#dev 2018-05-19

2018-05-19 UTC
Travel, aaronpk?
to SF for the decentralized web meetup
gonna include the wordpress indieauth plugin in that demo :)
I should clean it up by then
Last night I merged in looking in REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION
Trying to solve the header problem
I have a few textual options to fiddle with
i just fixed my PR this morning too
aaronpk, I figure I will have my other PRs this weekend. I want to enhance the text a bit based on confusion
eli_oat and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
@gwg just been trying to cut and my paste to luck with HTTP_AUTHORIZATION by trying to compare the .htaccess files and why it works on my Known instance and not my WordPress instance.
Well, I am merging some PRs to try and improve success without modifications
according to @zegnat's test my header is in good shape so anything you can do the better, I have his header test plugged in so I can test update if you need to
Its already in the GitHub repo, but want to add more
renem, ben_thatmustbeme, jjuran, GWG, OldManZeus and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
↩️ plus the token structure is totally opaque to everything except my app anyway - indieauth and micropub don't require tokens to be jwts, so consumers won't be treating them as jwts - so changing it around isn't gonna ruin anything for consumers 🤔
barpthewire, OldManZeus, ben_thatmustbeme, jeremycherfas and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
jeremycherfas: one issue with file_put_contents() is that it needs the directory structure to be in place, that is one thing I did in the new nanopub PR: https://github.com/Zegnat/nanopub/blob/04988c01ddd1f806dc153c2406082453d2864c97/nanopub.php#L251-L254
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
I'm getting there, slowly.
I do believe I have cracked it; no GIST necessary. But that's in a tiny little bit of test code. Now to see if I can get that into the main nanopub.
does a very happy dance
Because Omnibear will now write a status update to the correct file with the correct name in the correct place.
jeremycherfas has 9 karma in this channel (23 overall)
Now I need to set the correct front matter for status updates, which means going back to Grav for a while. I have almost an hour left today.
If Grav also uses YAML, that should be managable in your left over hour :)
Not quite; I first have to work out the specific YAML for a different kind of page and post, etc.
[jgmac1106], [mrkrndvs], ben_thatmustbeme, eli_oat, [quinnvinlove] and snarfed joined the channel
↩️ Auch ne gute Idee. Schwieriger als die Embed-Codes finde ich allerdings noch den Umgang mit Webmentions und insb. Bridgy. Hab mir schon angeguckt, was du dazu angegeben hast und würde mich wahrscheinlich davon inspirieren lassen. ;)
leg joined the channel
↩️ Das stimmt. Hinzu kommt noch die Verwendung des Avatarbilds. Am schwierigsten ist m.E. zudem, dass der Twitter/FB-Nutzer womöglich nicht weißt, dass seine Reply auf einer anderen Seite aggregiert wird und dem auch nie zugestimmt hat. Andererseits sind Webmentions so toll. 😩
[miklb] joined the channel
yo yo yo
chrisaldrich joined the channel
jeremycherfas++ for sticking with it
jeremycherfas has 10 karma in this channel (24 overall)
jjuran_, [jgmac1106], snarfed, [wiobyrne], [chrisaldrich], AngeloGladding, aaronpk, leg, maingo, eli_oat, KartikPrabhu and dougbeal|imac joined the channel