#dev 2018-03-28
2018-03-28 UTC
snarfed, tantek, eli_oat, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, j12t_, j12t__, [unoabraham], renem, rookie and mblaney joined the channel
# mblaney tantek I wrote up my indie-config privacy concerns last year: https://unicyclic.com/mal/2017-08-07-Universal_Sign-In_Button
# Loqi [Malcolm Blaney] Universal Sign-In Button https://unicyclic.com/mal/public/usb.png
KartikPrabhu and kaushalmodi joined the channel
# kaushalmodi kevinmarks: I just wrote my first u-in-reply-to post: https://scripter.co/replies/fragmentions/
# kaushalmodi I sent the webmention using https://telegraph.p3k.io/, but I believe something is wrong in the microformats markup?
# kaushalmodi .. because the author/sender shows up as Unknown on the target link. Can someone help?
# KartikPrabhu kaushalmodi: to be clear fragmentions.js is by Jonathan Neal, the idea of fragmentions was by Kevin Marks
tantek joined the channel
# kaushalmodi Oops, will fix that
# kaushalmodi Done
# kaushalmodi kartikprabhu: I just tried fragmentioner to, but did not work for me (also I don't know Javascript, but looked as console in inspector and there were no errors too)
# kaushalmodi But the moment I replace fragmentioner.js with fragmentions.js in the script tag, links like foo.bar/#abc def will start working again
# KartikPrabhu fragmentioner does not work without fragmentions
# kaushalmodi (I should read the README better)
# kaushalmodi so have both scripts in the script tags
# kaushalmodi ?
# KartikPrabhu fragmentions.js does the "scroll to the link" bit. fragmentioner.js only gives you a "popup link"
# KartikPrabhu yes
# kaushalmodi Can you add that bit to your project README?
# KartikPrabhu I have been meaning to make a unified script since a bunch of stuff is reused but haven't done it yet
# KartikPrabhu also it is possible your targets won't follow the entire authorship algorithm
# kaushalmodi mblaney: But what does h-feed have to do with the post sharing
# kaushalmodi h-feed comes into picture only for the homepage, post list pages, etc.
# kaushalmodi On that post link, I do have u-url holding that's page permalink, in h-entry
# kaushalmodi KartikPrabhu: So what's the best way to set authorship?
# KartikPrabhu kaushalmodi: you can never guarantee that everyone does all the parsing correctly
# kaushalmodi I set the h-card on *all* pages with u-url site to by site homepage, and then set the u-author in each h-entry to point to the same homepage url too
# KartikPrabhu yeah that sounds right
# kaushalmodi oh well, I am anon on your site too: https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/fragmentioner
# Loqi [Kartik Prabhu] Javascript UI to get the fragmention (http://indiewebcamp.com/fragmention) link of selected text. https://github.com/kartikprabhu/fragmentioner #indieweb
# KartikPrabhu kaushalmodi: yeah I don't do full authorship parsing either
# kaushalmodi Also am I doing the replies the right way?
# kaushalmodi From the wiki, I read that I can have multiple u-in-reply-to in a post
# KartikPrabhu yeah you can
# kaushalmodi but looks like that webmention spammed the whole post, including the other reply
# KartikPrabhu it isn't spam
# kaushalmodi ok :)
# KartikPrabhu you replied to my post and I put all its contents in my post
# kaushalmodi Right, so my question was.. If there was a better style of markup so that your site would parse only the stuff I mark related to your post url..
# KartikPrabhu no. the u-reply-to is for the whole h-entry so it will always pick the whole thing
# kaushalmodi Hmm OK, thinking about it, both replies were obviously related
# kaushalmodi So the recipient wouldn't be offended
# kaushalmodi For completelty unrelated replies to 2 different posts, I would of course write separate reply posts
# KartikPrabhu right
# kaushalmodi Thanks for the dialog
cweiske and tomasparks joined the channel
[kaushal_modi] joined the channel
# [kaushal_modi] I'll add that tomorrow. May be http://microformats.org/wiki/h-feed should be updated with that info?
# [kaushal_modi] About the p-name, what does it look like? If you search for h-feed further up this channel, you will see that there's an issue parsing p-name correctly in my h-feed as in minify my HTML + use html5 tags like article.
# [kaushal_modi] s/as in/as I/
# [kaushal_modi] cweiske: well webmention.io did not send me email directly
# [kaushal_modi] I use its webhook feature to trigger email from Zapier
# [kaushal_modi] In Zapier, I then template the email as I like using the JSON fields of the object received
# cweiske could you describe that in https://indieweb.org/webmention.io ?
# [kaushal_modi] I'll do that later this week for sure. I have a backlog of posts on indiewebifying my site :)
AngeloGladding joined the channel
KevinMarks and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] Looks like https://webmention.herokuapp.com only uses the h-card within the h-entry, which is why it's only showing the link with unknown user.
jeremycherfas joined the channel
# sknebel anyone here using Drupal? https://www.drupal.org/psa-2018-001
# kaja.sknebel.net edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-308) "update from /Events" (view diff)
j4y_funabashi joined the channel
# Zegnat https://github.com/indieweb/php-mf2/pull/169 - rebasing in a bit, but works and will parse the unclosed P element correctly.
