eli_oatI'm interested in hosting an instance for a thing I want to try, indieDnD, or IndieRPG wherein folks can participate in a distributed game in the style of DnD
jmac_So, my homebrew Webmention library has an object method called "content", which returns some text extracted from the wm's source document based on this algorithm: https://indieweb.org/comments#How_to_display
jmac_My question is, should it apply that algorithm *only* in the case of explicit reply-mentions, and do something else (maybe just returning the p-name) for non-replies?
jmac_Yeah. And on re-read, I see on that wiki page explicit instructions to display non-replies separately from replies, which I'm not doing, and which I suspect is closer to the root of my problems.
snarfed!tell tantek fixed that bridgy github bug, feel free to try again if/when you have another issue for that repo! may still not behave ideally though since it's private though, we'll see
aaronpkit seems silly to have just twitter accounts for all my other little project profiles now. i keep finding myself wanting some lightweight project i can easily set up on a new domain for accounts like @indie_auth and even @indiewebcamp
Loqitantek__: snarfed left you a message 1 hour, 1 minute ago: fixed that bridgy github bug, feel free to try again if/when you have another issue for that repo! may still not behave ideally though since it's private though, we'll see
[eddie]That said, it’s really bare bones, as I didn’t set it up to accept webmentions or anything. The websites for my cats will be more middle ground between my website and my son’s
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] One "simple" way to do this would be to create a public repo like: https://github.com/w3c/ABpub which would thus have public issues by default.
aaronpkI just keep thinking "I should make a website for [Loqi/IndieWebCamp/BarBot/my cat/my house/etc], like okay cool I can put up an html page with h-feed easily enough.
aaronpkof course the other half of this conversation in my head is thinking what it would take to make p3k open source so that people could actually use it
aaronpkand to do that, i need to make it simple to set up, which funny enough means removing external dependencies like webmention.io and telegraph, since those both require a few extra steps of pasting API keys around
aaronpkanyway, I am currently leaning towards starting from new Laravel and porting all my code into it and turning it into something easy to install. Figuring out the plugin mechanism so that I can keep a few things private like my ridiculous GPS integration. That'd both make it something I could open source, as well as easy for me to spin up for small sites.
[eddie]aaronpk: That seems like a good idea. I’m working on something similar with my node.js site (which I have a goal to be able to make it serverless)
ZegnatThinking about merging it into 1 pill shape, so it looks more like a real state switch. But this was a challenge enough. Been a long time since I did anything design-y
Loqisnarfed: tantek__ left you a message 49 minutes ago: tried to POSSE this issue comment: http://tantek.com/2018/221/t1/ and looks like got errors in the log
[eddie]😆 Not a “bad” persay. Just editing a bornstorming page that made it a bit more confusing. But I understand why you did it. You and j4y_funabashi had different approaches
[grantcodes]Well my version is definitely not a proposal. But definitely works in my specific case and good for discovering what is required of a proposal
[eddie]Well that was super easy. I already have basic support for it added to my site. My only issue is that my internal post storage isn’t 100% mf2 json, so I just have to write a conversion function from my post storage object into complete mf2 json
[grantcodes]Maybe, but also could be confusing when trying to get one post vs a list. But I think the first thing to decide on would be what parameters would be sent. Then name them from there?
aaronpkokay i must have forgotten about some other micropub page because now i can't find the part that talks about querying for supported vocabs that both quill and micro.blog have implemented
[jgmac1106]in terms of bookmarking not making the cut [tantek] [grantcodes] and I had a long conversation at the Summit and I thought it was going to be moved into the accepted category but I think it was left at the @microformats wiki people had to move first
[grantcodes]I guess with post kinds as a query filter or not you are mainly choosing whether the server or client should handle the filtering, - sort of
NinjaTrappeurHey indieweb, quick question: we are planning to send some webmentions from lobste.rs (a link agregator). We are wondering if sending "historical" webmentions (ie. webmentions for articles posted a long time ago) is a good idea. Do you have any input on this? Could we trigger some "anti-spam" filter by doing that?
[grantcodes]Depends what you want to do. Technically on my site there are post types but in my mind they are all just the same with different properties that get rendered appropriately. There's only one template too
aaronpkthe idea though is not to create a new URL for each comment that shows up as a comment on the original post, but instead it treats the lobsters post as "being updated" when any new comment is added there
aaronpkthat way they can basically opt in to receiving the updates of the comment thread, and if they do nothing then there isn't that "spam" effect that's described in the thread
[grantcodes][eddie] sure, makes sense. But for sure I think there will be a need to query by specific property too. Just post type won't cover all the use cases I thought of
[grantcodes]The syncing is still kinda dodgy I think. But I did push all my browser bookmarks to my site. The query means it should be able to import bookmarks from your site to your browser too
[eddie]Cool, I probably wouldn’t do much syncing, and I don’t really use Chrome or Firefox, BUT I can tweak it and open up Chrome and test the import from my website at least so I can see it working 🙂 I’ll have to mark that down as a project for this weekend
[eddie]aaronpk: Now that we have a couple implementations, should we continue to iterate on the brainstorming page or shift to either a GitHub issue or the extensions page?
aaronpkgo ahead and move the current proposal and example to the extensions page, then make an issue for it on github and we can continue the discussion there
[eddie]Yep, exactly. Which I like because as a server person that means I can do some really simple pagination by using a string that doesn’t require me to do a lot of computation
[eddie]aaronpk: Regarding pagination, Since I’m not currently doing any indexing with a database on my site, using an opaque string allows me to essentially use a date string and then continue loading posts that happen before or after the given date string. Which is great, almost no overhead
[eddie]Well, I think it’s time to call it a night and go cook up dinner. I added a limit parameter and return before and after tokens to my post list query. I’m gonna have to write some more functions to actually fetch posts based on the tokens, so that’s another battle for another day
[eddie]Not bad though. It doesn’t take almost any time/effort to implement the new extension. The hardest part is really translating posts back into mf2 json