#dev 2018-10-29

2018-10-29 UTC
[jgmac1106], renem, Ruxton, snarfed, cweiske, KartikPrabhu, [tantek], [tonz], ben_thatmustbeme, swentel, [Rose] and [eddie] joined the channel
Anyone have any idea what this error means?
It’s trying to parse information from your Micropub endpoints first syndication target
and it’s failing. It’s expecting a JSON string, which seems odd, I think
I do remember I think Known Syndication targets were a bit funky
I’ll need to look through my code see if I can figure out what was wrong with them and send that info to swentel
? I did not see this error. slack<->irc sync problem?
[Rose] joined the channel
Slack images don't auto post to IRC
I found my commit where I fixed the syndication targets for Known but alas I didn’t make many notes about why I made the changes I made
pasteddie has -1 karma over the last year
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Ohhh I think swentel is expecting a jf2 object for every syndication target
but sometimes it’s just an id string (like in Known)
I’ll create a github issue
really ?!
Yeah lol
What I ended up doing is they put the service then “::” then the service username
So I attempt JSOn parsing in a try-catch block
if it fails, then I split on “::” if it exists and I can then use the service name and username to make a nicer looking syndication target
I also have a try catch block there
ohh hmm
well, I can do the split in the catch then :)
Known doesn't follow the spec there?
Now I show an error message that it couldn't parse
I did that because at some point I switch the storage
updating configuration then should fixed it
but yeah, if known sends it differently, than it needs a fix
(preferably in known)
but I can live with a temp code fix though
Well it’s following spec (kind of)
Spec gives two options: a UID known by the Micropub endpoint or a jf2 object to provide a nicer display
didn't know that :/
Known just provides a UID but it’s an ugly UID
Most people do jf2 I think because it looks nicer
because it allows a display name and a uid
[eddie]: huh? it has to be a json with name + uid afaik
Ohhh it used to not require that I guess
"At a minimum, a syndication target MUST have a uid and human-readable name property. "
I think that’s what’s going on at least
yeah, that feature might very well be older than the spec in Known
Kongaloosh joined the channel
Known was the first one to support syndication, but took a while to update
should we move https://github.com/Zegnat/verify-me-locally to https://github.com/indieweb/verify-me to stop the indiewebify.me dependency (And possible security hole)
[Zegnat] verify-me-locally: A spin-off of @kevinmarks’ verify-me without external dependencies.
It probably needs updating to the new web extensions?
oodani joined the channel
I'm not against moving, but it is a bit stale at the moment
the original chrome extension is now banned due to no privacy statement, so yours would be a big improvement
I take it back Known has uid and name
😕 Well now I can’t figure out what it was that was wrong with Known in my code
whats it like wiht my hosted known? i think that is still running an older one that confuses some clients
I think it should be able to run the same extension code on Chrome and Firefox, just need to find the time to update it to the proper stuff... Did you want this done before the Mastodon release, [kevinmarks] ?
[indieweb] verify-me: A plugin that checks all rel="me" links are reciprocal, doing distributed verification
I expect we'll see more discussion about it this week, so would be good to have it ready for HN etc
[danielle~! :dani:] i mean look at thisthat's the profile section on my web site, and the red x means that i couldn't get that service to rel="me" link back to my personal sitecome ON, people https://cdn-assets.vulpine.owogroupllc.com/media_attachments/files/001/177/485/original/1597915a2a5d7503.png
jimpick joined the channel
ahh swentel and sknebel: yeah they are doing wrong things
adding accept/json would fix it
It’s returning the strings on config
But the syndication target endpoint yep, you have to ask for json
I’ll create an issue in Known for them to just always return json
I'd rather do that to be honest
makes sense
well, if the spec allows for both, that's fine I guess for them
but not sure how many clients support both
i think it supported both during brainstorming
I think the official spec requires the json object
I wonder if that is why some aaronpk tools dislike my known.
Yeah, swentel I confirmed the spec requires the json structure
so it’s definitely on Known
ok good :)
jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
ohhh turns out i filed this issue almost a year ago: https://github.com/idno/known/issues/2001
[EdwardHinkle] #2001 [MicroPub] syndication targets should return both UID and name from the q=config micropub endpoint
So….. i’m guessing we shouldn’t expect for it to be fixed
Even worse, it’s fixed in a random branch in March
that seems to have then been abandoned
they moved it out of core known apparently
It looks like they were GOING to move it out of core
but that effort seems to have been abandoned? Because the issue regarding moving it out of core was labeled as “not right now”
Which is really unfortunate as that means Micropub would no longer have native support within Known
known has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (0 in all channels)
ludovicchabant and [Vincent] joined the channel
So I added a dark mode to my website for macOS Mojave users with the Safari Tech Preview (and eventually after the new Safari version, any Mojave user with dark mode). The biggest question is, should I provide an actual “dark/light” mode switcher to allow someone to switch between themes?
Because someone MAY prefer to use a dark version of my website even if they don’t have macOS Mojave or they may not use Dark Mode
I’m thinking I will, but that leads to the following question. Do I add a query parameter to every page of my website? ?theme=dark and alter the display based on that. OR do I just provide a JS switcher
I can do it easily either way because it’s really just adding a css class to the page body
but I don’t really like the idea of altering my url for a theme
I guess I could just do cookies, which could work on both sides?
When you are on the page if you click the theme switcher the JS will add a theme cookie and change the css class on the body
That’s probably the way to go as the more I think about it, I really don’t want to mess with my url structure for theming
From an accessibility point of view, a dark mode is really good (https://charlesrt.uk/blog/apple-need-a-dark-mode-for-people-like-molly-watt/). I would avoid using JS for anything that is a basic user need in case it never loads, blocked etc. Then people still get your content and can consume it.
