LoqiGWG: Zegnat left you a message 16 hours, 6 minutes ago: re facepiles and where to link them, have a look at sebsel’s implementation: https://indieweb.org/facepile#Sebastiaan_Andeweg it shows author portraits as links to people, and then reply-type-icons as links to posts.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "indiepay.me" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indiepay.me is ____", a sentence describing the term)
skippyaaronpk: is micropub.rocks stripping the trailing slash from the URL I supplied for my identity? it looks like it is; and my micropub endpoint is failing the "me" check because it's not there.
aaronpkthat's something on your token endpoint end, since micropub.rocks can't tell you who the token is for since it just uses the token that it was given
ZegnatCool, let me know how that goes skippy! Setup is purposefully oblique because I want to have people think about security... There is an issue for collecting ideas to clean up the README though!
skippyof course! I need to get SQLite into my PHP container, first, though. And I might take this time to switch to docker-compose, so PHP starts after MariaDB... such yak shaving. very busywork. (doge)
ZegnatHe, yeah, I am not working on making Mintoken db agnostic yet, else you might have been able to use a different storage solution. That’s a project for ... Monday probably, haha
ZegnatActually, I think someone made a PDO driver that uses the filesystem. So if you really wanted to, you could get Mintoken to function on files. If you were really determined...
skippyPDO for MySQL and SQLite are pretty close. I think it's when you try to support PGSQL that things get weird. Or at least, that was my last experience, years ago when I last did any PHP PDO work.
Zegnatskippy, was that aimed at me? Mintoken does not create anything, no, because it can’t know what a secure location is to put the SQLite. Should it go 1 dir up? 2? Do you have a separate folder for inaccessible files? Up to you where you put it.
skippyZegnat: right; i understand. but also the "create db" semantics are different between MySQL and PGSQL. So if you're not trying to create the DB in your code, you can be a little more flexible with what you support.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "most stable microsub server, at this point" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "most stable microsub server, at this point is ____", a sentence describing the term)
skippyLet me see if I have this right: Aperture is a server-side solution I'd host, and I'd use artisan to create my account there. Then I use something like Together to connect to that. Do I use Together to tell Aperture tht I want to subscribe to new feeds?
@madebydusk↩️ Holy smokes all, thanks for the fast input, got something to chew over the weekend. Will keep my eyes peeled for Craft 3 webmentions as I’m working through porting my site over from 2 to 3 (twitter.com/_/status/995033618702589953)
iasai, KartikPrabhu, snarfed and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Loqitantek_: aaronpk left you a message 6 hours, 21 minutes ago: looks like one of your reply contexts is missing from your home page still, for new github issues
[miklb], [colinwalker] and chimo joined the channel