reason I was able to make such quick progress on Aperture was because of all the work I had done on XRay first
I think that's good advice, to be sure!
(that was to eddie)
(Which is why I'm sticking with the Micropub side for now)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
the major aspects of that being: HTML sanitization, the "content vs name" normalization step, and dealing with all the variations of how a list of h-entrys can be represented as a feed
Or, eddie could just deploy an instance of XRay and use it as a webservice.
that's not the worst idea to bootstrap
of course it would be nice to have more implementations of that too, but at least that part is relatively standalone and could be replaced later
I'm really digging on the idea of separating out as many functions into separate web services at the moment.
Having everything in one big, monolithic thing isn't the best, IMO.
i've had surprisingly good luck with that approach
I was kind of worried about overdoing the whole "microservices" thing, but it's ended up working quite well for a few years now
(FWIW, one of the reasons I am building out this JSON Schema for MF2 JSON is that it enables you to use the AWS API Gateway and include validation).
At least... theoretically.
[snarfed] joined the channel
debugging/introspection can suffer, and performance for anything latency sensitive, but architecture and maintenance wise, microservices can definitely work
Indeed, and the latency problem can be reduced by enabling different services to be deployed together inside a single process.
(With local calls)
.... which then reduces some benefits of decoupling, but agreed
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Showing multiple likes on a post sounds like h-review-aggregate
[kevinmarks]: [jeremycherfas] left you a message 12 hours, 56 minutes ago: Bake
except likes are not reviews
Well, the way nuzzel does it makes them more like reviews. I suppose you'd need dislikes to aggregate a rating, yes.
created /User:Mylesb.ca (+74) "Created page with "Hi, I'm <span class="h-card">[https://mylesb.ca Myles Braithwaite]</span>!""
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[eddie] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] that’s awesome! Definitely will keep you updated as I think things through with that. I was at a work conference this week and was hearing about the ways my work is using AWS, and then when my Jekyll running on my cloud server made my Aperture and Micropub endpoints stop working for a couple minutes I realized my single server running isn’t the best, and I realized it would be great to maintain a small cloud server but to host
AWS components. At least for awhile, it’s something that’s peaked my interest
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
cattle, cattle, cattle!
Yes, I am determined to get away from having a "pet" server eventually 🙂
Lol! Yep!
Also, in regard to Microsub, it would solve all sorts of scaling problems.
what is scaling?
It looks like we don't have a page for "scaling" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "scaling is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is scale?
It looks like we don't have a page for "scale" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "scale is ____", a sentence describing the term)
always a bit uneasy about cloudy stuff due to (lack of) price limits
That’s true, it’s a risk
But this stuff is so cheap!
Understandable, however, its pretty trivial these days to put in restrictions that cause services to stop after a threshold is reached.
does AWS have that now?
Also, yes, its pretty cheap.
Pretty much always has, you just have to know how to set it up.
Like most things with AWS its... not straightforward 😛
cheap in terms of money but not for admin
Not hard, just not easy to understand at first.
I find it a lot easier to maintain lambdas than to constantly admin a server.
also: cheap compared to what? E.g. traffic is *insanely* expensive
Keep its OS up to date, etc.
I’m also in extreme need of an email to feed service. I wasn’t sure how to handle incoming email like that. But I think my first AWS project is going to be using amazon’s email service to allow emails sent to specific random id strings to be displayed as part of an h-feed or RSS feed via a url of the same id
been considering lambda for backend-ish tasks too, since that is cheap and a very interesting model, but other things don't seem that attractive *to me*
Ah, an *inbound* email to feed service.
Yeah, that's pretty easy with AWS.
Yeah, inbound email to feed. And definitely I was reading up on it last night and you basically just send all emails for a domain to SES and then set up a catch all to a lambda function
Then API gateway to lambda that reads the feed
Earlier I was trying to figure out how to set it up using Node.js on my server and I wasn’t getting anywhere with it
haha I also want an email-to-feed service
aaronpk: lol
was just thinking about how i'd do that myself. it's not a lot of traffic so would be a pretty small component to add to my server, as long as I had some other email provider accepting the email.
TIL mailgun runs a postbin service http://bin.mailgun.net/
I must say, while attempting to subscribe to a bunch of people, it's very disheartening how poor the mf2 markup on wordpress blogs is, especially compared to the same wordpress sites' XML or JSON feeds.
it's getting to the point where i'll recognize a wordpress site based on the types of feed options I see when subscribing from Together, and I'll choose the JSONfeed or XML feed over the microformats page because I know the microformats on it won't give a good result at all
[snarfed] joined the channel
but maybe not anymore :(
yup very true. built in mf1 is ok, not mf2. really only the sempress theme has halfway decent mf2. hence thank god for backcompat, even for me... at least historically
eli_oat joined the channel
aaronpk: That's because no one knows what microformats are. They just keep copying the incorrect implementation
And when I update a theme, even I miss things
misses things too
AngeloGladding and [eddie] joined the channel
edited /Micropub-brainstorming (+1) "rephrase to third person"
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tantek joined the channel