#dev 2018-03-16

2018-03-16 UTC
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /event (+89) "/* Consuming Tools And Services */ mf2 to iCalendar"
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eli_oat, DenSchub, tantek, leg and jjuran joined the channel
[Eli Mellen] A year with the IndieWeb
what is Pneumatic Post
It looks like we don't have a page for "Pneumatic Post" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Pneumatic Post is ____", a sentence describing the term)
renem, tantek and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
!tell eddie FYI the latest build of Indigenous crashes on launch for me.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
renem and [eddie] joined the channel
Oh no! Really?!?
[eddie]: [cleverdevil] left you a message 10 minutes ago: FYI the latest build of Indigenous crashes on launch for me.
[eddie]: [cleverdevil] left you a message 10 minutes ago: FYI the latest build of Indigenous crashes on launch for me.
I have better logging for crashes now, so I’ll take a look at my logs and let you know if I have any questions
[cleverdevil] 👆 I forgot to say your name. Lol
Oh cool. No worries 😀
edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+9) "2018/Düsseldorf is next!"
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edited /next-iwc (+12) "2018/Düsseldorf is next"
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OK here is one last test before I finally go to sleep. Learning about #microformats, #indieweb, and #webmentions Sometimes I wonder how I end up way down these rabbit holes https://chrisbeckstrom.com/feed/2018/03/15/32/
renem, [miklb] and cweiske joined the channel
!tell snarfed Bridgy Publish Label success! Mostly. https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2445 - 1 of 2 labels made it in, but not sure why "Needs Edits" did not (yes it's an existing label) - perhaps something strange going on with labels with whitespace?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tantek] #2445 [css-color][css-color-3] Needs header link to Editor’s Draft
tantek and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell [cleverdevil] we’ll, my logs aren’t showing a crash. Go figure 😒 When during the log in/open does it crash?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
So I deleted and reinstalled.
When I first launch it’s fine. I log into my website and shortly after it crashes.
Potentially while loading my Microsub channels?
Anyway now that I’m logged in it does it almost immediately after launch.
Okay, so log in was successful.
You’re using aaronpk’s Aperture Server?
!tell aaronpk when you get the chance can you download the new Indigenous and test it out? Trying to narrow down if an issue is [cleverdevil]’s account or your Aperture installation that’s crashing.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Well, I’m headed to bed. But I’ll definitely investigate more in the morning. Good to know about where it’s breaking. Thanks [cleverdevil]
Sure! Night [eddie] 😀
tantek and cweiske joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /pgp (-19) "/* Articles */ How long has this been wrong for?"
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barpthewire joined the channel
aaronpk, re microsub channel nesting: I meant that the channel title should use dots for separation, not he uid
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /GDPR (+155) "[kevinmarks] added "GDPR Article 9) (2) e exempts processing relates to personal data which are manifestly made public by the data subject; https://gdpr-info.eu/art-9-gdpr/" to "See Also""
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edited /pgp (+32) "Zegnat added "https://futureboy.us/pgp.html" to "See Also""
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Xiao424, ossukhe, eli_oat, rev3rse, leg, barpthewire and [eddie] joined the channel
!tell [cleverdevil] Can you check TestFlight again and make sure you are on 0.2.4? I think I see your crash logs but they look like the bug from 0.2.3 that was fixed in 0.2.4
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell [cleverdevil] ohhhh…. wait. I forgot to send 0.2.4 to everyone! So you downloaded 0.2.3
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
eddie++ for the new read state tracking in Indigenous! dang, this is a good indie reader.
eddie has 27 karma in this channel (48 overall)
snarfed and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
That fixed it [eddie] 😀
🙌 Glad to hear it’s working now!!
Thanks [schmarty] 😄
Zegnat: no, bridgy has no way to extract all your past mentions. that's mostly deliberate; i don't want to guarantee that it will store them forever. more discussion in https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/762
snarfed: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 40 minutes ago: Bridgy Publish Label success! Mostly. https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2445 - 1 of 2 labels made it in, but not sure why "Needs Edits" did not (yes it's an existing label) - perhaps something strange going on with labels with whitespace?
[snarfed] #762 resend all past webmentions from newly blocked users
jeremycherfas, barpthewire and snarfed joined the channel
@swentel Thank you for hammering this out!! If you want to look at an approach to back end storing webmentions in Drupal please see http://drupal.org/project/linkback you may find it helpful
eli_oat1 joined the channel
@HongPong Yes, I got some inspiration from it regarding entity storage and reading up now more about the exact format of webmentions. I also need to add your project to the README and project page on d.o so people know it exists too!
good morning
aaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 8 hours, 39 minutes ago: when you get the chance can you download the new Indigenous and test it out? Trying to narrow down if an issue is [cleverdevil]’s account or your Aperture installation that’s crashing.
I see that was resolved :)
good morning
yay new indigenous update!
this is looking niiice
edited /Nuzzel (+75) "Add sponsored posts"
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[tantek] and snarfed joined the channel
I'm trying to find out all these nice reader-things you guys are making. I guess I first need to dig into Microsub, right?
