AngeloGladdingsnarfed tantek using HEAD and an async job queue good enough for now -- can understand why breaks spec -- will be sure to document my future webmention caching endeavors
[gerwitz]@sknebel sorry for late reply: in my case I have a Micropub endpoint that is write-only, so valid-to-spec requests to update or delete must throw errors. Of course, I don’t want to imply the request is malformed.
[gerwitz]🤔 I also felt like 5xx was appropriate, but I do “understand” the request method and it seems contrary to the spirit of Micropub to send a parsable error outside 4xx.
Zegnat501 sounds good to me too, but you might have to invent your own response code. Maybe file an issue against the spec, [gerwitz]? Including whatever you end up using.
ZegnatAs you can see, it submits a source and a target URL to the webmention endpoint. This CMS (Hugo) prefills the target field, and the source filled is then filled by the website visitor.
ZegnatYou can use exactly that same HTML form, you just have to have a way for your CMS to fill the target URL. And you have to point the form action at your receiving endpoint (
ZegnatAs you can see, it submits a source and a target URL to the webmention endpoint. This CMS (Hugo) prefills the target field, and the source filled is then filled by the website visitor.
ZegnatYou can use exactly that same HTML form, you just have to have a way for your CMS to fill the target URL. And you have to point the form action at your receiving endpoint (
ZegnatWebmention endpoints actually accept webmentions in “form encoded” format. So any web browser can submit a form to it, no need to have special sending logic.
petermolnarso... if I grab a few million URLs and send each of them as source, in a loop, through the heroku page, who's webmention endpoint would survive it?
petermolnarwe could leave out dns, in theory: add another meta, say, webmention-spf, into the header, on first fetch, cache it for a while; this only protects from one type of the attacks though
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "mentiontech" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "mentiontech is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say " is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "serverless" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "serverless is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[eddie]Currently my files are all YAML, but that means lots of conversion to and from JSON/YAML and I find I have more issues manually editing the yaml because of the white space requirements. I always mess up my whitespace, where as with JSON it’s much more rare to have issues and with a JSON linter it’s almost never happens. So I’m thinking when I transition from a static site to a dynamic site, I might convert all my YAML to JSON
[eddie]ohhhh, that makes a lot of sense j4y_funabashi. I definitely was thinking mf2 json, but since it’s a one way data flow from s3 -> dynamo, that does seem like a convenient conversion.
[eddie]Cool, I’ll take a look around the repos. Are your website views going to be serverless or are you just going to have a server running the view side of things?
aaronparecki.comedited /timeline (+0) "/* Microsub */ found older draft on my laptop, unsure of start date but this was the oldest date i found" (view diff)
kaushalmodSo with rel="author" added to the u-url in my h-card, I need to add just "<a href="/" class="u-author h-card">Kaushal Modi</a>" in my h-entries. Correct?
tantekZegnat in the past Google used to advocate for folks to use rel=author. Then they stopped advocating. And there is some anecdotal evidence that they may (sometimes?) ignore rel=author as well
aaronpkkaushalmod: the rel="author" isn't needed at all actually, you just need the matching `u-url` on both your footer h-card as well as inside the h-entry
ZegnatOh, sebsel, there isn’t an “issue with the description of the” edge-case, if you refer to why Aperture isn’t getting my blog. It isn’t strictly an issue with Aperture at all.
tantekaaronpk /authorship already describes how to for both posts and streams of posts, thus apparently we decided on permalink + streams (home page or separate feeds)
tantek.comedited /authorship (+423) "update how to publish to not recommend rel=author explicitly, since it was intended for backcompat, and mixed class/rel suggestions are known to be more confusing than just class, note rel-author link detection for backcompat" (view diff)
ZegnatThe question behind the representative h-card: “Given a URL to a page that represents a person, how do you determine which hCard on that page is the hCard for that person?” -
LoqiThe representative h-card for a page is an h-card on that page that represents that page, if any, as not all pages are about a person or organization, a page might not have a representative h-card
tantekalright I'll give it 24h but I'm already testing the waters with seeing about deprecating meta name=author from HTML, just asked if anyone knows any browser support in the #whatwg channel
sknebelsebsel: if I'm not mixing up things, only your micropub endpoint is using the verification, so as long as you did the same there or are using a shared database you wouldn't notice
tantekin reading has anyone else had this problem/challenge? "Posting notes to Facebook and Twitter without weird link previews or my Gravatar popping up"
Loqi[Kimberly Hirsh] Dear IndieWeb, it may be time to start considering the user, not just the technical spec. by Eli Mellen (
I’ve been working on a series of walkthrough posts that outline how to IndieWebify a Wordpress site. I presumed the initial setup would...
gRegorLoveOr maybe not. Could be OGP finding their gravatar as the only image on a post and showing that in the preview. That would make more sense. I mis-read the comment at first.
gRegorLoveI have run into this: the image I specified for OGP quite a while ago is smaller than FB's "required" resolution, so link preview finds other larger images on my links and defaults to them instead.
gRegorLoveI've been mostly manually POSSE to FB. I haven't tried in a while, but when I was using Bridgy Publish I wasn't always getting backfeed if the post showed a link-preview underneath.
gRegorLoveAnd sometimes, like with that Ars Technica piece, I actually post the entire note text to FB instead of a title+link, so manual is easiest for me currently.
kaushalmodiI save that JSON to <site repo>/data/disqus_comments.json and then just loop through it, and output the comments where the page RelPermalink matches that in the db