aaronpkin fact I suspect this one is a case of no server config specified for "https://puckipedia.com" so it's defaulting to the first/last https site configured in the list, which happens to have a letsencrypt cert
tantek__which I've seen plenty of, which isn't completely wrong either (since bad markup is a thing we have to pragmatically live with and preferably handle better)
[jgarber]Services like Netlify and Heroku will automatically provision and renew Let’s Encrypt certificates for you. I wouldn’t describe user/customer interaction with those hosting services as having any control over the web server. (In fact, Netlify is one of these new-fangled “serverless” companies.)
[jgarber]GitHub supports custom domains for projects using GitHub Pages and will also grant HTTPS certificates for custom domains associated with a GitHub Pages-hosted site.
tantek__jgarber, could you add a note to /Netlify and /Heroku noting that they "will automatically provision and renew Let’s Encrypt certificates for you" ? (preferably with links to where they claim to do so)
Loqirepository is a collection of typically code & other files, issues & responses, and a set of releases related to a specific project, often hosted in source control such as Git, on a service like GitHub or on independent sites using open source software https://indieweb.org/repo
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "versioned" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "versioned is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiVersioning is the practice of keeping previous versions of a post or other item available (possibly through a record of edits, AKA edit history) https://indieweb.org/versioning
tantek__snarfed, indie /tag-of design led me to want to better understand Micropub update protocol in an attempt to map out analogous /edit posts which can (hopefully) allow /tag-of update replies as a subset
tantek__current rabbithole is because GWG asked / raised issues about /Vouch, made me realize we don't have a Vouch repo to capture issues, led me to consider creating a Vouch repo in the indieweb GH org, led me to better document GH silo features
GWG[snarfed]: I'm trying to address a comment I got on the code that someone was having trouble reading it, so I'm trying to note wherever I had to reread the code a few times to remember what it did.
tantek.comedited /repository (+56) "cweiske appears to be the only indieweb example of hosting their own public repos, and POSSEing them to GitHub" (view diff)
[eddie]Do you follow people or feeds? I’m thinking people, so if you used Micropub to create a follow post from a reader, I guess you would probably want your Micropub endpoint to do some type of de-duping?
[eddie]For example: I follow like 20 feeds from aaronpk’s site. I probably don’t want to list all of those (or list them as a sublist undearneath his name)
tantek__alright GWG, thanks to your interest in Vouch, and ajordan's spec.indieweb.org write-up, I need to create two new repos for issues on /Vouch and /Salmentions
tantek__and now that I've climbed back out of the /GitHub#Features documentation rabbithole (with /repo expansion sidehole), I'm just going to create those repos, rather than attempt to put them on my own site (the primary specs are already in a "local" shared space of indieweb.org rather than GitHub)
[kevinmarks]Interesting - I think salmentions was written as plural because it is always about multiple comments and sending webmentions to the thread.
@kevinmarks↩️ Trackback and ping back suffered from spamming. At technorati we had a centralised model for this but we still spent huge amounts of effort to get rid of spam. Webmention is a new iteration of this decentralised idea. (twitter.com/_/status/1014431873920094209)
GWG[snarfed]: Rewriting the unit tests is taking me longer than rewriting the Micropub endpoint to use more core WordPress functions instead of custom work.
LoqiContent-Security-Policy (abbreviated CSP) is an HTTP directive that a site can use to restrict what external resources are retrieved by a browser, to mitigate some XSS and injection attacks https://indieweb.org/Content-Security-Policy
[snarfed]also it sounds like this PR is getting pretty massive. see if you can separate it out into at least some smaller pieces? boil-the-ocean, rewrite-everything PRs are very hard to review, harder to land, and more likely to break
Zegnat`<span class="br"> </span>` and then some CSS to hide the space from visual browsers and put a \n in the `content` of `::after` ? :P If you want to go with over-engineerd
ZegnatI’m going to reserve an hour tomorrow to take a loot at how mf2py has iterated on the whitespace spec, do a new write-up, and then PR for PHP. That seems the best route to take.
[manton]It's on the to-do list to have some kind of testing/preview tool. Not really sure the best way to build it, though, so it has been low priority.
[manton]Usually posts look great if they are simple HTML. Paragraphs, inline links and images, etc. Where things sometimes look bad is if there's a lot of extra metadata like location information or links to Twitter.