pstuifzandZegnat, the microsub client should be a little easier to use than server. It doesn't need configuration at all, you only need to "connect" to your server. And that is implemented as an Indieauth flow just like shpub.
tantek.comedited /Falcon (-205) "/* Working On */ improve reply-context support, done with Show @-username in reply contexts for replies to Tweets and Custom microcopy for GitHub repos/issues/comments" (view diff)
[manton][eddie] So, I hadn't tested's new IndieAuth support with Indigenous, and I guess it doesn't work because of the redirect URL... I assume you use a custom URL scheme? Have you considered redirecting it through the same domain?
[eddie][manton] hey manton. Yeah is the second time using the redirecrUri property has ended up breaking things for me, so I’ll get ahead and make that adjustment in the next Indigenous build that I ship this weekend
[eddie]I built indigenous to follow the spec but it seems common that the a subset of the spec of used since I’ve run into this multiple times so it’s better to do the url redirection tricks rather than now have the app work for everybody
[manton]Cool. Yeah, [aaronpk] suggested I don't show an error there but just a warning to the user, so that would fix it too (but I haven't done that yet).
ZegnatBut for nice-interface-sake, that definitely helps and can make the experience a lot more like at other OAuth implementations (think about what Twitter displays)
[manton]Another quick follow-up from IndieWeb Summit work: I added initial Micropub support for "read-of" to so that it links book titles you post from IndieBookClub.
pstuifzand!tell kicks It would be nice if the posts in the sub of could also marked-up with microformats (like news.indieweb) then we can load them in the Microsub readers and respond from there.
[schmarty]aaronpk: can you remind me which repo your HTTP redirect examples for indieauth are in? i thought it was related but i can't seem to track it down
GWGIf you wanted to mark up that you were replying to a website, and provide its syndicated copy as well, if the original didn't have it, how would you do that?