#Loqi[mblaney] the only reason I mentioned your h-feed is that I tried subscribing to it in my reader and it didn't display any posts because there were no u-url's on the h-entry's.
#kaushalmodimblaney is unable to fetch the h-entry posts from h-feed
#kaushalmodimblaney: I now have h-feed > h-entry > u-url. Does the feed fetching now work better?
#kaushalmodimeta question.. how is each user's handle hyperlinked to their domain? (I see those hyperlinked handles on chat.indieweb.org). How do I associate my handle to my domain?
#mblaneyI should add support to my reader for p-summary though.
jeremycherfas and sebsel joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
#sknebel!tell aaronpk if a microsub server sees a post has been updated (e.g. it gets a websub notification about that), how does it tell the microsub client about that happening?
#@marcthiele↩️ Nothing special and exactly what is written in the bridgy documentation. One line of code in the header and then one line to integrate the webmentions below your post (plus the styling you want to use of course) (twitter.com/_/status/979670824516014080)
EmreSokullu joined the channel
#@kevinmarks↩️ I agree that we don't need to keep reinventing protocols. DNS and web serving are decentralized and robust. We can layer protocols on top for social subscription and notification - WebPub, WebMention and more #indieweb ones (twitter.com/_/status/979675798679445505)
[kaushal_modi] joined the channel
#[kaushal_modi]mblaney: Thanks for the test! The only thing remaining is the p-name parsing now. Zegnat++ and aaronpk++ have updated the php-mf2 library to support HTML5 too. The pin13.net/mf2 site has also be updated to use the updated library and so now https://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fscripter.co parses the p-name in h-feed correctly.
#[kaushal_modi]cweiske++ Thanks, that site is up now. May you find a true fix for that soon :)
#Loqicweiske has 32 karma in this channel (134 overall)
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "asocial" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "asocial is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#sknebelok, *something* works with my microsub bridge
#sknebel!tell grantcodes: together sees the channel list from my microsub server, but I can't switch channels away from the notification channel and it appears as if it doesn't even send requests to get the timeline for those when I try
#Loqiaaronpk: sknebel left you a message 6 hours, 12 minutes ago: if a microsub server sees a post has been updated (e.g. it gets a websub notification about that), how does it tell the microsub client about that happening?
#aaronpkgood question. there isn't a mechanism for that right now. it kind of assumes clients are "dumb" and only cache the data they get from the microsub server.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
#[cleverdevil]Speaking of microsub... I was visiting [snarfed] in SF earlier this week, and got into a discussion about some things I'd like to be able to add to Together, [aaronpk].
#[cleverdevil]One thing I'd love is the ability to show interactions (replies, reposts, likes, etc.) on items in the timeline.
#[cleverdevil]Was curious if you have any early thoughts about that?
#aaronpkyeah sorta, just decided to bump that down on the priority list in order to get something out the door
#[cleverdevil]I was thinking it'd be good for Microsub to make it clear to readers whether or not a particular item has interactions (or even supports interactions).
snarfed joined the channel
#aaronpkthe "easy" version is the microsub server should fetch the permalinks of the posts and check if the posts are reporting any comments/likes/etc
#[cleverdevil]It seems to me that the reader should likely be able to ask the Microsub server to fetch the latest interactions on-demand.
#aaronpkbut I skipped fetching post permalinks entirely for the first version of Aperture in order to speed up development
#[cleverdevil]It wouldn't be a very good experience if interactions were only updated as items are fetched in the normal update mechanisms.
#[cleverdevil]So, the idea would be that when I publish something, I could make it private in my website, but toggle syndication to a friend or family member's microsub server.
#aaronpkthe more webby version of that is that you create either a separate feed where posts to friends-only show up and it requires authentication to view, or your main feed shows additional items when fetched with authentication
#[cleverdevil]Yeah, I am trying to avoid requiring a bunch of changes to CMSes to allow them to participate
#aaronpkhm, well using syndicate-to will likely also require CMS changes
tbbrown, KevinMarks, EmreSokullu, eli_oat, KartikPrabhu, AngeloGladding and tantek joined the channel
#tantekfrom #indieweb - aaronpk prompting me about my indie event posts
#sknebelaaronpk: hm, not so easy right now. I can make a dummy that shows the problem if you want, but it seems pretty clear that uid's with slashes in them are the problem
#tanteksince my event posts are cloned (codewise) from my article posts, they support full arbitrary markup in the e-content
#aaronpksknebel: okay guess I can try tweaking aperture to include slashes then
#tantekby convention I include venues by mf2 markup inside the e-content
#tanteke.g. <a class="u-location h-card" href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/SF">Mozilla San Francisco</a>
#tantekI realized I didn't need venue support myself, as long as I could link to a canonical venue page
#tantekthat's how I was able to postpone venue support of my own
#tantekand then I hacked up the venue equivalent of a nicknames cache, keyed by venue URL
#tantekand mapped to e.g. Twitter @-name equivalent
#tantekand then I wrote custom POSSE to Twitter code for my indie events that posts an semi-structured event summary to Twitter, with the venue @-name serving as a convenient text-readable @-venue = "at venue"
#tantekaaronpk, so that's how I got away with it minimally, just a URL field for venue for me to manually enter, and then the rest is automatic from the code
#tantekright now it's not a big deal to manually add one entry at a time every time I post an indie event for a new (first time for me) venue
#aaronpkI forgot that I was using the channel UID as a path component of the URL in monocle
#GWGaaronpk, worth implementing venue support as a Micropub server extension?
