#gRegorLoveI'm open to the idea of posting into a Microsub server, though, if you want to start a discussion as a new indiebookclub issue
#[cleverdevil]And, I really need to improve documentation for Indiepaper... I am just pretty busy at the moment with other things...
#mayogRegorLove: I don't think there is any work required. If you sign into indiebookclue.biz using Aperture URL (https://aperture.p3k.io), it'll ask for channel to post into. And that's it
#mayogRegorLove: it works. When you do that, you'll get redirected to Aperture login, where you login with your own site, and redirected back to indiebookclub.biz with the right token
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "recovery" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "recovery is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "account recovery" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "account recovery is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#tantek__aaronpk have you thought about UX for indieauth account recovery?
#mayoI gota jet. Thank you for your time, discussion, and enlightening help everyone
#aaronpktantek__: you mean like if you lose access to your domain..?
#tantek__(was always a weakpoint of openid, and why many/most (all?) OpenID consuming sites (relying parties) would also ask / insist on having your email address)
#aaronpkEmail is a pretty compelling mechanism for it tho, because it's both a unique identifier as well as a communications channel
#tantekwith relmeauth, the idea was that any service that consumed relmeauth would (could) also keep a cache of *confirmed* rel=me identities, and then let you check some subset of those (more than 2 obv) as a method of "recovering" your domain-based account
#aaronpkSo that would work even if the domain expired because of the pre-verification of the rel-mes?
#tanteke.g. you could click a user flow to "recover" an account of "me.example.com", and then the service would check its settings for that user for what relmeauth oauth providers you have previously chosen, and tne prompt you to auth-in with *all of tnem*
#tantekand then it could confirm that yes you were the owner of that "account" even if you had lost control of the domain
#tantekthat would let you transfer your "account" to a different domain for example
#tantekthis would also be a good way to do delegated account recovery
#tantekin that you could trust 5 friends each with a silo oauth account
#aaronpkProbably also worth documenting what Facebook does cause I know they have done a lot there too
#tantekand basically allow any 3 of 5 of them to "recover" your account *for you* should you be incapacitated or unable to access online
#tantekassuming you could side-channel contact one of them (e.g. phone call, or random public post on a brand new twitter that @-mentions them) to start the process
#tantekthough the indieweb way of doing that is to allow 3 of 5 *indieweb* domains to do account recovery on your account
#tantek.comedited /timeline (+236) "/* 2010 */ found my first (I think) public use of "indie web" consistent with current meaning" (view diff)
#@vasta↩️ So sorry to hijack a months-old conversation, but I hope it's okay if I ask you a quick question. Just signed up for http://webmention.io — if I were to use the single entry template you linked to here, I should be good to go? Or is there more to do? (twitter.com/_/status/1021575025458143232)
#@gRegorLove↩️ It’s for everybody. :] But yes, webmentions were developed in the indieweb community and a lot of our personal sites support it so we can interact between our sites. (twitter.com/_/status/1021600223779581952)
[miklb], eli_oat and benwerd joined the channel
#gRegorLoveAnyone have published <iframe> with a u-* microformat on the element?
#gRegorLoveLooking for published examples for microformat tests
tantek__ joined the channel
#aaronpkwhoa apparently I got bumped into a really low bridgy tier! I had a bunch of stuff from instagram that I never saw cause I never open the instagram app except to post now!
skippy, KartikPrabhu, tantek__ and [snarfed] joined the channel
#[snarfed][aaronpk] hmm the lowest tier is still daily
#[snarfed]but bridgy instagram scraping still gets rate limited a lot, so it's possible a bunch of yours failed in a row... but maybe also it's just not connecting your synd links? looking
#aaronpkwebmention spam is incoming! the SEO-ers are on to us!
#aaronpksnarfed: weird, yeah looks like most of my photos were found fine, but I clicked "poll now" and bridgy found like 60 new likes it hadn't sent before, across a variety of photos. also there was one video that hadn't gotten any backfeed yet.
#[schmarty][snarfed]: seems like granary instagram friends stream no longer works? or maybe i started using it wrong. i've got my username in, @friends selected, no activity_id, and my cookie. it gives back a 401.
#jgmac1106My app is still suspended for too many @ mentions of people who didn’t reply back. I was live tweeting the home run derby
[ryan339] joined the channel
#jgmac1106“This change represents a significant decrease in the existing rate of POST activity allowed from a single app by default.” why not tell us the limit?
[eddie] joined the channel
#[eddie]“Following application approval, you may be required to undergo additional, more rigorous policy reviews if you change your app’s use of Twitter’s APIs or request access to additional products or features, including the ability to post content to Twitter frequently or at high volumes”
#[eddie]Aka being approved doesn’t mean they won’t reject you later
#jgmac1106..and they tell you new rate limits in the paragraph below
#jgmac1106wow….I have easily passed 300 tweets per 3 hours
[generativist], tantek__ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]My thoughts exactly Kevin. I can't use Twitter for what Twitter is best at...and when live tweeting based on new rules don't @ mention folks.
#KartikPrabhuso github told me I can "opt in" to their new beta dashboard. but it doesn't tell me what is new about this unless I opt in. Isn't that nice
#[kevinmarks]it killed the finder too because it was being previewed
#sknebelso billion laughs combined with transforms for... fun? pretty picture if it wouldn't crash? tricking some better renderers that otherwise would understand what's going on?
#sknebelalthough it's more a "100 quadrillion laughs"
#[kevinmarks]no picture, it's just a black rectangle recursively transformed
#sknebelsure, but it could be something fractal-like if you could render it
#sknebelsince each xlink creates a copy, and those are nested
#sknebelmf2py doesn't try to resolve them at least :)
[chrisaldrich], strugee, snarfed, dmcweeney and tantek__ joined the channel
#dmcweeneyhello I think this is the right place for needing help with HTML/CSS ... I'm a beginner using mozilla thimble to learn ... I am trying to get the reading boxes for module1.html to be aligned horizontally and it seems that one box is below the other two
#dmcweeneyif you scroll down you will see one of the boxes is not aligned with the other two
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#gRegorLoveLooks like you have the `div class=boxLA` inside a `div class=col-md-6`. It shouldn't be nested like that, should appear at the same level as boxLA2
#gRegorLoveThose three box divs should be inside the parent `<div class="col-md-6">`. That is a bootstrap class to make it 6 columns wide (out of 12 possible, so half the width)