#indieweb 2018-04-10

2018-04-10 UTC
↩️ I don't think trying to pick a winner is the sensible approach. I want multiple different writing and reading tools for the web, and I want them to interoperate as much as possible. That's what #indieweb is about.
snarfed, eli_oat, renem, wolftune, [eddie], jihaisse_, cjk101010 and toomim joined the channel
Right on, Kevin. In our web, every citizen can *choose* how to view their world.
tantek_, Guest94270, [miklb], Erkan_Yilmaz, KapiX and seekr joined the channel
@wordpressdotcom, how about some love for microbloggers? This is frustrating and unusable, especially given that after peeking at the post and closing the editor the list loses vscroll. I’m trying to have an indieweb moment here. The posts screen for ... https://rnbn.blog/2018/04/10/395/
Good morning IndieWeb!
Pierre-O, AngeloGladding and cweiske joined the channel
[kevinmarks], Pierre-O, ricardokirkner, swentel and j4y_funabashi joined the channel
morning all
[pfefferle] joined the channel
It's still extremely basic, but I got inbound webmentions running on a static server-side generated website! 🎉🍾 #indieweb.
↩️ If you don't know what the #indieweb is, then take a look at the website. But in summary iit's about freeing your data from the control of the social media giants. They shouldn't be the ones controlling who can see your content! https://indieweb.org/
Pierre-O joined the channel
↩️ I'm going to write about the webmentions , the @pinboard integration, and how the site has been built with Metalsmith and @netlify up into a post. #indieweb But for now you can look at the files on Github to get a rough idea. 😁https://github.com/sonniesedge/sonniesedge-website/
Hellow dgold! (Have to beat you to it.)
↩️ BTW, many thanks to @adactio for tuning me into webmentions and related #indieweb concepts. ❤️
↩️ @sonniesedge w0w now that's growth hacking for a noble cause! Long life to the #indieweb! https://t.co/QoO6aHlEg9
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
↩️ Sounds like you should definitely mark Nov 3rd-4th in your calender to join us for @indiewebcamp Berlin 2018 (nothing planned & published yet but I'm pretty sure I'll set one up again) +While you are at it: Include Nov 6th when @stefanjudis & I will run the 1st @a11yclub conf ;)
tantek_ joined the channel
that sounds worth adding to /Planning !
markong joined the channel
Been blogging daily for 3 days in a row now. So apparently my “just write HTML” mindset is working :D Happy to be publishing again. This is what the IndieWeb is about, more than developing communication standards!
deathrow1, eli_oat and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
nice, zegnat. I do find my 'manual til it hurts' approach on my main site does make starting a post feel like a lot of work. Maybe time to iterate on that.
michi joined the channel
hi everybody…I need some help. Anytime I try to authorizied Instagram for Indieweb I become this error: www.instagram.com/doityourself.rocks
This is not a supported authentication provider.
Hi Guest19198! (You may want to change your name by writing /nick followed by your prefered name)
Where are you trying to login / authorise?
@Zegnat do you have an idea?
Are you entering your Instagram URL on that page? I don’t think that works. You will have you enter your own personal URL, where you have setup IndieAuth, to start there.
I think. I am not a Bridgy user myself. But there might be some Bridgy users in here that know better!
No, on this page I entering my Website URL…and on my Website I have a link like this:"><a href="https://www.instagram.com/doityourself.rocks" rel="me">Follow me on Instagram</a></li>"
Do you have any other rel="me" links? I don’t think Instagram can be used for authentication currently.
Yes…Twitter works. And everywhere I found a YouTube video about this…(must search the link again)
Then use Twitter to login with. What you login with doesn’t actually affect what services Bridgy is going to use.
So it can still bridge with Instagram, even if you used Twitter for IndieAuth :)
Thanks Zegnat…but I try to do the same thing like in the video…and this dosen't works
MichiMauch, there are two different things: 1) login to brid.gy via indieauth.com and 2) sync comments and likes from instagram to your website
logging in via indieauth.com (which reads the rel=me links on your page) is not possible with instagram
you need a rel=me link to github, twitter, an email address or a gpg key
@cweiske Ok I see…I think I did understand now…slowly
see "Authentication providers currently supported" on https://indieauth.com/
do you have a github or twitter profile?
Yes Twitter and logged in on indieweb.org with Twitter
now you also can log into brid.gy, right?
yep. right
but now I can't connect to Instagram
what error does brid.gy give you?
First I click on the Instagram button
And the I write my URL into the field: https://www.doityourself.rocks
and press GO ;-)
 www.instagram.com/doityourself.rocks —> This is not a supported authentication provider.
which URL are you seeing in your browser's address bar?
use twitter
not instagram
mmhh…not sure if you mean the same thing as I
indieauth should show you all the rel=me s you have
With Twitter I can login into indieweb.org
That works
Now I would like to sync Instagram comments and likes with my website
I know
on the indieauth page that says " www.instagram.com/doityourself.rocks —> This is not a supported authentication provider.", pick twitter
ok. done
know i'm into indieweb.org
sorry…now of course
You don’t need to go to indieweb.org.
