LoqiGlitch (formerly Gomix, HyperDev before that) is a tool by Fog Creek Software to allow you to quickly prototype web applications in a complete IDE with built in version control, sharing, and more https://indieweb.org/Glitch
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Caterpillar" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Caterpillar is ____", a sentence describing the term)
chrisaldrich, renem and [eddie] joined the channel
[eddie]!tell aaronpk: Finally fixed most of the issues in Indigenous that was causing me to have to switch over to Monocle (primarily auto-reading, as well as content html images were missing). See video above for auto-read 👆 yay!!
LoqiRuxton: tantek left you a message on 2018-02-18 at 1:58am UTC: Do you remember when you posted your first "note" post on your own site? Link to it in a new section in https://indieweb.org/note#IndieWeb_Examples and insert your new section in date order! (and link to any POSSE copy you posted too!)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "listicle" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "listicle is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tantekdansup - I'm hoping that by "federated" you mean with indieweb compatible building blocks so things "just work" with all the /photo posting that we're already doing across our sites
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] Additionally there is a compelling use-case for this proposal:
Permalink pages which do not link to themselves or otherwise display their own URL.
This proposal would enable the relatively (so to speak) minimal markup:
<data class="u-url" value=""...
petermolnar.netedited /IndieWeb (+139) "adding a vague, minor, extra description to what the indieweb is in order to clarify it a bit more for complete newcomers" (view diff)
petermolnardo we have a wiki page on, say, and indieweb "workflow"? one that describes Bob posting with micropub, Bob notifying Alice with webmentions, Alice getting a webmention, Alice reading Bob via websub
Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 11 hours, 3 minutes ago: Finally fixed most of the issues in Indigenous that was causing me to have to switch over to Monocle (primarily auto-reading, as well as content html images were missing). See video above for auto-read 👆 yay!!
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "greatest thing in the world" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "greatest thing in the world is ____", a sentence describing the term)
swentelso {{eddiehinkle.com}} nicely links to the user page of Eddie, but {{realize.be}} does nothing and [https://indieweb.org/User:Realize.be Kristof de Jaeger] shows a stupid arrow :/
[eddie]aaronpk: If you want me to add a screenshot to /microsub, should I conver the individual clients to section entries rather than bullet points in a list?
swentel[eddie], also have question for you. I'm thinking to maybe setup a gofundme page to get some funding so I can work a bit during office hours :) I'm mentioning the Drupal plugin and HTC server costs.
aaronpkswentel: relatedly, I'm considering opening up Aperture for signups soon in some sort of limited capacity, so if you think Dries is going to mention the app at some point we should coordinate on that
[eddie]swentel: No worries. Feel free to include the Android Indigenous app in there if you like. Once Indigenous for iOS is in the App Store, I’ll probably add a “In App Donate Button” in the settings screen for people that appreciate the app and wish to contribute back. (Some of my favorite free apps have that as an option). Each person is in a different place in life and needs different things out of their projects. No need to feel akward if y
[eddie]Yeah, I think a separate screen for really long articles is good. Right now if you swipe right to left it takes you to the originating URL, but in either this update or the next, when you do that it’ll take you to a Full Text View, showing the entire articles, all the images, etc. Including reply context if it’s there
[eddie]Hmm, I’m thinking when you’re in timeline view, instead of having the user’s URL as the back button it should probably just say “Channels”. I’m guessing some people’s URLs will be untenable in that position.
LoqiA tag reply is a special edit response to a post that tags that post with one or more tags, including possibly (or only) person-tags https://indieweb.org/tag-of
[eddie]Oh swentel, regarding caching channels. I am actually gonna be caching channels in this next version, because I’m introducing channel specific settings (namely auto mark as read), so I have to remember what channels exist so I can remember what each of their settings are set to
tantekrealizes he fell asleep in the middle of posting a photo last night so first goes to publish that, gets caught up in re-editing post, as you do the morning after
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "wikispaces" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "wikispaces is ____", a sentence describing the term)
snarfedpublish retry feature request sounds good...but tricky in practice. lots of different kinds of errors, some transient, some not, and i'll never be able to distinguish 100% confidently
aaronpkwhen i use bridgy publish i also make use of the URL it returns, so it would be weird if it went and published the post later without my interaction
tantekmy first goal for today is to get my reacji in-stream reply contexts working (which requires finishing / publishing my emoji detection heuristic)
Loqi[dissolve] single-emoji-recognizer: determine if some text contains a single emoji or not. useful in determining if a reply is a "reacji" or actual text
tanteksnarfed, btw when I was in Berlin last week, my Github "recovery codes" didn't work so the only way I was able to interact with Github was through my site - was a total lifesaver during CSSWG meeting!
singpolymatantek: I take from your cassis repo fresh every time I start a new thing, but I don't update things with your new copy after. so, kinda both?
@ChrisAldrich↩️ Thanks Jeremy, I've had a bear of a time with webmentions from pages, and in particular that one which has some issues with the nesting of author tags, thus making the webmentions appear to be coming from other people. Sorry to get your hopes up... (twitter.com/_/status/986661104918171650)
Loqi[tantek] There is also the counterpart: 'untag-of' posts (<https://indieweb.org/untag>) which are more of a brainstorm at this point, but I figured worth pointing out as a future enhancement, in case that helps generalize the code for 'tag-of' support.
aaronpkgrantcodes: do you use a URL that is sufficiently random to be unguessable? or could someone reasonably stumble across one of your "unlisted" posts by iterating URLs?
sebselI have the same thing with a visibility=true|false and a private=true|false, although I was planning on changing it to visibility=hidden and visibility=private
aaronpkin order for any of my posts to show up in a list, they have to be explicitly added to a list. (called channels in p3k). so i can set the channel to a special value "none" in the micropub request and it won't show up anywhere. i kind of like visibility=unlisted better for that tho.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "unlisted" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "unlisted is ____", a sentence describing the term)
aaronpkyea! I use post-status=draft all the time when i start writing a post in quill then want to finish off some nitpicky formatting things on my site
LoqiNIPSA is an acronym for Not In Public Site Areas, and an admin feature of Flickr that allows their support staff to mark an account such that posts from it will not be shown in search results and other similar public views of posts https://indieweb.org/NIPSA