aaronpkincidentally I *did* get a webmention from this particular post, it just also showed up in another channel because I am also following that feed
Loqiutm_ is a commonly used prefix for URL query parameters used for tracking (like utm_medium utm_source utm_campaign) by various media and content publishing sites; it is considered good URL design to automatically drop them when publishing, sharing, or just linking to a URL that has them https://indieweb.org/utm
jeremycherfasNo. Although there is one by perlkonig, it doesn't normalise the data. I worked with aaronpk last year at Nurnberg to try and get it to use Xray, but never quite managed it. In the end I use the heroku app.
jeremycherfasI'd love to get the perlkonig plugin to use xray to parse the data, and that's one of the motivations for me embarking on a proper PHP course, which I am now three weeks into.
jeremycherfasOh boy. That is VERY exciting news. I have started to look at the new default theme, Quark, and I think the logic of it is much easier to understand. Hoping to build out my child theme and make the switch in the next couple of weeks.
cweiskeoh i'm totally flashed. I wrote a response to your remembering-it-later-too post and as soon as the omnibear reply window closed, the comment had appeared on the site already, without me reloading it.
ZegnatAnyone know if there is some clever way to make nginx serve the newest file from a directory at a specific path? Latest in either time or just from alpha-sorting.
skippyhttps://www.hyperledger.org/ actually has some cool stuff going on; but it's hard for people to mentally separate blockchain-the-technology from blockchain-the-cryptocurrency-solution
[kevinmarks]I may be misremembering, but there was a concern that salmentions notifying all previous thread notes could cascade, but I think you're right about that being a mishandling (ie mentioning upstream when you have updated due to a downstream mention alone)
LoqiSalmentions are a protocol extension to Webmention to propagate comments and other interactions upstream by sending a webmention from a response to the original post when the response itself receives a response (comment, like, etc.) https://indieweb.org/salmention
aaronpksometimes a checkin is created with no content, and then the checkin later gets content added somehow, so I had to support sending updates from the beginning
aaronpkbut now you might change the text to remove one of the words that caused a syndication, or you might add a word that triggers syndication in the update
aaronpkI suspect the most common case will be someone edits the checkin to add a keyword to cause it to syndicate somewhere, so I think I will add support for that and skip the rest of the cases
ZegnatI am going sight-seeing this weekend and am actually trying to quickly put a checkin posting flow together. But is anyone doing checkins outside of Swarm these days?
tantekGWG have you tried checking in with Swarm with some text in your checkin, and then editing that text later in Swarm and seeing what happens on your checkin on your site?
cweiskeI found that nearly all wordpress instances offer atom feeds (even if they don't link it) at /feed/atom, and more importantly, they offer separate atom feeds for each post that contain the comments for the posts, thanks to the atom threading extension
snarfedaaronpk: cleverdevil and i discussed comments in readers yesterday. microsub servers are actually in a good position to do this, at least on a best effort basis, eg for mf2 feeds and maybe atom threading
aaronpkthe simplest version is having the post's permalink show comments and marking those up with mf2. a lot of sites already do that, and it's documented on the wiki
snarfedwe'd need to specify the comments schema in mf2 items, ie how they're returned, and if/when they should be updated, or if it's entirely best effort
LoqiGrav is a flat-file CMS built on PHP, with Twig templating, and YAML + Markdown for storing articles (YAML for metadata, Markdown for the content) https://indieweb.org/Grav
snarfedconsider abstracting out the inoreader specifics a bit, if possible. once it's ready, i'm sure some of us here would happily add support for other readers
[cleverdevil]I've been too busy to really participate much today, but I did find a great way to run Python WSGI apps as Lambda functions relatively transparently.