#dev 2018-04-24
2018-04-24 UTC
# Loqi Post Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for determining the type of a post by what properties it has and potentially what value(s) they have, which helps avoid the need for explicit post types that are being abandoned by modern post creation UIs https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
snarfed joined the channel
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# www.boffosocko.com edited /lost_infrastructure (+60) "Timeshifting/Reading: microsub projects; micro.blog" (view diff)
[miklb], AngeloGladding, iasai, renem, eli_oat, Mandrake, [mrkrndvs], [chrisaldrich], chrisaldrich, cweiske, [pfefferle], tantek, [unoabraham], swentel and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] Not 6% payback, 6% equity in the company formed.
# [kevinmarks] There is still a presumption that a company is the right organisational form.
[unoabraham] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] Known did an incubator like this (that Ben now runs) - the code was still open source, but the company was partly owned by the incubator, the rest by staff and other investors.
# [kevinmarks] The thing that makes me wary is that Jason's explicit goal is a billion users, which is missing the point
# Zegnat Alright, for all you Micropub enthusiasts in here, I think I finished up describing the microformats JSON syntax: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-json !
# Zegnat !tell skippy I think I have now covered the entire MF2 JSON syntax on http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-json - please have a read and let me know if it still leaves you with questions :)
# [kevinmarks] [aaronpk] does that clarify the rels +rel-urls for you? (as you asked about it the other day)
# @m4d_z ↩️ @edasfr Ça dépend de tes pré-requis je dirai (l'i18n, webmentions, images responsives…). Tu as besoin de quoi, de base ? (twitter.com/_/status/988716451057033216)
schmarty1, [pfefferle], jjuran, loicm and [xavierroy] joined the channel
# Zegnat swentel, lets see if we can make it even easier by adding a reference to the mf2 json page from the Micropub spec :) https://github.com/w3c/Micropub/issues/106
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# @edasfr ↩️ @m4d_z Import depuis WordPress. Les webmentions seraient un plus. Logiciel bidouillable. Templates sympa par défaut. Édition simple (twitter.com/_/status/988727158318256128)
Mandrake joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] Incubators annoy me. I have three kids, coach a bazillion teams, run cub scouts... I can't attend your business camp no matter who I can dine with at your networking meals
# [jgmac1106] And as a call back to [kevinmarks] I think a co-op model where users of network owns the network is more sustainable for Jason's goals
# [jgmac1106] Though I also think we can make the web the social network of the users. Not sure a centralized home will ever be as user centric as owning your domain
iasai joined the channel
# jeremycherfas.net edited /Microsub (+17) "Change wording of definition to focus on what it does rather than that it is a spec." (view diff)
[xavierroy], [kevinmarks] and tantek joined the channel
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# Loqi Microsub is a technology for servers https://indieweb.org/microsub
[snarfed] joined the channel
# [snarfed] re bridgy finances, i know it was just an example, but cost and other numbers are public: https://snarfed.org/2018-01-02_bridgy-stats-update-3aa
# [snarfed] related: https://brid.gy/about#cost
# jeremycherfas Yes, zegnat, I did. Can loqi handle only 1 sentence defns?
# jeremycherfas Will do.
# jeremycherfas Your instructions worked fine. But Loqi misses the final full stop.
[kaushal_modi] joined the channel
# Zegnat I like your plumbing comparison to HTTP for web browsers jeremycherfas... Wondering if I could illustrate it some way like this: https://wiki.zegnat.net/media/plumbing.html
# jeremycherfas Oh that's excellent. Zegnat++
# jeremycherfas Zegnat ++
# jeremycherfas Oh come on Loqi, rise and shine.
# jeremycherfas Zegnat++
# jeremycherfas Zegnat ++
# jeremycherfas Third time lucky. I remebered something about spaces, and something about being at the start of a statement.
# jeremycherfas You could even add FTP to that.
snarfed joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Not at all necessary. Get into which transfer protocol the information protocol uses and we may never see you again.
DenSchub_, [miklb], ancarda, iasai_, leg, wagle, alex_mayorga and cweiske joined the channel
# vanderven.se martijn edited /dfn (+117) "This probably still needs a good wiki editting example…" (view diff)
kaushalmodi joined the channel
# kaushalmodi kevinmarks: I unintentionally spammed your http://www.kevinmarks.com/fragmentions.html post because I changed the Permalink of my https://scripter.co/fragmentions/ post.
