LoqiPouchDB is an open-source JavaScript database inspired by Apache CouchDB that is designed to run well within the browser https://indieweb.org/PouchDB
aaronpknow I need to figure out how to get iOS to delete the cache of the installed app. it seems to be really aggressively caching it beyond what the safari browser does. even if I force refresh it it loads the new version once then goes back to the old version later.
aaronpktonz: I use alternate domain names that point to localhost for development. You could try for example to set up the web server to serve quill.local
ZegnatYeah, looks like Quill uses some domain based URL here and there. So wouldn’t be able to share domain. E.g. I see the login will always send you to /auth/ URLs. :(
Zegnattonz, I am not sure what your localhost setup is like. But I quiet like https://laravel.com/docs/master/valet That will give you a separate domain for every folder in your Sites folder (on mac)
[tonz]ok, got Quill to load locally at quill.test, with root folder pointed to public. It now loads the start screen fine. When hitting the connect button it mysql Access denied for user, so now into the next step down the rabbithole 😉
aaronpkbut it sounds like this is way better suited to finding the connections like you were showing in the demo, so maybe the answer is it's a special-purpose DB in your backend for just that part
aaronpkMy site has an elastic search backend for just the full text search. It uses MySQL for the normal indexing of posts and tags. I didn't want to figure out how to do all that in ES so I don't mind running two DBs for that
sebselOne way to hack it for now would also be to just stay with the true/false instead of numbers for unread counts. Then I can just store it on the channel :P
Loqi[dshanske] indieweb-post-kinds: adds support for responding to and interacting with other sites using the standards developed by the Indieweb Community
swentelZegnat, it's extremely simple now: the table that stores the feeds has a a column that stores the timestamp for the next fetch, interval can be configured
ZegnatHa, aaronpk, probably keep that red bar around for Offline Teacup so you notice when the page is offline. So you do not run into this: https://adactio.com/notes/14456
[eddie]I’m reading up on AWS MediaLive. Dealing with my server config and maintance is starting to bother me too much so I don’t want to add any new features to my server.
[eddie]So my thought is to build a workflow in AWS that essentially allows me to activate a channel on their MediaLive where I can stream RTMP from my iPhone, archive it to S3 and stream via HLS
[eddie]It seems like it’s all do-able. I think the main key is finding a way to tie into the MediaLive events and send Micropub requests. Then I think I can duplicate everything in aaronpk’s article and have a server free live streaming service
aaronpkI will definitely say that setting up my server for that was non trivial and I actually did it in a separate server to avoid messing up my main one
[eddie]I think I’ve finally got my workflow. I ping a Gateway API endpoint that runs a custom lambda function. That function spins up a new channel via media live, returns the url (or URLs) that I need to use for the stream, and it also sends the initial Micropub request for the streaming html and saves the url of the post to update after the end
[eddie]Then I stream and when I stop streaming, the s3 video file is completed which runs a second lambda function that checks for the url of the streaming post and updates it with the video url via Micropub. Post
[tonz][aaronpk] when installing quill, do I need to create some tables upfront in the mysql db? If so, which ones? Getting an error msg that table quill.users (quill is the db name) doesn’t exist. Or should Quill create/populate the mysql db by itself.
[tonz]Those are the h-cards I removed during IWC Nbg, because it meant having 15 h-cards on my blog front page, and my authorative one not being found.
[tonz]otoh I see that avatar effect on other sites too, e.g. David has it happening for all his posts, judging by his twitter stream https://twitter.com/dshanske
LoqiThe representative h-card for a page is an h-card on that page that represents that page, if any, as not all pages are about a person or organization, a page might not have a representative h-card https://indieweb.org/representative_h-card
[tonz]@zegnat I think it was this test parser that couldn’t surface my representative h-card http://iwm.gregoreatworld.com/ amidst my 15 with mini h-card.
Loqi[Ton Zijlstra] So, I’m posting this using Quill, a micropub client, that I am running on my own laptop (see steps I took). Intending this as a step towards being able to draft postings offline (which I am used to doing, usually in a text editor, or Evernote), as ...
aaronpkif anyone wants to try out teacup-offline, it should work for anyone else with a micropub endpoint that supports CORS https://teacup-offline.p3k.app
aaronpkrequires manual config to copy+paste the micropub endpoint and access token for now. maybe my berlin project will be to add indieauth support to it