jgmac1106Some newbie questions: Is there a Microformat stylesheet you need to link to on a website? If I style any of the microformat classes on my stylesheet does anything break.
ZegnatBut styling on microformats classes can sometimes be iffy, because you might want to nest the classes differently in the future and then have to redo your CSS again
jgmac1106setting up this project by just having people add an html page from five different templates. Would using h-entry is this case be wrong? They will be static but I guess folks could add them to feeds
jgmac1106<p class="vcard"><a class="url" href="#">Open Science Space (name pending)</a> is a place to share our successes in <div class="org">#OpenScience</div>.</p> that look right?
jgmac1106[skenbel] getting the get started page on microformats2 as robust as microformat2 gettign stated page could be a good goal for a less technical contributor
jgmac1106<p class="h-card"><a class="u-url" href="#">Open Science Space (name pending)</a> is a place to share our successes in <span class="p-org">#OpenScience</span.</p>
sknebel[stefp]: I believe known has a way of showing the tokens it has given out, can you check if its there correctly (and then maybe try with a different client)
jgmac1106Can I do this: <img class="u-photo avatar" src="https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/10/05/22/37/blank-profile-picture-973461_1280.png" alt="blank profile”>?
aaronpki just realized that your http header says you're using litespeed, not apache. Try searching for how to get the server to allow the HTTP Authorization header throuogh.
LoqiAccessibility is the practice of designing so that people with disabilities can have equal access to information and functionality, applicable to both websites as well as physical environments https://indieweb.org/accessibility
jgmac1106When ever I am using an image as a metaphor , or juts share a pretty picture I am always tempted to write a line of versein the alt tag but never want to add additional text to screen readers.
jgmac1106was called away for a wiffle ball game, now I have to “help” my youngest in a Splatoon Splatfest but sitting down and trying to make a template site in between turns
[eddie]aaronpk: ohhh okay. Because the interface between Watchtower and Aperture was WebSub based, I just assumed the actual WebSub logic would be in Aperture but that makes sense to keep it all in Watchtower
[eddie]aaronpk: I was just curious because I realized some people that post at different rates will cause their posts to come in the next day. Like it’s been a little while since [cleverdevil] posted. So his posts from yesterday I saw today. So first I started thinking I should manually be able to bring a fetching priority higher. But then I realized really WebSub is the real solution rather than manually raising the fetching timers
jgmac1106when I look at source code why do I sometimes see links to: <link href="http://microformats.org/profile/h-card" rel="profile" /> and such. I thought links in the header were not required.
jgmac1106I think I am just going to leave it a p-summary and call it a day. The more and more granular I am getting the less and less useful it is becoming to the audience
jgmac1106I was slightly confused on where to add the microformats markup in terms of bootstrap. Should it always supersede a row? Is it okay to go across multiple rows. Just stuck with try to keep “stuff together” and get as close to the element as possible
tantek_cleaning up your markup (as CSS Grid enables) often greatly helps with structuring it around meaning (microformats) rather than columnar layout hacks (bootstrap)
KartikPrabhuactually it is a bit annoying to use microformats with CSS grid, since CSS grid only works on direct children. So properly nesting microformats needs some "hacking" around