# kaushalmodi Is there a good way to prevent that when changing URL (not that I do that frequently).
# kaushalmodi KartikPrabhu: Interestingly that Permalink change did not spam another Webmention to you: https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/fragmentioner
# Loqi [Kartik Prabhu] Javascript UI to get the fragmention (http://indiewebcamp.com/fragmention) link of selected text. https://github.com/kartikprabhu/fragmentioner #indieweb
# kaushalmodi > Have the old URL redirect to the new URL
# kaushalmodi > Have the old URL redirect to the new URL
# kaushalmodi Yes I am doing that
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# kaushalmodi > send an update webmention for them
# kaushalmodi what is that?
# Loqi That! (or "that ^" or "that ^^^") is a rarely seen reply often emphasizing agreement with a This post, but sometimes[1] merely emphasizing agreement with a previous reply https://indieweb.org/that
# kaushalmodi (I wish I can shift+return to insert newlines here -- using IRC over web)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] send the webmention again
# kaushalmodi yes, that's what I did
# kaushalmodi so now you have the wm's from both URLs (old and new)
cweiske_ joined the channel
# kaushalmodi Ah, I understand now.. I am not technically redirecting it.. I just created an alias in Hugo
# [kevinmarks] yes, both return 200
# petermolnar that is one of my pains with static sites
# kaushalmodi ok, I take that back.. hugo is causing the generation of the redirection meta
# petermolnar and the reason why I have a PHP file built with 410 and 302 redirects
# kaushalmodi <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=https://scripter.co/fragmentions/" />
# petermolnar that's not a redirect-redirect
# petermolnar as in it's not http 301 or 302
# kaushalmodi hmm, time to learn then
# petermolnar ???
# Loqi 410 is the HTTP status code for GONE, meaning whatever URL was requested is not there any more, and used in webmention CRUD to indicate that a source has been deleted https://indieweb.org/410
# petermolnar aaronpk: that shouldn' work
# petermolnar the http code is sent before the content
# kaushalmodi I can do that in the _redirects file for Netlify (where I host the site)
# petermolnar (it doesn't mean it can't work, but it shouldn't)
# petermolnar hence the correction
# Loqi meta http-equiv status is an HTML extension specification that adds the "Status" value to the existing meta element's http-equiv attribute as a method for representing the HTTP Status code to be returned by a web server serving that HTML document, and for consuming applications like webmention receivers to parse and interpret as such for use-cases such as representing a 410 Gone deleted resource on static hosting that often disallow setting HTTP headers directly https://indieweb.org/meta_http-equiv_status
# kaushalmodi As I don't rename URLs often, not a problem, but I wished there were a programmable way..
# petermolnar bloeh
# petermolnar that's one ugly standards hack
# petermolnar or build a very simple php file, like I do, if there's php on the server
# kaushalmodi aaronpk: Yes, that's what I'll do https://www.netlify.com/docs/redirects/
# petermolnar aaronpk: I build the whole PHP, the potential redirect values are in an array
# kaushalmodi petermolnar: Netlify serves only static files, so PHP is not an answer (also I don't know PHP)
# vanderven.se martijn edited /meta_http-equiv_status (+31) "Shorten the definition, this is probably enough." (view diff)
# petermolnar well, I do try a bit more hacking there, as in checking for a few extra things, but the idea sounds similar
# petermolnar it also handles 404
# kaushalmodi Thanks. So that solves 1/2 the problem.
# kaushalmodi Now is there a way to override the "source" of the webmention?
# kaushalmodi Right now wm's are auto-sent with the URL's of the containing post as the source
# [kevinmarks] well, on voxpelli's side
# [kevinmarks] you can manually send a webmention with mention.tech or telegram
# kaushalmodi correct, but I am sending it in batch each time
# kaushalmodi cweiske is kind enough to lend me his wm sending server: https://github.com/cweiske/stapibas
# Loqi [cweiske] stapibas: Standalone pingback server. Mirror of http://git.cweiske.de/stapibas.git/
# kaushalmodi So I just send a POST to that endpoint, and stapibas crawls through my site Atom feed to send all the wm's
# aaronparecki.com edited /Microsub (+261) "rephrase dfn again, microsub is not just for servers" (view diff)
# kaushalmodi Zegnat: I haven't tested that yet.. that will just make the redirection more correctly
# kaushalmodi As it stands, wm's won't be sent at all from the old url, only from the new url.
# Zegnat The idea behind the update mention (that is: resending the webmention) is that you do it when a post changes, no matter what about the post changes. So when you change the URL from example.com/a to example.com/b you resend all the webmentions you previously sent, completely unchanged (still with example.com/a as the source).