There are two steps to the Bridgy process. First is logging in to Bridgy, for this it uses indieauth.com, and you cannot pick Instagram here. But you can pick Twitter. Then when you are logged in, Bridgy will let you connect your Instagram. (I think.)
you don't need to connect bridgy to instagram at all, since bridgy doesn't use the instagram api
you just need to have the profile linked from your page
I'm logged in also on bridgy
good, does it show you your user dashboard now?
yes it does
good :)
now my question is, what must I do to sync the Instagram comments and likes
sknebel, it doesn’t? So the YouTube video cited above it out of date then?
MichiMauch, do you know what a webmention is?
Zegnat: had missed the mention of a video - I think snarfed made that video to try to apply for API access?
I think I do…a little bit…and I'm a little bit confused because on an Instagram post is no link back zu my site…but I saw the video and think maybe there is a magic way to do this…
Wie mache ich denn DSGVO konform klar, dass ein like, der hier auf twitter gemacht wird, wenn es einen artikel aus meinem blog betrifft, auch in meinem blog auftaucht? samt avatarbild? indieweb ist geil, aber an der stelle wirds kniffelig, n'est-ce pas?
Zegnat/sknebel: where does brid.gy get the link between instagram post and the blog post?
I presume it needs u-syndicate?
(if there isn't a link in the post)
I don’t know. The about page also seems to talk about both Instagram API and about problems with scraping, so having a hard time sorting the current information from the old
tantek_ joined the channel
Seems like it previously used the API for things, so that screencast may be some slight false advertisement on snarfed’s part ;)
"Which things does it send, specifically?: Instagram comments and likes on your pictures."
oh, michimauch is gone
michi joined the channel
Thanks guys for your help
MichiMauch, the brid.gy process is as follows:
[superfeedr] "Am I addicted to cards?" by Greg McVerry on 2018-04-10 http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/04/10/am-i-addicted-to-cards
1. it scans your instagram profile, sees a post that has a like/comment
2. it scans the homepage linked on your instagram profile and searches for posts that have a link to that instagram post (https://brid.gy/about#link)
3. it generates a HTML page for that comment/like, marked up with microformats2
4. it notifies your blog that there is a comment/like by sending a webmention to your blog
eli_oat joined the channel
5. your blog sees that there is a webmention, fetches that comment HTML, parses it, decides that it's a comment/like and displays it on your blog post somehow
↩️ Any you introduced me to @sonniesedge and now I am rethinking my cards and modal strategies. http://bit.ly/2GM0rMx #indieweb
so to make the process work, you need to make your blog ready for #2 and #5
s/make ready/adjust/
MichiMauch, https://indieweb.org/WordPress_with_Bridgy should be interesting for you
[snarfed], powww, onlinemarketinga and leg joined the channel
thanks for all
@cweiske and @Zegnat
MichiMauch: got it to work?
[superfeedr] "Giving up the CMS would have to be #HigherEd first step into #IndieWeb" by Greg McVerry on 2018-04-10 http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/04/10/giving-up-the-cms-would-have-to-be-highered-first
@sknebel…I must finised my tests later…now I have an other job ;-)
MichiMauch, do report back if you get it working or not! You may find actual Bridgy users online here too if you try a different time :) Timezones are hard.
I will...thanks
_200ok_ joined the channel
(reading back) hehe thanks tantek_ :) I still pretty much feel like that's the model *people* want, just not the model businesses want
anarchivist and willnorris joined the channel
That time you’re googling to try to find a link you forgot to bookmark, and you run across a post from @ChrisAldrich and while scrolling through the comments you realize that whole respond via webmention from your own comments section thing actually worked. Yeah! #indieweb
skvist, kapowaz, bergie, KapiX and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I wish one of the sharing sources from my public hypothesis annotations would be some way to syndicate back to somewhere I lived and then back out to social media
ancarda and hook54321a joined the channel
pfrazee, kaushalmodi, barpthewire and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb (Bdetter late than never)
Zegnat++ for three days of blogging
zegnat has 87 karma in this channel (194 overall)
Haha, thanks jeremycherfas!
Hello dgold
tantek_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Scott is indieweb friendly, and I'm sure would love to hear any indieweb uptick stats
bjoern, snarfed, [gerwitz], wolftune and kaushalmodi joined the channel
↩️ @webrocker Na da hätten wir ja viel Diskussionsstoff auf dem #IndieWebCamp 😜
sebsel, KapiX, snarfed and [eddie] joined the channel
I have been thinking through Indigenous on-boarding screens. I had some free time waiting at the vet today and I wrote some potential Microcopy. I’m interested in any feedback you all have. Each header would be the beginning of another on boarding screen. I tried to keep things succinct but I’m sure there are ways to shorten it. The idea is to have it be short, large friendly text with sign up/sign in buttons:
snarfed joined the channel
that's pretty nice!