# j4y_funabashi morning all
# pstuifzand I have a question about verifying a token on an external endpoint
# pstuifzand How long is the verification of the token valid?
# pstuifzand An external service (monocle) has a token for my token endpoint, and I need to check if the token it has is still valid
# pstuifzand Do I need to check this for every request or can I cache the response some time?
# pstuifzand it's external, so I implemented the GET token-endpoint request
# pstuifzand I don't log out often, from the services so perhaps 10 minutes is a good time
# pstuifzand it would improve the speed of the microsub requests quite a bit
# j4y_funabashi I am planning to move from http://tokens.indieauth.com to an internal version at some point as it adds around 300ms for each micropub request
# j4y_funabashi but its not super high on my list
# pstuifzand yes, for my micropub it's internal now, but the microsub server is a different program/server, so checking the request has to be external at the moment
# pstuifzand I build it so that I get a push notification with a code and I can enter it on the website
# pstuifzand It's very easy, but perhaps not secure enough for some people
# pstuifzand I'm trying to implement (almost?) all parts: I have written an authorization_endpoint, token_endpoint, micropub endpoint, and microsub endpoint, websub hub and an android app the sends micropub.
# pstuifzand And at the moment I'm improving the microsub backend.
# pstuifzand It now caches the verified token from the microsub reader
mblaney left the channel
# cweiske petermolnar, chromium just offered me to translate your /category/journal from hungarian to english
# petermolnar well.. there is hungarian content in there
# petermolnar and I thought I have per entry lang, but I need to double check
# petermolnar I've added lang to the <article>s, please check it now
# petermolnar mixed language pages are very hard, so I don't really blame it
# petermolnar https://caniuse.com/#search=details -> neither ie nor edge?! damn.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] what's a good map showing API that isn't google?
# [kevinmarks] I thought I needed a wrapper around OSM to display things?
# [kevinmarks] looks promising
# cweiske I use it on http://kita-ruesselchen.de/kontakt/andere-kitas/
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] leaflet is very nice - been playing with the layers at http://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/
# [kevinmarks] what do you use for Atlas, aaronpk?
# [kevinmarks] the Stamen ones are nice
# [kevinmarks] I found an Ordnance Survey leaflet bridge, but their maps weren't really meant for this - they are print maps http://rob-murray.github.io/os-leaflet/
# [kevinmarks] they do have a lot of detail though
# @scottmallinson So I’ve set up a little http://micro.blog over at [https://scottmallinson.com] as a means of POSSE-ing to Twitter and Facebook. If I’ve set up Webmentions correctly, comments and likes should backfeed to my website (twitter.com/_/status/979000790588194816)
snarfed and jeremycherfas joined the channel
# aaronparecki.com moved /Ncdu to /ncdu
# aaronparecki.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:ncdu-screenshot.png]]" https://indieweb.org/File:ncdu-screenshot.png"
# schmarty locked up while finding endpoints for the URLs in https://martymcgui.re/2018/03/27/204841/ and is now giving 504 gateway timeouts. 😬
[stefp], [ryan339], cweiske, [kaushal_modi], snarfed, tantek, KartikPrabhu and wagle joined the channel
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[stefp] joined the channel
barpthewire joined the channel
# sknebel repeating PSA for Drupal users: https://www.drupal.org/psa-2018-001
AngeloGladding and [eddie] joined the channel
swentel and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
# [cleverdevil] It was pulled into master.
swentel and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[cleverdevil], swentel_ and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
# aaronpk from #indieweb -> https://chat.indieweb.org/2018-03-28/1522264612901400
# Loqi [[kim_landwehr]] Trying unsuccessfully to add micro sub end point to my blog. I am using the https://indieweb.org/Microsub-spec#Authentication_and_Authorization as the roadmap. My question is what do I replace https://aaronpk.example with. Do I replace it with my web...
# aaronpk like this example but rel=microsub instead of micropub https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/#endpoint-discovery
# ben_thatmustbeme finally getting back to developing my site again
# ben_thatmustbeme super busy year, and its not looking like it will be any less busy, but have my laptop set up with a local dev setup again at least
# ben_thatmustbeme been just writing seeders thus far so at least I have some data that looks like useful stuff first
[grib] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# [cleverdevil] So one thing to try is making sure that the “single user” toggle is enabled in your settings.
# [cleverdevil] Known has a weird multi-user thing where it sends your “me” around with “/profile/<user>” added.
# [cleverdevil] Toggling that setting helps ensure you can use your “naked” domain as the “me” consistently.
KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel
# eli_oat[m] Is there a way to block a specific domain from sending me webmentions? I’m using webmention.io to receive mentions. I ask because I’ve received over a hundred from a specific domain. I don’t think it is malicious, just a miss configuration. I reached out to the sender, but haven’t heard back.
# aaronpk current issue tracking it: https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues/85
# eli_oat[m] I wasn’t certain if that just deleted that specific mention, or if it completely blocked the domain.
# eli_oat[m] Grooving. Thanks!
# eli_oat[m] This is the first spam-adjacent I’ve had so far
KartikPrabhu joined the channel