# kaushalmodi Yes, it makes sense. Just wondering why it didn't affect Kartik's post.. may be he manually gates the WM's?
# kaushalmodi I'll go ahead and fix the redirect, and then let's see that happens
# kaushalmodi So about the redirect, should 301 be good?
# petermolnar Zegnat: do you have a problem with my jinja2 python template, named .html, that becomes a php and gets executed as PHP? :P
# petermolnar oh, btw they are associative arrays, eg url => true - it turns out looking up a key is ~3-4 multitude faster, than in_array
# petermolnar magnitude
tantek joined the channel
# kaushalmodi OK, 301 set on https://scripter.co/replies/fragmentions/
# kaushalmodi kevinmarks: That duplicate wm is still there.. looks like you will need to delete the older one manually.
snarfed, [jgmac1106], tantek, dougbeal|iOS, maingo, [unoabraham] and swentel joined the channel
# Loqi skippy: Zegnat left you a message 7 hours, 2 minutes ago: I think I have now covered the entire MF2 JSON syntax on http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-json - please have a read and let me know if it still leaves you with questions :)
kaushalmodi joined the channel
# kaushalmodi dgold: Wouldn't the suggestion in that issue work?
# kaushalmodi i.e. have the user set the tokens in env vars, and then have PHP read those env vars
# Zegnat I try to offload all my request handling into PSR-7 compatible libs these days. For the smallest projects I just grab https://github.com/Nyholm/psr7 which means I need no full Zend/Symfony/w.e.
tantek joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# Zegnat Not ready on GitHub, skippy. I have https://github.com/Zegnat/php-website-starter/ which combines a lot of PSR stuff into a basic PHP website skeleton, but that is less than helpful :P
[matthilt] joined the channel
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Diactoros" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Diactoros is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# Zegnat https://zendframework.github.io/zend-diactoros/custom-responses/#redirects - is redirects in Diactoros, aaronpk
# aaronpk header('Location: /redirect') is just so much easier
romangeeko joined the channel
leg joined the channel
# snarfed you may need to add `auto_populate_reply_metadata=true` to the API call. details in https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/703
KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
# @kartik_prabhu B: We need a better social network. A: Do you like ads? B: No! A: Can I sell your data? B: No! A: Can I have your data anyway? B: No! A: Do you want to host it yourself? B: No! A: Do you want to pay for this better social network? B: No! A: OK, bye! #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/979175639268888577)
[tantek] joined the channel
# @ROUZealot @kartik_prabhu If you see this, it worked! Sorry, I'll delete it in a second.… https://steelyglint.ascraeus.org/micro/1524593542 (twitter.com/_/status/988843109931995136)
# KartikPrabhu dgold: where am I supposed to see this?
# KartikPrabhu dgold: got a like and a reply on Twitter
# KartikPrabhu dgold: bridgy found the like
# KartikPrabhu but not the reply
# KartikPrabhu aah yes, it is also gone from my twitter UI
# KartikPrabhu seems like bridgy was ahead of the Twitter web UI
snarfed, swentel, [cleverdevil], KartikPrabhu, [miklb], [pfefferle], tantek, loicm and kaushalmodi joined the channel
# kaushalmodi So a generic Webmention question.. I am using webmention.io as my wm endpoint. If I understand correctly, it does not store the wm content but just the source/dest info... correct?
# kaushalmodi And it is caching all those webmentions source/dest info ever since I started using it. So if I switch the endpoint, do I lose all old webmentions?
jackjamieson joined the channel
# kaushalmodi I use webmention.io as the endpoint. Tomorrow if I move the endpoint to a different server, do I lose all the old mentions?
# kaushalmodi So if I move to a different server, I will then need to make API calls to both old and new endpoints? Sorry, I am trying to create a mental picture
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# kaushalmodi I get it that technically I don't need to keep on making API calls to the old endpoint.. I can just do it once and download all the data as JSON.
# kaushalmodi Yes
# kaushalmodi But then I need to stitch together the mentions from the cache and fresh mentions from the new end-point..
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
# kaushalmodi Thank you.. while making this mental picture for a blog post, I am preparing for questions that could come up from others, like "so is this moving your comments from Disqus to webmention.io?"