[eddie]: reads pretty well
Thanks :)
Reads well, although I also think it can be tightened. Not sure how to edit a gist.
Awesome, I’d love your thoughts! You can fork it and edit it or leave a comment. Not the most intuitive but those are the two things I’ve done in the past.
I'll try comments.
endi joined the channel
Great tweaks, thanks jeremycherfas!
jeremycherfas has 9 karma in this channel (20 overall)
OK, I've raised a couple of bigger difficulties now.
Difficulties for me, as a potential Gen2-3 person.
Awesome, it’s great to read this stuff from that perspective. Definitely presents some further challenges in how to describe this stuff but it’s needed. 🙂
So the one nuance is that if someone does sign in to micro.blog for posting, the reading page won’t be displayed
As you said, that would be duplicative. But if someone signs in to any service that doesn’t automatically support reading, then you get the final “Reading” page
AngeloGladding joined the channel
Sounds good.
snarfed joined the channel
shares jeremycherfas concerns re naming
Micropub, microsub, websub
tbbrown joined the channel
They are tricky.... maybe we should make the proper capitalization in the last three microPUB and microSUB 😉
... kidding
It is hard to find a way to explain what IndieWeb tools work with without mentioning protocol names
But then there has to be a way that a Gen 2/3/4 person can know the difference between something that works with IndieWeb protocols versus Mastadon or Twitter or FB
In the Golden future where everything supports Micropub/sub, that goes away 😆
How do current blogging tools describe it? They probably aren't mentioning XML-RPC and MetaWeblog everywhere surely?
MarsEdit does, and it can be quite confusing.
Ulysses in the interface says “Custom Wordpress”, on the FAQ/Help it uses XML-RPC
I don’t think you have to list it everywhere though. I think once they know that something has to be x-compatible, then you can just ask for their Blog Url, etc. using more normal language
I think the biggest hurtle is the initial “compatibility” discussion. I think after that you should be able to go jargon free
Byword, the app I just wrote about where I made it post to my site, has "Wordpress" listed as the option, even though it supports any other site that supports the MetaWeblog API
so if you know that your site is "Wordpress-compatible" then you know you can use that option
Yeah, that makes sense.
cdchapman joined the channel
Is it more Gen 3/4 friendly to use a term like “IndieWeb-compatible” or some other term we construct that takes the place of more abstract terms like Micropub/sub, and you have a link like “What is IndieWeb-compatible?” That links to more like a FAQ/help page with tech details?
at some point, the "micro" prefix on some terms becomes misleading.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
they don't, as the tools become more available and automated the community just needs to decide if it wants to open up past devs. The proof will be in the documentation
It is hard seeing a tool take off in the general public when even using the word protocol. If developers and engineers are the long term target audience that is fine.
Might be a self cleansing problem if people spin up commercial offshoots. Find me one consumer facing how-to guide that uses the word protocol
jgee and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Instead you have to write: Indieweb certified websites (using any number of existing tools to check) you an API called Micropub. APis are like telephones between your browser and other applications. The indieweb API, like MicroPub help us stick to our values. They allow users to control their data while enjoying the network features of commercial silos. By using MicropPub you sign on to other indeweb certified websites. You can publish on your o
syndicate elsewhere including popular social networks. Then when other people comment or mention your work you get record of this mention. This is using
i'm now mixing them up too
[superfeedr] "/me whispers #indieweb" by Michael Bishop on 2018-04-10 https://miklb.com/blog/2018/04/10/3722/
Indieweb certified websites (using any number of existing tools to check) use an API called Micropub ...forget no editing
hs0ucy joined the channel
An “unwaivable” right to collect fees from sites that publish snippets from a post along with links to that post
What is link preview?
A link preview is what posts show about one or more embedded links, e.g https://indieweb.org/link-preview
what! "a special copyright-like fee to be paid by websites to news publishers, in exchange for the privilege of using short snippets of quoted text as part of a link to the original news article"
so we all agree, we're all news publishers now, right?
what exactly qualifies someone as a news publisher?
I'm sure some vague legalese definition will be used
[kevinmarks], hs0ucy and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Can't lie love the quote I heard from Kara Swisher, can't remember who she was quoting, "Citizen journalism, do you want citizen surgery?" Granted an incumbent protecting incumbency but a valid point
swentel and snarfed1 joined the channel
Fascinating watching #Zuckerberg, certainly all the right noises are being made but I am left unconvinced that Facebook should be trusted, people should own their data and not have any illusions these platforms are benign. #IndieWeb is one option!
ajft and tantek_ joined the channel
ajft, snarfed, KartikPrabhu and eli_oat joined the channel; pfrazee left the channel
A good thread with some previous Facebook scrape/leak issues, if anyone wants to summarize on /Facebook: https://twitter.com/ashk4n/status/983725115903852544
As we all listen to @finkd apologize to congress for the umpteenth time, it’s important to remember that @facebook’s leaking user data isn’t new or an accident. (1/7)
snarfed and dougbeal|iOS joined the channel