Loqi[vilhalmer] rel-me-verifier: Detects all rel=me links on the current page and verifies the existence of a cyclical linkage. Adds a visual marker to indicate the result of the verification.
vilhalmerwas talking to one of my friends about it in the context of verifying identity on mastodon instances and was inspired to go looking for something like this
vilhalmerI wonder if it makes sense to make this two-stage: resolve direct backlinks first, then for any that failed, see if they link back to any of the ones that succeeded
[eddie]!tell miklb the phrase “login with your website” needs to be fixed. Entering the Aperture url is the correct course of action. We’ve been incrementing the updates to the language on that page, but it can still use clarification and improvement. Feel free to provide feedback 🙂
Zegnat!tell miklb re: indiepaper, it is a little special. You probably want it to talk to your microsub endpoint, but that’s not how it actually works. It just works by submitting posts to a micropub endpoint. It just happens to be the case that Aperture also advertises a private micropub endpoint.
Zegnat!tell vilhalmer Oh, I’m really tickled by the idea of two-stage rel-me checking. Falling back to “does the page link back to a different already verified URL?”
Loqivilhalmer: Zegnat left you a message 5 hours, 9 minutes ago: Oh, I’m really tickled by the idea of two-stage rel-me checking. Falling back to “does the page link back to a different already verified URL?”
vilhalmerI'm really annoyed that I had to fall back to GET instead of HEAD for checking the backlinks, but sometimes HEAD just gets stuck in readyState 1 for no apparent reason
vilhalmersknebel: I love that it does, because the rel-me link between that and my homepage is extra assurance that the pgp key link I have to keybase is valid
[manton][aaronpk] I'm experimenting with ActivityPub and comparing some implementations. Are you including your posts in the outbox? I can't seem to find them, so wondering if you're providing posts to Mastodon another way when someone views your profile.
aaronpkmastodon doesn't fetch anything from the outbox, it's entirely based on a push model, where you deliver your posts to the inboxes of your friends
aaronpkI implemented as little of activitypub as I could in order to get things to show up right in mastodon, and found that I didn't need to implement an outbox at all
[manton]Not surprising. I really don't like ActivityPub or JSON+LD. Always skeptical of complicated formats that try to solve all problems, but maybe we're stuck with it.
aaronpkThere's a rogue effort to develop a simpler version of activitypub which may end up working out. Certainly has a lot of vocal supporters of the project so far
[manton]I'm still torn on full ActivityPub support in Micro.blog. I'm leaning toward providing it as an option (maybe you can opt-out if you don't want it) since it would let people consolidate their accounts to a single instance (Micro.blog) and could automatically support custom domains, e.g. following manton@manton.org from Mastodon. The trade-off is having to bring along some of the Mastodon baggage that I don't love.
aaronpkanother thing worth keeping in mind is that there is a not insignificant community there who will give you a *lot* of pushback for shipping a closed source commercial product that participates in the "fediverse"
Loqi[Write.as] By the way, Write.as is built and funded entirely by me, @matt. My goals of building an ethical service that respects people and lasts more than 5 years can't be accomplished with VC money, which is why I'll never take it.I've written a lot about thi...
[manton]Pushback against closed source doesn't bother me. Good platforms need a mix of open source and commercial software. Twitter would look very different if not for Twitterrific, Tweetbot, Tweetie, etc.
aaronpkmastodon basically also implemented as little of activitypub as it could in order to make things work. the spec says a *lot* of things, but in reality very little of it is actually implemented.
Loqi[Gargron] Sadly there's nothing in the OStatus protocol currently that's like "go follow my new account instead of this one". Best I can offer is migrating content (but reblogs/favs would not come along) and who you were following.
[manton][aaronpk] Sorry for the naive question, but just so I'm sure I understand... You accept POSTS to your outbox and keep track of new followers yourself, then when you have a new post you send it to all your followers instances?
vilhalmeryou'd also need a mechanism for your followers instances to notice the redirect and start querying that explicitly which I don't think is standardized
[aaronpk]When someone follows me, the send a POST to my inbox. Then when I want to send followers my newest post, I loop through all their inboxes and send my post to each
vilhalmerI don't know if I'm going to worry about trying to follow people with AP either, might just say screw it and subscribe to mastodon's atom feeds
snarfedunrelated: fyi all, we've moved the wordpress micropub github repo from my username to the indieweb org! https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-micropub . i wasn't really using it or working on it, so it needed a better home and set of maintainers. thanks GWG for taking it over and driving the upcoming 2.0 release!
Loqi[David Shanske] Ryan Barrett, who created the Micropub endpoint for WordPress, has turned the project over to the Indieweb repository as he has not been using it or actively working on it. I have been actively working on a major set of changes for it over the last t...
snarfedand i'm happy to still be involved in the wp micropub plugin after the move to the indieweb org (and 2.0)...but yes, let's definitely spread reviews, etc out to other people who actually use it and work on it, and who actually know wordpress, since i'm not really any of those :P