#dev 2018-03-17

2018-03-17 UTC
leg, snarfed and eli_oat joined the channel
wow first .restaurant actual site I've seen (of a place I've been to even) http://www.dakshin.restaurant/
I really dislike the unpredictability of “algorithmic” feeds like Facebook’s newsfeed and Instagram’s. It’s stressful, and here’s why: * if I open Instagram and scroll past something without seeing who posted it, it’s really hard to find that post again
what is algorithmic feed
algorithmic feed (AKA algorithm-driven feed or just algorithm feed) is a more correct term for the "algorithmic timeline" lie, and an increasingly common feature on social media silos such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, where they show only some posts from your followings, as well as show some posts only hours or days after they were posted, thus not in chronological order https://indieweb.org/algorithmic_feed
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/hondanhon/status/974740986931822592" to a new "See Also" section of /algorithmic_feed
edited /algorithmic_feed (+414) "tantek added "https://twitter.com/hondanhon/status/974740986931822592" to "See Also""
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eli_oat joined the channel
Spatial awareness is a real thing, please respect it
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
@hondanhon YEPPPP. I did a lightning talk on this last year at Design & Content Conference: the impact of algorithms on wayfinding, disorienting the sense of place AND time.
tantek and snarfed joined the channel
created /User:Pewpewpew.smallandnearlysilent.com (+24) "Created page with "An indieweb how-to guide""
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tantek joined the channel
Irony of ironies — I'm working on a tutorial, explaining how to set up wordpress for indieweby-goodness, and I keep running into this error message: https://eli.li/images/Screen%20Shot%202018-03-16%20at%2010.38.58%20PM.png
I'm using the standard indieweb suite of plugins on wordpress
I can sign in to indieweb.org with indieauth, but not to quill
anyone have any ideas?
renem joined the channel
I can see the supposedly missing authorization in the source of the site (https://pewpewpew.smallandnearlysilent.com)
I'm hoping it may be a DNS/SSL caching issue, since I just (minutes ago) set this subdomain up.
eli_oat joined the channel
- What do we want ? - A chronological instagram feed ! - When do we want it ? - 2 hours ago ! - 18 hours ago ! - Sponsored post ! - 43 minutes ago ! - 2 hours ago ! - Sponsored post ! - 15 minutes ago ! - Account suggestion ! - 1 hour ago ! - 15 hours ago ! - Sponsored post !
eli_oat I do get a "connection not secure" warning on that domain. SO likley SSL hasn't "propagated"
word, I can deal with that! Thanks KartikPrabhu
snarfed, tantek, KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks], eli_oat, enhexa-, leg, cbfishes, teleno, [kim_landwehr] and Kyle-K joined the channel; Kyle-K left the channel
created /Webmention.io (+27) "redirect to canonical caps"
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edited /Main_Page (+237) "/* Upcoming IndieWebCamps */ add Nürnberg,"
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theReal33mhz and eli_oat joined the channel
(Test) will bridgy notice this post and send webmentions to my site? Also on: https://chrisbeckstrom.com/feed/2018/03/17/bridgy/
jjuran, cbfishes, tantek, [kevinmarks], [snarfed] and gerwitz joined the channel
anyone have a favorite Micropub client for local dev testing?
(shpub is proving challenging)
There is also omnibear
And of course, curl ;)
[eddie] joined the channel
gerwitz: I don’t do a lot of it, but I typically use Postman (API tester) to send local Micropub tests
Even remote Micropub tests
[cb] joined the channel
It doesn’t test the whole interface though, just the reception of a mf2 JSON object and the bearer token
leg, [dshanske], [chrisaldrich] and [gerwitz] joined the channel
Yeah, for micropub even curl alone is almost good enough for dev … but now I want to really put the whole auth - media endpoint discover - upload cycle through its paces. 😐
If I can figure out how to give shpub amnesia it’ll be easier
chrisaldrich and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
I have a little python script I use.
I give it the path to a JSON file with MF2 JSON in it, and it just posts it to an endpoint configured in environment variables.
In other news, I've added Post Type Discovery to my microformats2 Python project -> https://github.com/cleverdevil/microformats2
[cleverdevil] microformats2: Validate Microformats2 JSON with JSON Schema, and perform Post Type Discovery
With tests!
Oh, and now the schema itself passes all of the tests here -> https://github.com/microformats/tests
[microformats] tests: Microformats test suite
(Other than the two h-resume ones that are actually invalid).
Gonna use the post type discovery in the MF2 JSON -> HTML bits in puny.
Yeah, I need to fix those
Bridgy for Github seems to request a lot of permissions. read/write on all public repository data.
Thank GitHub for not having a more sane permission model
That's a GitHub problem
edited /review (+267) "/* Silo Examples */ Yelp and Goodreads links"
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[snarfed] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] check out https://github.com/kylewm/mf2util ! good code. granary uses it a bit
[kylewm] mf2util: Utilities for interpreting microformats2 data
created /IMDb (+485) "stub"
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renem and eli_oat joined the channel
@aaronpk, is there any documentation about how the code posting context of quill works?
tantek joined the channel