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
leg and tantek joined the channel
# klezlab.it edited /Pelican (+117) "Undo revision 47209 by [[Special:Contributions/Klezlab.it|Klezlab.it]] ([[User talk:Klezlab.it|talk]])" (view diff)
# dgold kaushalmodi: you should take a look at schmarty's Morris: https://github.com/martymcguire/morris
# kaushalmodi dgold: Thanks! I'll save that for reference till I get started with my own server and learning PHP :)
# kaushalmodi I believe an old school cron + API based fetch from webmention.io will also work.
# kaushalmodi Note that I anyways do the API fetch -> JSON -> Using Hugo Data feature to convert those mentions to static HTML at the moment
# kaushalmodi webmention.io -> triggers web hook -> Zappier -> POST to Netlify -> hugo fetches JSON from webmention.io -> Site rebuilds with new mentions
# kaushalmodi (things I end up doing while trying to avoid JS and PHP :P)
# kaushalmodi *Zapier
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# kaushalmodi Draft of a diagram for a blog post on the above explains webmention publishing flow on Hugo: https://svgshare.com/i/6Qn.svg
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# KartikPrabhu kaushalmodi: by "user" oyu mean someone sending a webmention to the "website" ?
# kaushalmodi KartikPrabhu: yes
# KartikPrabhu yeah it sounds confusing given current patterns
# snarfed GWG: i do sometimes. eg https://snarfed.org/2018-04-15_a-short-post-peter-stuifzand-2
# kaushalmodi KartikPrabhu: OK, so I think that I should have "Sends a Webmention" arrow between User and Website
# kaushalmodi Then what is that "thing" called that goes between Website and webmention.io?
# KartikPrabhu kaushalmodi: I don't use webmention.io so I really don't know :P
# kaushalmodi well in general..
# kaushalmodi any site would have a rel=webmention, right
# KartikPrabhu not unless the rel value is put in the website
# kaushalmodi when someone sends a webmention to a target URL, that endpoint looks up the rel=webmention in that target?
# KartikPrabhu hmmm the actual webmention POST is sent to the webmention endpoint
# kaushalmodi Basically I would like to properly diagram the initial part.. the interaction between User, Website and WM Endpoint.. before WM Endpoint creates that POST
# KartikPrabhu WM endpoints don't create a POST request
# KartikPrabhu the webmention sender creates and sends a POST request to the wm endpoint of the website
# kaushalmodi then I am a bit confused to join those dots with the fact that anyone can send me a WM via https://telegraph.p3k.io/
# kaushalmodi So where does telegraph link with my endpoint i.e. webmention.io?
# KartikPrabhu telegraph looks at your website finds the rel=webmention to get your WM endpoint and then sends a POST request to that endppoint
# kaushalmodi About "WM endpoints don't create a POST request", webmention.io specifically does that
# kaushalmodi ah OK, thanks
# kaushalmodi So if someone doesn't use Telegraph, they would need to find out what endpoint I am using manually?
# KartikPrabhu or through their own sending software
# kaushalmodi understood
# kaushalmodi .. or through those WM sending forms which we usually have on the target posts
# kaushalmodi and those forms will be "hard-coded" to that site's endpoint
# kaushalmodi hmm
# KartikPrabhu yes
# kaushalmodi KartikPrabhu++ Thanks. Diagram update coming up
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] Twitter puts some reply contexts below
# kaushalmodi Rev 2 of the WM interaction diagram: https://svgshare.com/i/6Qd.svg
# kaushalmodi Zegnat: You mean put a stick figure for User?
# kaushalmodi But then does that make sense for the endpoint? Because that's a script
# Zegnat The listener does not know if the speaker is telling the truth, so if they are interested they go and check if Page A really links to Page B. If the speaker was telling the truth, the listener may now want to broadcast the fact that Page A has linked to Page B (e.g. by embedding a comment below their blog post).
# kaushalmodi Zegnat: Rev 3: https://svgshare.com/i/6S7.svg
# kaushalmodi Still not sure if/how to personify the Website or the Endpoint
# kaushalmodi Zegnat: Ah OK. About "The listener is only interested in this information if Page B is something they own" though, I just do a GET for the specific URL
# kaushalmodi hugo loops through all pages and does a GET for all, each specific to the page's Permalink
# kaushalmodi The initial POST from wm.io is just to kick off the whole domino chain
# kaushalmodi Correct. That diagram is specific to a blog post I am working on, on how I display wm's on my site :)
# kaushalmodi Correct. I am not going into a low level detail (as I myself am fuzzy on that :P Kartik helped clear some stuff above)
# kaushalmodi Good night Zegnat!
snarfed joined the channel
# grantcodes swentel++ for the continuing work on indigenous
snarfed joined the channel
# grantcodes He's making me wish I had more time to work on my reader :P
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