ancardaShould I always use an HTML parser to find <a> links? I was thinking of using XRay so I can see if it's a comment, like, or bookmark of a page on my website
ancardaAlso, one thing I'm not sure of -- if I get a WebMention for a page and I go looking for that URL only to find it *does not exist*, should I delete the like/comment on my website?
aaronpkif you want to accept webmentions from sites that may not be using microformats markup, then you'll need to use an HTML parser to check for <a> tags
aaronpkbut if you only care about webmentions from pages that use microformats (so that you can show something nicer than just the link) then you can use XRay and just know that you'll be dropping webmentions on the floor if they don't have microformats
ancardaSo my general plan is to look (using XRay) for proper IndieWeb content, then if nothing is found, use an HTML parser to look for an <a/img> that links to me. If there's IndieWeb content, I can show the display picture along with the name and some details
ancardaBy the way, your blog has a textbox & button to submit a WebMention. Does that just drop a URL into your queue to be processed as if it were submitted? Is that a useful thing to also have (it's very easy to make, just write a JSON file out to be picked up by the cron job)
ancardaMy endpoint is passing all the tests for but it only checked a handful. The homepage has a ton of tests for sending WebMentions, but not as many if you are receiving. Do you know if there's more tests I can run?
dansupGWG: if you support ActivityPub, than anyone can follow you as if you were on the same site! They could send comments and likes to your ActivityPub inbox
@colelyman↩️ That did the trick!! Thank you so much. PS I just got webmentions working (which I based off of your implementation), when I write up my post on my site I will send you a webmention ;) (
ZegnatXRay will also transform mf2 data into jf2. I am not sure author cards ever include more info than what you are seeing there. (see
ZegnatI am guessing XRay’s normalisation just doesn’t include it because it isn’t general enough. (XRay is especially nice for things like Webmentions *because* it normalises a lot of stuff.)
ancardaWell, I was hoping to use pronoun for when I get a WebMention (it should send me a push notification describing the mention), but I could always word the string to avoid that
ancardaWell, I'm not sure if you saw last night's posts (~3 AM) -- I can now accept WebMentions! They just get logged for the time being but I have half a cron job that can process them
ancardaOh the other reason I can't use XRay is I want to get the given name (if available) for the notification, not just the fullname and I'm not just doing a substring by first space, as that won't always work; on my own website that'll just return "Mr."
ancardaI could have some horribly broken logic that assumes [Martijn, van, der, Ven] is given-name, middle-name1, middle-name2, family name. "Mr. Ven" would be completely wrong
[kevinmarks]If the given name isn't explicitly marked up, I would not suggest trying to guess what it is. You'll end up annoying people or forcing them into a US English mould.
ancardaMuch like with pronoun, if I can't find one I recognize on the page, I'd just word the notification differently so it avoids using a pronoun at all
ZegnatI am surprised by the amount of people who have been referring to me by my fullname. I think jeremycherfas did. And in some of jgmac1106’s posts he also refers to me as “Martijn van der Ven”. I find that really odd looking in prose.
ancardaOh no, I rewrote my whole website last night ... I went to go modify something, found I had *lost the source code* and only had the binary on my server, so I rewrote my website in PHP
ancardaWell it's not showing up in mf2, so even that isn't aware of `p-pottermore-hogwards-house` -- although that might want to be `p-pottermore-hogwarts-house`
ZegnatI got some type of dog. Which means the test is broken, because it is impossible to create a dog out of my happy memories. I am more phobic of dogs than of any other animal I have met.
ancardaSo I was thinking of adding this feature where you can hover over URLs on my website, and if they aren't relative or otherwise link to, show a small card with information scraped from the `h-card`
ancardaWell the GitHub card has "Follow", but I'm not sure that can be done. I thought about displaying some contact information, scraped from the `h-card`
[kevinmarks]My example isn't great cos I was trying to be too clever about sizes. If you pick a fixed size for the hovercard, then you can use flex box or grid easily
ZegnatI was playing with CSS grids yesterday, trying to line stuff up nicely for a little experiment. It does work well on an intuitive level once you understand you start thinking in grid lines rather than columns/rows
ZegnatYou could give the IMG elements a width/height so even if they are blocked (or do not load because of other reasons) the browser still reserves the space.
ancardaHmm, `Mf2\fetch` is returning NULL for every URL I give it, and returning fast enough I suspect it's not making a network connection. Are there any requirements for `fetch`?
aaronpkYou're probably right, tho there isn't really a difference between someone else's h-card and your own. What matters is whether you want the h-card showing up as a Microformats property of the h-entry, and what property that is
sknebeldid you find an example like <a class="h-card u-url p-name" href="">Aaron Parecki</a> anywhere for an h-card?
aaronpkright. the reason you see class="u-author h-card" is because in that case it's saying that the "author" property of the parent object is the h-card
jgmac1106Would the best recommendation be NOT to include h-card for other people within an -h-entry or to do either do <a class="h-card" href="">Aaron Parecki</a> or <span class="h-card"><a class="u-url p-name" href="">Aaron Parecki</a></span>?
sknebeland the example isn't any different for an embedded h-card vs a non-embedded one, so I think a "special" example for that could confuse people searching for a difference
sknebel "If you refer to somebody in an article, you can mark up their name and a link to their homepage with a small h-card like above. See also [[person-tag]] for when you explicitly tag them in a post." or something along those lines?
