Zegnat[jgmac1106], by default browsers executing JS can’t write to files, so you are always going to need some server-side language that takes the form contents and creates the “badge page” (or, more probably, a badge record in a db).
Zegnat[jgmac1106], I imagine you’d have a badge “First HTML!” which contains some meta data (a name, criteria perhaps, a little gratulatory note). So that is what you add to the badge-service storage. Then whenever a student finishes it and you want to send them that batch, you select the badge, press a “send” button, and then enter the student details. Then the service can automatically send a copy of the badge to the specific
[jgmac1106]Want to talk to @schmarty as well because if we can get all the IndieWeb building blocks on Glitch for launching a blog and launching a class be sweet
ZegnatMaybe the send form could even send to multiple students. Just have a list of recipients and they all get a separate badge URL webmentioned to them
LoqiMorris is a self-hosted PHP service for storing Webmentions from webmention.io in a JSON format that static sites can use to render them without querying webmention.io on each build https://indieweb.org/Morris
Loqisnarfed: tantek__ left you a message 3 days, 18 hours ago: any way to tell how many Twitter accounts has Bridgy publish published to? Has Bridgy backfeed backfed from?
snarfedFYI all mf2py users! candidate for the next release (1.1.2) is available, including whitespace bug fixes and performance improvements. please try it out and let us know if you hit any problems! you can install with: pip install -e git+https://github.com/microformats/mf2py.git#egg=mf2py
Loqisknebel has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (78 in all channels)
jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], surfist15, thomasb9511, tantek, [chrisaldrich], NinjaTrappeur, jackjamieson, [Serena], [johnjohnston] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme!tell [shaners] https://github.com/dissolve/microformat-node i have the master just fixed so it runs, it was missing a few folders. npm-updates branch fixes some of the more major security issues, and hapi-17 branch is what i'm working on to really update things to the most modern, but it involves some reworking when it comes to requesting external sites
Loqijackjamieson: gRegorLove left you a message on 2018-06-16 at 8:47pm UTC: indiebookclub has an option for DOI Name now. Try it out and let me know what you think.
jackjamiesonWhen I try to view my timeline in indigenous, the channel names don't match the uids on my server. e.g. indigenous requests params: {"action":"timeline","channel":"Y6JcQqFrGIw3o6okvKLawHUx"}, but the correct channel uid is 'test'. Any idea what might be happening?
jackjamiesonI'm logging in from a subdomain where I'm testing my microsub server. But it seems like indigenous is pulling all the information from my main site jackjamieson.net (which points to aperture for now)
jackjamieson[eddie] That seems to have worked, thank you! And it's led me straight to another bug, though I think this one is part of the wordpress-micropub plugin. I'll create an issue there and mention you in case its useful
tantek__!tell snarfed does Bridgy Publish to Github only support posting to public repos? If so we should probably add that to the docs as a specific restriction as https://brid.gy/about#github-issue-comment doesn't mention it currently
Loqisnarfed: tantek__ left you a message 9 minutes ago: does Bridgy Publish to Github only support posting to public repos? If so we should probably add that to the docs as a specific restriction as https://brid.gy/about#github-issue-comment doesn't mention it currently