#gRegorLoveIt's a good idea to have summary, yes, so if the server doesn't understand the other properties it can at least publish that.
#gRegorLoveThere was some discusssion about that at /2018 regarding indiebookclub and m.b
#GWGThe question that prompted this was about what should be sent in a repost other than the repost-of property
#gRegorLoveI think summary is a good idea. What's the minimal, plaintext version of a post? The answer to that is a good candidate for summary.
#gRegorLoveHmm, that same conversation included /ptd and I feel like there was some small update to that algorithm that was supposed to be made, but no wiki edit. Can't remember the details now.
#Loqi[manton] I don't think this really solves the problem, though. If a server implementation prefers `content` over `summary` (which it should), with this example the context of the book title will be lost unless the server is updated to understand `read-of`.
#mblaneygRegorLove I feel like tantek and aaronpk came up with a solid way to fallback to the summary during that discussion... but I can't quite remember what it was :-/
[asuh], KartikPrabhu, themill17, dystopia_, Captain_Beezay, Guest59136, savoir-faire29, [mrkrndvs], and, TripFandango and [iambismark] joined the channel
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#[grantcodes]I had a new microsub idea. Someone else can feel free to build it...
#[grantcodes]If servers provide the ability to add channels and posts to channels (like aperture does via micropub)
#[grantcodes]It would be possible to build a "client" that could look through all your posts every day and create a summary of all the links shared that day in its own channel
#[grantcodes]Or maybe some other clever stuff along that line. Would be cool to have.
#[grantcodes]And could even recommend stuff that is popular over multiple users.
#[grantcodes]Would have to be very explicit about how it reads peoples channels and shares to other users
Napsterbater joined the channel
#[grantcodes]Or it even could end up like the discovery functionality that [cleverdevil] initially discussed for together, but could work across any server and reader 🤔
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#[jgmac1106][grantcodes] when people were talking about Nuzzel yesterday, this got me thinking what is the IndieWeb version? Sounds alot like you are talking about
#[jgmac1106]I was thinking about just how indieweb.xyz, worked. If something like that used rel="follow" could I..get a feed of the top five post that had the most interaction in specific tags (channels in your microsub example)
#[jgmac1106]then we can take your idea one step further could there be some way for different folks to tie in their own smtp or other email solution to own their newsletter?..though I prefer my feeds over newsletters. Stay the F out of my inbox
#[jgmac1106]Kevin I was just meeting with their learning team yesterday and I was saying I can't wait until all the building blocks are there for people to learn how to launch their own Indieeb blog
#[jgmac1106]they even have some easy database storage tutorials already
#[jgmac1106][kevinmarks] I wonder if you can remix [schmarty] kapowski or webring for indieauth
#Loqi[Castos] Description
Seriously Simple Podcasting is an easy-to-use podcasting solution for WordPress that is as powerful as it is simple. It uses a native WordPress interface and has minimal settings so as not to distract you from what you really need to do ...
#[jgmac1106]when you click on new, it says sign up, then you click on pricing and it says 15 a month
#aaronpki still need to figure out how the spam ping backs are getting through. Every day the wiki gets one or two.
#GWGaaronpk, I did it for the vouch data initially
snarfed joined the channel
#aaronpkIs omnibear not requesting scopes from the micropub endpoint?
#GWGIt sounds like the scope issue is a shared problem
#aaronpkGWG: does the IndieAuth plugin issue a token with no scope? Because that would be wrong, and if you refuse to generate a token with no scope that would fix some of these errors
#[keithjgrant][aaronpk] I think we discovered a while back Omnibear doesn't send the scope somewhere that was optional according to spec, but the null value caused the WordPress plugin to throw
#aaronpkThere’s only one time the client needs to be aware of the scope, and that’s during the request
#GWGAccording to the code, it issues a token with create update if there is no scope
tbbrown joined the channel
#aaronpkThat’s great, and if that’s the case I don’t understand where the error is coming from then. Are these errors just on old versions of the plugin?
#GWGThat's the IndieAuth plugin, let me check the Micropub code
#aaronpk[keithjgrant]: I don’t understand that issue. Are you saying you think you need to include the scope values when you send the access token in the micropub request?
#[grantcodes]Don't think it's an issue with my part of the code. micropub-helper only sends a scopes as query parameters on the indieauth url. After that it only ever uses the token.
#GWGSomething is happening in this client that isn't in others though
#[grantcodes]Should the micropub endpoint not just ignore it in that case?
#[grantcodes]It's also an option so onmibear can be set to only request the create scope and not the others
#[keithjgrant]okay, so scope does NOT need to be sent when requesting the token (not even optionally), correct? If that's the case, Omnibear is doing everything correctly
#[keithjgrant]man. I wish I could find the discussion we had a while back on this. We knew the line number in the indieweb plugin that was throwing the error
#[grantcodes]Could well be something to do with it being sent from frontend js. But that would be strange since the authorization header is sent and works fine with most other endpoints
#[keithjgrant]The POST includes client_id "https://omnibear.com" (though it's not sent from there; it's sent from the browser), code, grant_type "authorization_code", me "https://keithjgrant.com" (e.g.), redirect_uri "https://omnibear.com/auth/success"
#sknebelyeah, using only the cookie is a wonderful CSRF-vector
#[grantcodes]Maybe you don't have the issue aaronpk because you used indieauth to log into the wp admin?
#aaronpk[grantcodes]: eh? this is a brand new wp install, i installed the indieauth and micropub plugins, then logged in to omnibear which went through the wp indieauth screen.
#[grantcodes]Not sure to be honest. I just feel it must be solvable somehow. I can test to see if I get micrpub-helper to make sure it's not sending cookies
#snarfedon a related note, fyi all, we're gradually leaning toward moving the wordpress micropub plugin github repo from my account to the indieweb org, maybe after the 2.0.0 release
#snarfedGWG++ for his commitment and unflagging dedication and work on it!
#LoqiGWG has 33 karma in this channel over the last year (144 in all channels)
#GWGAnd thank you to snarfed for putting up with me
#Loqi[jd] @eli Then that's the biggest problem I see with Indieweb. The standards are pretty simple but if the use-cases aren't, it's going to hinder adoption.
That said, I have nothing but love for all the work folks like @aaronpk have done on the standards....
Davnit26, dindon3, tantek__ and [iambismark] joined the channel
#[iambismark]can micro.blog not thread webmentions between multiple externally hosted blogs? seems technically possible with the correct mf, but i can see the complication…
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#[grantcodes]Ok [keithjgrant] include the new version of micropub-helper and it should post to wordpress fine 🎉
#tantek__I saw a discussion of PTD and summary vs content go by on the archives of dev but I can't seem to find them now. I think manton and aaronpk were discussing, something we forgot to capture post IWS?
#tantek__though maybe it got captured in PTD issues on GH?
#LoqiPost Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for determining the type of a post by what properties it has and potentially what value(s) they have, which helps avoid the need for explicit post types that are being abandoned by modern post creation UIs https://indieweb.org/PTD
#GWGtantek__: I asked about a summary fallback being required for Micropub clients, or at least recommended.
#loqi.meedited /Angelfire (+440) "tantek__ added "https://mastodon.social/@benwerd/100565830403344520" to "See Also"" (view diff)
bradenslen, snarfed, eir26, StephenS24, mblaney and richardjohn joined the channel
#Loqi[manton] #38 add new step to use summary when there are unrecognized properties
#tantek.comedited /Facebook (+221) "/* How to wean yourself from */ use /events/calendar instead of /events for a more *your* events focused view (instead of being distracted by "suggested events") at the top" (view diff)