[grantcodes]Data lists are awesome and have been around for a while! Great for basic autocomplete functionality as long as you don't need rest requests
jgmac1106that would be cool [kevinmarks] often I don’t know someone’s twitter handle and have to ask. Though people would need their Twitter url in an hcard )Goes to add add Twitter to h-card)
ZegnatI use <details> for D&D stuff all the time. When I quote lengthy rule book stuff, I put it in there so it is only on screen when I need the exact rule.
ancardaWell, this is where I am so far with my cards adventure: -- this is powered by scraping all websites I link to looking for h-cards (nightly cron job). The one thing I haven't got working is the actual `<div>` positioning and having it show when you hover. I don't know enough CSS and JavaScript to figure that out :(
ZegnatProbably set the position of the card to display:none;position:absolute; by default. Then bind a mouseover event on your page. Whenever someones cursor goes over an a-tag for which you have a card take the cursor coordinates (attached in the mouse event) and position the card accordingly.
ancardaI think I can just do `position: absolute` and use JavaScript to figure out the top/left values, but I couldn't get the logic working with mouseover/mouseleave, etc..
ZegnatI am happy to have a look if you get stuck on it, ancarda. Though if you want all window border collision checks etc, probably best to do what aaronpk said and look for a lib
ancardaI was going to have a third item "Local Time" which showed up if there was a country (and in some cases state/city) but I don't want to get into that yet
ancardaZegnat: I like how you have, literally everything, except a bio in your profile. My cards support that feature (`p-note`), so if you had one, it would show under your name in gray italic text
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "invisible data" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "invisible data is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "hidden data" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "hidden data is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Zegnatancarda, hidden data is an anti-pattern specifically because out-of-sight-out-of-mind. I think KartikPrabhu was just trying to find out *where* that was documented
ancardaSo `<span class="p-honorific-prefix" hidden>Mr.</span>` won't be seen by people, but can be seen by parsers. I am tempted to move it out of my name though, because my card shows up as "Mr. Mark Dain" which just reads weirdly
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "invisible data" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "invisible data is ____", a sentence describing the term)
aaronpkhowever, I realized that there was a lot of logic I implemented in around profile URL canonicalization and redirect handling that wasn't in Telegraph's native IndieAuth implementation
aaronpkthe main reason I want some sort of registration step is to make it clear to developers using that they are the one that has the relationship with the service, not their end users
aaronpkI mean using at all defeats the purpose of self-hosting since you're relying on an external service to log in to your own wordpress
aaronpkalso the fact that the API looks like IndieAuth/OAuth is just coincidental, it doesn't actually need to be because it's totally its own service, not trying to be a standard
www.boffosocko.comedited /why (+252) "/* Identity loss */ Link to Motherboard article: Twitter Is Banning Anyone Whose Date of Birth Says They Joined Before They Were 13" (view diff)
ancardaI already found a few issues around it sort-of blocking you from selecting & copying text. I might be able to have a negative z-index until you hover, then set to positive when you hover
ancardaI haven't really figured out deletions. If I go to scrape a URL that's returning 404 or 410 gone, I might go delete the card and picture I had saved
jgmac1106skenbel how would be best to descrbe it. I say add your rel=“me” links because this makes the indieauth function. When you sign on to a hird party client, like an Adroid App, with your domain you will then be able to validate with yoru WordPress credentials or your Microsoft….I mean GitHub credentials
jgmac1106yes but in terms of explaining people how to use the IndieAuth plugin for Wordpress and given the audience doesn’t care about protocols I don’t know a better way to describe it.
aaronpkif you want to support indieauth natively, you'd need to do a little more work because you have to ask the user to enter their website first, before you know where to send them to authenticate
Loqi[IndieWebCamp WordPress Outreach Club] Description
The plugin turns WordPress into an IndieAuth endpoint. This can be used to act as an authentication
mechanism for WordPress and its REST API, as well as an identity mechanism for other sites.
Alternatively, you can use a third-party Ind...
ZegnatI go to pin13 login again, I enter my domain. Because indielogin knows I am already authenticated, it does not send me to my endpoint. But it does give me a link to login as a different user. Clicking that link sends me to the indielogin homepage, rather than back to the pin13 login page
sknebelaaronpk: so is the plan for the replacement of the authorization_endpoint-as-a-service aspect to use indielogin, or do something else? Or am I misremembering things?
aaronparecki.comedited /IndieAuth (+1106) "/* How to */ update how-to to clarify this is not rel-me-auth. content ported from Zegnat's wiki page" (view diff)
ZegnatAlso: Loqi recognises injustice. You can’t -- me for an ugly URL when you have written the plugin that generated that user page URL in the first place ;)
sknebeland maybe mention the authorization part more explicitly early on on IndieAuth. it somehow suddenly appears in the protocol description, and only a very vague reference to Micropub before