oodanii'm working on improving my micropub.rocks report - is it actually possible to get a pass for both 14 and 15? ("Returning HTTP 201 Created and a Location header when creating a post" and "Returning HTTP 202 Created and a Location header when creating a post")
aaronpkoodani: that sounds right. The test numbers are more about testing the completeness of the spec vs needing each implementation to pass all of them
aaronpkthe test suites were important to advance the spec in the W3C process, and I feel like they need to be tweaked a bit now that the goal is to help people actually test their implementations
oodanii think it'd make sense to combine them into one test, yeah "returning http 201 created or http 202 accepted and a location header when creating a post" or whatever
oodanihm, i've built my site so it stores the properties of each entry - name, content, categories, etc. - as static database fields/relations, but as i implement more of micropub i'm getting the impression it really wants me to store properties verbatim, as microformats2 json (for example, this is a mess https://git.00dani.me/00dani/lemoncurry/src/branch/master/micropub/views/query.py#L23 )
oodanii'm thinking of creating a generic "item" table that just contains fields for mf2 type (postgres array of strings) and mf2 properties (postgres bjson) - does that sound reasonable? :o
[cleverdevil]!tell snarfed is there a way I could make my new Known GitHub plugin automatically tell Bridgy about newly published issues/comments to make them automatically publish?
oodanioh, also: i know i shouldn't store the access token in the mf2 properties, but i think it would be useful to store *something* that identifies the client used to create the item, like their client id for example! it'd be handy to keep track of how my tokens are being used, as well as perhaps to show a mastodon-style source app for each post? does anyone already use a property for that, and if so what's it called? :o
Loqi[snarfed]: [cleverdevil] left you a message 6 minutes ago: is there a way I could make my new Known GitHub plugin automatically tell Bridgy about newly published issues/comments to make them automatically publish?
aaronpkI don't even have a post type column, which i wanted today! So I'm probly going to add that by doing post type discovery on my own storage files
oodanias for the client, i'm leaning towards something like <a class="u-client" href="{{ client_id }}">{{ client name from h-x-app if there is one, or client id if there isn't }}</a> - it sounds like there's no commonly-used name for that property yet so i'm gonna pick one :p
Loqigiving credit is a collection of cultural practices related to acknowledging and attributing text, hyperlinks, quotes, utterances to others, typically by name, as a way of recognizing their contribution(s) https://indieweb.org/credit
tantek.comedited /Mastodon (+489) "put features first, screenshots from h-feed support from aaronpk (will leave it to him to upload and update img URLs accordingly)" (view diff)
www.kickscondor.comcreated /Indieweb.xyz (+1454) "Created page with "{{stub}} '''<dfn>[https://indieweb.xyz Indieweb.xyz]</dfn>''' is a directory of Indieweb links, organized into ''subs'', similar to Reddit, but designed for self-promotion. A..."" (view diff)
tantek__GWG++ your edits to /Vouch in general look very good - didn't find any problems with any of your edits, and expanding the explanation with actual names (rather than A, B, C) is definitely a big readability help!
@martijnvdven↩️ Dit is niet alleen een webmention probleem, maar een generiek probleem: hoe weet ik welke paragraaf op een pagina deel is van de reactie reactie, en welke paragraaf niet? Microformats bieden deze extra metadata, maar dan moeten ze wel kloppen in de HTML. (twitter.com/_/status/1014054694820380672)
@ton_zylstra↩️ mmm, dan lijkt dat het gevolg van het installeren van SemanticLinks naast de Webmention plugin in mijn WP. Zal eens in mijn settings neuzen, en kijken wat ik op theme niveau kan. (twitter.com/_/status/1014094205453553664)
[eddie]!tell aaronpk: If I want to make note of potential issues with the IndieAuth spec for discussion, where is the right place to do that? Wiki? GitHub somewhere?
gRegorLoveI think /Vouch#Vouch_Selection needs some tweaks. It seems to describe a fairly specific way, involving follow lists, but that is only *a* way. I'll think about it some more; might write a post.
LoqiContent-Security-Policy (abbreviated CSP) is an HTTP directive that a site can use to restrict what external resources are retrieved by a browser, to mitigate some XSS and injection attacks https://indieweb.org/csp
dgoldthe person doing the vienna rss reader says that using the openreader API format has allowed them to acces:B azQux.com, FeedHQ.org, InoReader.com and TheOldReader.com
snarfedbased on the casual usage survey i did when i was writing https://snarfed.org/microsub-bridge , the readers in that list are all small (by # of users) except inoreader
Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 4 hours, 25 minutes ago: If I want to make note of potential issues with the IndieAuth spec for discussion, where is the right place to do that? Wiki? GitHub somewhere?
schmartyaaronpk: I was hoping to have the webring be an example of minimum-working-system folks could crib from. Using indielogin feels a bit like cheating since it’s not generally available. I am torn!
schmartyMy read on it is that it follows the same steps as a regular indieauth flow except I skip discovery and forward them right to indielogin? So that should be pretty easy.
[manton]Related: I finished updating Micro.blog to handle IndieAuth for external sites today. So you can point any site to Micro.blog's auth and token endpoints and it will work if your site is verified in Micro.blog.
[manton]Let me know if you see any problems. I just tested from WordPress to 🕸. (Of course, Micropub has to point somewhere else if you're not hosting on Micro.blog, but not all apps need to post.)
GWGtantek__: Because the biggest missing piece right now is implementation of sending. There is a lack of suggestions on how you as a sender of Vouches actually find them.
tantek__GWG, at the time, I believe a few folks (including ben_thatmustbeme) came up with ways to discover vouches among their own resources nearly or completely automatically
Loqifollow is a common feature (and often UI button) in silo UIs (like Twitter) that adds updates from that profile (typically a person) to the stream shown in an integrated reader, and sometimes creates a follow post either in the follower's stream ("… followed …" or "… is following …") thus visible to their followers, and/or in the notifications of the user being followed ("… followed you") https://indieweb.org/following
tantek__e.g. if you kept just a list of received webmentions from other people's follow posts, then you could recreate something very similar to your Twitter followers page (which lists your followers by most recent first) https://twitter.com/dshanske/followers
LoqiA follower is someone who has chosen to receive updates of a profile, typically by explicitly clicking a follow button, the inverse relation is a following. followers are the list of people who have chosen to receive updates of a profile, often shown on a page by the same name, sometimes paginated. Similarly, followings is the list of profiles that someone has chosen to receive updates of https://indieweb.org/followers
tantek.comedited /follower (+783) "/* Brainstorming */ subheads for display followers / followings, add how to for both based on follower posts and webmentions, similar to how Twitter displays them" (view diff)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "u-follow-of" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "u-follow-of is ____", a sentence describing the term)
GWGIt notes that chrisaldrich and ben_thatmustbeme used follow-of, and rhiaro(has anyone seen her around lately, come to think of it) used it with the -x- for experimental property