(been away for a while)
this is a pretty good summary if you want to catch up: https://aaronparecki.com/2018/03/12/17/building-an-indieweb-reader
[Aaron Parecki] Building an IndieWeb Reader
whoa, nice! :D
See, if I had a reader I would've read that.
waves and reads
[eddie] joined the channel
aaronpk: Speaking of Microsub, When Aperture hands me a post name, can I assume that it doesn’t match the content?
I built that all into XRay
[kim_landwehr] joined the channel
if you ever encounter a case where that is not true, consider it a bug and file it on xray
Perfect, good to know!
I was literally just about to write that logic. Phew!
[EdwardHinkle] #102 Create a visual distinction between post content and a post title
yeah that was tricky enough to write that I figured it would be better handled at the server instead of each client
oh that is super good to know
Zegnet joined the channel
aaronpk has 125 karma in this channel (1591 overall)
[Aaron Parecki] Building an IndieWeb Reader
[eddie], AngeloGladding, bear, [miklb], aaronpk, [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
aaronpk: seeing issues w/ ownyourgram. after a post didn't seem to get picked up, i tried looking at recent photos and got a 500. i attempted to disconnect and reconnect the instagram account and OYG can't find the link from the IG profile to the site.
okay you're the third person who has said this
I bet instagram changed their html/json again
pulling the 500 response out of the console, the relevant bit seems to be: Undefined index: user File: /web/sites/ownyourgram.com/lib/instagram.php Line: 39
sounds about right
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
instagram has -1 karma in this channel (-3 overall)
aha they changed their secret api to graphql kind of
ah jeez what a mess
Didn’t snarfed have an issue about this? That he could still find the old JSON or something? Or was that about something else?
edited /store (-487) "Update to Nextcloud, update from Indiebox to now UBOS"
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okay, only minor json changes needed
I should really add tests to this that check it daily
tests has 6 karma in this channel (17 overall)
vanderven.se martijn
edited /pgp (+311) "/* Articles */ Add Alan Eliasen’s GPG Tutorial (remove from See Also)"
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aaronpk: should OYG IG account verification be working now?
as soon as I pull down these changes
<big explosion>
<or fireworks>
and ownyourgram is set to run the tests every day, so I should be alerted if it changes again
:airhorn emoji:
aaronpk++ thanks for the fix and thanks for OYG!
aaronpk has 126 karma in this channel (1592 overall)
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
So, I've come up with a strategy for the content rendering side of puny.
I will have punypub (the micropub endpoint) store the raw JSON, and then POST to a separate web service (punyview) the URI to fetch the JSON.
The punyview service will create a slug for the content, and register it for the source URL.
Then, it will return the full URL to view the rendered content.
The micropub server will then return that URL back to the micropub client.
So when are we going to have a hackday and port all that into Known, [cleverdevil]? ;)
Bonus: this would let punyview act as a frontend for rendering literally any JSON MF2 content with a publicly accessible URL.
AngeloGladding joined the channel
I am hoping to make it to IWS 2018 🙂
None of this will be in Known, though, since its all in Python.
I’d expect to do IWS remotely again.
When is IWS?
IndieWeb Summit 2018 is June 26-27, 2018 in Portland, Oregon; the eighth annual gathering for independent web creators of all kinds, graphic artists, designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, create & improve their personal websites, and build upon each others creations https://indieweb.org/IWS
Are there any good projects out there that take in MF2 JSON and then output HTML?
(Open source, I mean).
Really, I mean something more for the purposes of a CMS.
Oh of course.
[snarfed] joined the channel
cleverdevil: granary :P Python too even
And, now Python 3 compatible 🙂
the markup isn't really optimized for rendering, but we can improve that!
not now but soon
Yeah, I think it'd be a good start, though.
Did you see my discussion above re: punyview?
the Python 3 branch on GitHub should work now!
Sweet. I'll give it a try.
nah. literally about to get on a ski lift 😂
Hah, awesome.
My original plan was to just have a ton of mako templates.
I still think that's a good long-term, extensible solution.
But, maybe it'd be good for granary to be the project where this happens.
maybe! the html gen is ugly right now, all in code. expect uphill.
I'm off. gl!
Have fun 🙂
cweiske, tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
created /Etherhive (+20) "prompted by gRegorLove and redirect added by gRegorLove"
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Woo big backend update to together coming soon! By that I mean it will actually have a backend and not just the dodgy api wrapper it uses just now!
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
globbot, wagle, petermolnar, raucao and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
The jinja2 templates make it pretty easy that is what I use in unmung
I'm just not a good designer
Cool, I am not worried about design.
edited /silo-quits (+142) "tantek added "2018-03-08 Instagram silo-quit: https://instagram.com/p/BgD-k5KFpm8/ <blockquote>I’m quitting Instagram. Here’s why. […]</blockquote>" to "See Also""
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For now, I want to make it create very good markup that designers can style well with CSS.
(Without just styling on the microformats)
sebsel, eli_oat and gRegorLove joined the channel
eli_oat and tantek joined the channel