#aaronpkGWG: yeah i'm hoping to, not sure where that falls on my priority queue tho
#sknebelGWG: yeah, lookups like that have been proposed a few times but I don't know any implementation (tags, nicknames, venues are the ones that come to mind)
#tantekaaronpk, what's better to put in a venue cache? address (street, locality, region), or latlong?
#aaronpki like showing a map preview on my website, so i need to either store the latlng, or generate the map once from the address lookup and store the image
#tantekaaronpk I've seen tweets with named venues though
#tantekwhich they seem to get from the Foursquare API
#tantekhmm I want some simple code to generate a map view
#Loqi[gRegor Morrill] Facebook, I have never even heard of these organizations much less been a customer. I manually removed at least 100 of these from my Ad Preferences page recently and now there are these 15. What are you doing?
#loqi.mecreated /.eu (+29) "prompted by tantek and redirect added by tantek" (view diff)
#skippyboo: the Twitter export uses t.co links in the "source" field, and derefernces them in a separate "expanded_urls" field.
#kaushalmodiAbout plus codes, forgot to add that that example showed just Newyork; you can zoom down to a city block level resolution by adding the trailing 2 characters
#kaushalmodiOne last thing about + codes: *if* you use Google Maps, you can long press on any location (Android app at least) to get that point's plus code
#kaushalmodivery useful when coordinating with friends in an unknown city
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Asocial" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Asocial is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#sknebel[kim_landwehr]: now say the definition again ;)
#[kim_landwehr]Asocial is a markdown-based, Dropbox-enable website hosting which is still in beta.
#tantekaaronpk, as a geo expert, WDYT of this "The square size of 3m x 3m is consistent across the globe" - from what I know I have a hard time understanding how that's possible in any reasonable transformation / projection
#Loqiexport (specifically, How to export your data) in the context of the indieweb refers to the ability to download some or all of your data from a site, typically from a silo, though also for CMS or site migration https://indieweb.org/how_to_export
#[kevinmarks]I went through a lot of this geo stuff earlier this week. Leaflet is very easy, and has a great choice of image tile sources. What3words is worse in every way than geo urls. If you want a good name to lat long service or vice versa use foursquare
snarfed and [snarfed] joined the channel
#[snarfed]skippy: ugh yeah, try with a newer export
snarfed, renem and tomasparks joined the channel
#skippysnarfed: this is an export from today. the posts are from 2009.
#skippyi could always try to massage the created_at date in the object before feeding it to tweet_to_object, I suppose...
[Vanessa] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]The pre 2009 dates are broken in the export . You may be able to fix them by looking up the tweet I'd at twitter
leg and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#snarfedah ok skippy. interesting. thanks [kevinmarks]!
snarfed and [miklb] joined the channel
#skippyoh, interesting. even the tweets from 2018 in this export have the same date format as the 2009 ones: "created_at" : "2018-03-01 14:24:51 +0000",
#snarfedyeah and the API always returns "Tue Mar 21 20:50:14 +0000 2006" , both pre and post 2009 (ie ctime format)
#snarfedso the export may be a different format entirely than API
#snarfedi have an old export from 2013, looking now
#snarfedskippy: are they still in data/js/tweets/YYYY_MM.js files?
#snarfedlooks like they are normal API objects, only the dates are different. weird.
#skippyObtaining granary from git+git@github.com:snarfed/oauth-dropins.git#egg=granary Cloning git@github.com:snarfed/oauth-dropins.git to ./src/granary Running setup.py (path:/Users/smerrill/Downloads/twitter/src/granary/setup.py) egg_info for package granary produced metadata for project name oauth-dropins. Fix your #egg=granary fragments.
#sknebeldealing with feeds that are not in channels is something I'll have to figure out, not sure what I want to do there. either synthesize a catchall channel, or turn each of them into their own channel. UI and model just don't match up, at least with the microsub readers we have now