Loqirel-subscribe is an experimental rel value for linking from your home page to your subscription endpoint, and is currently prototyped by Aaron Parecki on aaronparecki.com; try the Follow button in the right side of the footer of his home page or any permalink https://indieweb.org/rel-subscribe
[eddie]!tell aaronpk Have you documented anywhere the mf2 -> jf2 conversion done by Xray/Webmention.io? I’m wanting to build an opposite conversion function so that when I get a webmention.io ping, I can just feed that into a function and get mf2 back
aaronpkYou should be able to expand it to either mf2 json pretty easily, just turning everything back into arrays if they are not already, and stashing everything in a "properties" object
@thorkon↩️ Thank your for that quick reaction! I‘ll try to run it these days. I‘m not into webmentions yet at all, so if I won‘t get it working it might be just my fault. (twitter.com/_/status/983589115080904704)
petermolnarI found a weird bug with my search system: looking for "ssh-agent" resulted in HTTP 500; turned out to be a known issue with sqlite3 query parameters, because the query get's interpreted as ssh -agent, telling there's no "agent" column - which is true. Does anyone have any experience on how to avoid this?
dgoldif installing a PHP script with composer, and if the script author has created a composer.lock file, and included that lock file with the script (under version control)
ZegnatYes, you should probably checkin the lock file for nanopub. That way, if people ask for support, you can be somewhat certain they are setup the same way as you. (That is: exactly the same dependencies got loaded.)
dgoldthank you (phew) I have a bug report which (while it also contains valid bugs, which I am fixing, and happy to do so) complains because the user ran composer update and broke the script
swentelhmm question about 'author' discovery in posts. indiewebify.me says adding rel="author" anywhere on the page should be fine, but tried a couple of variants, no luck so far. Why would <a href="/" rel="author"></a> not work? (or should it be outside the h-entry?
@jgmac1106I need to start writing some scripts. Currently have to update my class website and my class syllabus each week.
Been thinking if there is a place for webmentions in my weekly html pushes. #indieiweb (twitter.com/_/status/983660515724546048)
[snarfed]tantek: looks like it's just Mastodon with some extra opsec-inspired hardening? bridgy fed should work with it as long as that extra stuff doesn't interfere. feel free to try it!
Loqi[snarfed]: tantek_ left you a message 24 minutes ago: WDYT of https://counter.social/about ? Specifically have you (or could you) test(ed) fed.bridgy to it?
tantek_snarfed, the reason I ask is they appear to have broken Federation with other Mastodon instances (nothing from others show up on the home page for example).
tantek_so I figured I'd ask you as I'm expecting it *may* fail and if it does, you'll have a much better chance at debugging. Or if it "just" works, then you can list fed.bridgy as explicitly having interop with CounterSocial as well
Loqi[Loqi] [@GingerGathering] #Countersocial is simply the best Social Media experience on the internet. #SorryNotSorry #Mastodon. We could've been friends. Don't let the door hit your butt on the way out. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DXbPRnaX0AEAt8p.jpg
@megarush1024That time you’re googling to try to find a link you forgot to bookmark, and you run across a post from @ChrisAldrich and while scrolling through the comments you realize that whole respond via webmention from your own comments section thing actually worked. Yeah! #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/983705534896529409)
skippydgold: looking at nanopub, it looks like you only use Symfony's yaml functions in two places. Curious why you chose that over PECL YAML? http://php.net/manual/en/yaml.installation.php easier to install?
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "grapefruit" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "grapefruit is ____", a sentence describing the term)
ZegnatHonestly, I just needed a placeholder name. Was looking at the XKCD colour survey, saw that people identified grapefruit as a colour, and ran with it
Loqinotist is a forthcoming silo for hosting one's speaking events, slides, but also meant to collate feedback, tweets, photos, sketchnotes to create a permanent speaking portfolio https://indieweb.org/notist
aaronpksomeone else must be subscribed to that because if there's only one subscriber in the aperture instance it will actually stop following it and delete it completely
jeremycherfasCan I ask a dumb newbie PHP question? If I have a script that was working, and now is not, can I use die(); effectively as a breakpoint, maybe with a var_dump() just before it to see where things stand?
snarfedthe events and pages edges they turned off are fine; we don't use them. afaict the one real problem is that they turned off user.website (and user.about), which we needed for original post discovery.
snarfedconfirmed on an example user who signed up after 4/4: https://brid.gy/facebook/555706984828608 . they have a web site in their facebook profile, and bridgy has the user_website permission, but FB no longer returns the user.website field, and the permission is deprecated.