LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "best way to specify the author for a page" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "best way to specify the author for a page is ____", a sentence describing the term)
j12t, eli_oat, tantek, [tantek] and kaushalmodi joined the channel
LoqiWebmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web https://indieweb.org/Webmention
Loqi[Aaron Parecki] At least if you bookmark https://www.facebook.com/events/ you can skip all the news feed junk and get right to the important parts.
@kaushalmodi@beslayed@GoHugoIO Webmentions allows me to concentrate all the conversation related to each post reside below that post and not get distributed across twitter, disqus, etc. So now "comments" can be received as webmention replies, and twitter comments get auto-backfed to my posts too. (twitter.com/_/status/978477130727256064)
@kaushalmodi@beslayed@GoHugoIO .. as a backup, and only because twitter comments can be fetched back to my blog. The best way would of course be reply webmentions. I provide a form field to do that below each post; I'll soon write about that i.e. how to set up webmentions etc on Hugo. (twitter.com/_/status/978483862673264640)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "battery level" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "battery level is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[eddie]Most of the time, if you reply to a post inside of an existing conversation and ping it with a webmention, your reply will end up in the stream. However the streams aren’t nested, so sometimes it’s hard to see what is replying to what
jeremycherfasThe escape in the tag is complex, because what I really need to do is move those links out of the h-entry (or h-article?). That's quite a big job of redoing the template.
jeremycherfasI'll take a look later. Right now, looking at the markdown file for that post in BBEdit, and there is nothing there that I can see. Just a normal carriage return in the original markdown and </p> in the source.
cweiske<p>ADN had a really interesting revenue-sharing model for the developers who built things that used the platform. Hosting companies have tried to offer one-click installs for various things. If someone were able to create a kind of umbrella that took your money, made IndieWeb tools available and shared your money with the people who built the tools you chose to use, I do believe that could provide a home for the people who want out from the
jeremycherfasBut because it doesn't actually show anywhere that I can edit it -- unless I edit the hex -- I have no idea how to fix. Is there a tool I can edit hex with? That isn't command line.
jeremycherfasZegnat I don't think it is the feed plugin that is the problem. I think it is more likely to be grav-plugin-taxonomylist, which actually creates those tags.
[kevinmarks]thats very odd that 0x10 is being inserted, I can't think of anything that uses that. Did some developer get mixed up with ASCII 0x0a for LF which is 10 decimal?
[kaushal_modi]skippy: I'd be interested in that too. At the moment, I need to post manually, then copy the URL back in my post, and republish. I use Hugo static site generator. So am curious to see what other static site users do. What I do at the moment is not a big deal though, as I don't write too many posts.
aaronpk!tell tantek micro.blog's webmention processing has been backlogged for a day or two, but that post appears on micro.blog now that it's caught up
aaronpktwitter's oauth 1 is still annoying enough that you should definitely use a library to make the API request tho since it involves a mess of signing parameters
[kevinmarks][jeremycherfas] if you have a lot of h-entry on a page, consider wrapping them in a h-feed so you can give a name and summary of the whole thing
kaushalmodi" I run PHP in a container, which mounts my host's /var/www/html into the container. On my host, /var/www/html holds a WordPress multi-site setup." I wonder if mounting et al would be possible on Netlify.
Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message 1 hour, 42 minutes ago: micro.blog's webmention processing has been backlogged for a day or two, but that post appears on micro.blog now that it's caught up
ZegnatTo run the autoclosing algo the parser needs to know what elements are not supposed to go inside P (no phrasing content). PHP does not have an html5 parser and probably doesn't even know article at all.
aaronpksince that's a pretty massive dependency, i would want to make it use that library if it's loaded in the environment, but not have it require it
ZegnatAnd PHP is still using libxml for HTML parsing :( There was some work to get Gumbo (a Google made HTML5 parser) into PHP, but that seems to have stalled
LoqiA silo, or web content hosting silo, in the context of the IndieWeb, is a centralized web site typically owned by a for-profit corporation that stakes some claim to content contributed to it and restricts access in some way (has walls) https://indieweb.org/%F0%9F%8F%B0
aaronpkyeah that's a real trick if you want to avoid leaking information to the site you're visiting, which is analogous to silo versions of the feature
tantekperson A has a follow button, person B viewing person A's site wants to click the follow button and have that "just work" to add to their followings list (wherever they keep it, likely on their own site, possibly a microsub server)
LoqiSWAT0 is an abbreviation for The Social Web Acid Test level 0 and is a user-feature interoperability test for social web functionality defined on 2010-07-18 at FSWS2010 https://indieweb.org/SWAT0
[cleverdevil], tantek and eli_oat joined the channel
tantek.comedited /SWAT0 (+760) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add Individual Roles section to collect folks who can only do one or more roles but haven't been able to demo interop with 2 other projects/solutions, incremental steps are good, separate mixed silo/indieweb example" (view diff)
LoqiSWAT0 is an abbreviation for The Social Web Acid Test level 0, a user-feature interoperability test for social web functionality defined on 2010-07-18 at FSWS2010, and most recently demonstrated passing with IndieWeb examples live at IndieWebCamp 2015 https://indieweb.org/SWAT0