Loqigrantcodes has 14 karma in this channel (20 overall)
AngeloGladding, loicm, maingo, KartikPrabhu, tomasparks, cweiske, tantek__, iasai, swentel, [jgmac1106], [pfefferle], [xavierroy], [jeremycherfas], jeremycherfas and [kevinmarks] joined the channel; jgmac1106 left the channel
skippyI'm having trouble installing aperture. I am unfamiliar with `artisan` or Laravel, so it's very likely something I'm doing wrong; but i can't seem to get the DB created correctly.
ZegnatMySQL is weird. I set the limit for the varchar columns in Mintoken to 255 because apparently MySQL under a certain version literally couldn’t go any higher?
ZegnatAny clever PHP folks in here that can tell me why `shell_exec("echo -n 'hi!' | pbcopy");` puts `-n hi!\n` in my clipboard? Surely the -n is an option for echo to drop the \n and definitely shouldn’t get inclused :/
Zegnat(To answer my own question, PHP apparently doesn’t run in the same shell as I do, it runs in `sh` where `echo` is different. Learn something every day: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40225695)
skippygRegorLove: potentially, but then I'm mucking about in my container. I'm using the container's default my.conf, and only volume mounting /var/lib/mysql to my host to preserve data.
aaronpkwatchtower is small enough that someone could create a version of it that has the same interface that works on cron jobs instead of a beanstalk queue
@dsample↩️ Static content for security. Webmentions & other @indieweb standards for community building. Make different kinds of posts first-class citizens (eg. Tweet-style vs photo vs long-form article). (twitter.com/_/status/996517800951865344)
gRegorLoveOne thing I might try to work through before IWS is having RSVPs add h-events to my calendar page. That would be one less instance I need to enter events on my google calendar.
gRegorLoveFor example, I've posted a few rsvps to meetup.com events. To get that event info, though, I'd need to deal with their schema.org stuff. :/ *might* not be too difficult for basic event info, name and date.
[schmarty]gRegorLove: that sounds awesome! i do something similar with an h-feed of h-events on my homepage and an iCal sidefile that i generate separately. i never went to the final step of subscribing to it in my calendar tho'.