[eddie]!tell Zegnat: yeah, Micropub post list query (q=source) is what MarsEdit needs. I’ve flagged the new developments for Daniel so he can provide feedback on anything missing he needs for it
swentelsnarfed, interesting side effect from the uri wrapping: even the canonical links to the user on older posts get the new one - which is good of course, mastodon isn't annoying on that level ;)
swentelone other thing I also wondered: if you reply on a post which was posted by fed.bridgy, does that get into the inbox and send a webmention to the original post on the site ?
snarfedthis is a great example of how self dogfooding is important. i don't really interact with anyone on mastodon any more, so i don't notice every time mastodon changes its AP handling and breaks bridgy fed's logic
[jgmac1106][snarfed] didn't know the correct repo, but wanted to suggest change on brid.gy homepage that after registering wordpress.com they should use the html widget and not the text area widget
Loqi[snarfed] bridgy: Bridgy pulls comments and likes from social networks back to your web site. You can also use it to publish your posts to those networks.