Now that I am back to doing my social stream on @withknown I need to experiment with keeping both my Tweets and webmentions threaded. Can't remember if I should reply to my tweets I syndicate or to my post to keep both threaded. I will experiment… http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/10/29/now-that-i-am-back-to-doing
seems like a fair use case for cookie/localstorage + JS
eli_oat joined the channel
[Vincent] So you are saying you would consider dark mode (due to accessibility POV) a basic user need, thus you would shy away from js?
I definitely see Dark Mode as useful for accessibility
and I definitely think JS should be progressive enhancement
I guess I’m just not sure where I fall on Dark Mode being need or enhancement
[eddie]: id set a cookie to toggle dark mode. You can do it from JavaScript or server side
So if <no script> make the toggle button a POST form?
that would change the cookie and redirect back to the existing page?
If js it intercepts and just changes on the fly and updates the cookie?
[eddie] yeah I would these days. It’s amazing how many visual impairments are affected by it. It’s on my backlog for my blog, once I find time
Interesting. I have 0 visual impairments (besides being near-sighted) so I’m not as familiar with how dark mode helps out
but that’s good to know
I hear people mention it, but don’t actually know any specifics, etc
Hm we should clean up that brainstorming section since the spec covers all the use cases described there https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/#syndication-targets
it's in a "resolved" section for things that are in spec
missed that
I guess we could put links to the spec sections and put the old text in detail-blocks
to make that harder to mis
(I think I went through last year some point and just sorted them that way, but didn't go further than that)
Yeah at least it should link to the spec section
careful with server-side style changes and caching tho :D
re dark mode; I see it' possible to use it with a media query, but I keep wondering how it could be triggered by hand as well. Currently I have a theme switcher which either turns a light-override set of CSS on or off, but if I want to support automatic light/dark mode, I need to figure a way to trigger it with JS as well, if needed. Anyone aware of any solution for it?
you can enable/disable CSS in JS by turning on/off the link tags
yes, that I know
if I wrap the 'light theme' in a light-preferred media query
it wouldn't matter if I enable/disable the link
petermolnar I currently have my light mode as default
you can put media queries in the link tag AFAIK, and can remove the query from the link tag?
dark mode is under preferred dark
that's orthogonal :)
My goal is to basically have a set of css (the dark mode css) that is listed both under the css query AND a css class
so I can trigger dark mode by adding a dark-mode class to the body
ok, I'll rephrase the question: can JS detect light and dark mode preferred? If yes, how?
ohhhh no
oh wait
I'd need to add the detect dark/light in there
I just found that
Yeah I just tested in Safari and it worked
window.matchMedia(“(prefers-color-scheme: dark)“).matches returned true when I was in dark mode
aaronpk: webmention.io uses xray, right? do you know off-hand if it supports any of the "remote yes" rsvp proposals?
I don't think it does yet
should be quick to add tho
[eddie] for context, it’s usually helpful for users with dyslexia, or eye problems such as Usher syndrome.
about 50% of the population have some eye condition that makes black text against white be a problem in some way
[Rose] joined the channel
A note: I, and several people I know with mild astigmatisms, don't find it to be too much of a problem. But accessibility is a good thing regardless of course.
Interest, thanks [Vincent]!
[Rose] :thumbsup:
(I actually live in dark mode most of the time, Slack just likes to burn my retinas for me)
lol ditto. And I have 20/20 vision
*curses slack*
With contact lenses or glasses my vision is excellent (better than 20/20 one optician said), though of course tiredness plays a role
would someone be so kind to visit my site ( https://petermolnar.net/ ) with cleared localstorage in light mode on mac an tell me if the site is light or dark? (ENOMAC)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Does dark mode effectively stop sites doing the stupid low contrast thing?
Light mode is light, dark menu, dark mode is dark
black-on-black is slick, so that'll be a trend soon
Glad to see @lauraritchie launch gRSShopper. I haven't given the install a try yet, but love the idea of native webmentions in the RSS reader #el30 can't wait to give it a spin. (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/NCZJs)
Hey #el30 folks using Blogger or http://WordPress.com you can add webmentions to your site using Bridgy just go to https://brid.gy and sign up. (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/20Vrpt)
Hey #el30 folks using Blogger or http://WordPress.com you can add webmentions to your site using Bridgy just go to https://brid.gy and sign up. (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/20Vrpt)
@petermolnar I see black background, white text.
ah wait. I’m on dark mode. my bad
I see light text on dark, but my mac doesn't support dark mode yet
I got the dark page in light mode on Mac.
aaronpk: yep, that's the default, clicking on the contrast icon in the toolbar at the top switches to light
ah gotcha
in theory, I added a line, that should trigger the light mode when detected
unless there's already a preference set, hence the clear localstorage part
Switched to light mode, cleared cache. Reloaded page. I still see dark mode.
ok, it's not working them :)
thank you for the test, I'll figure it out somehow
Apparently Safari 68 supports dark mode
supported with the prefers-color-scheme: light css media query. https://codepen.io/jonneal/pen/vzPwWo/
Okay after testing this morning, and I should have remembered the best way to keep Tweets and webmentions threaded on Known is to reply to your own updates rather than your syndicated tweets. (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/AZgtQ)
Dark mode demo. Safari 68.
snarfed joined the channel
[kevinmarks], eli_oat, [schmarty] and benwerd joined the channel
lol my site hasn't been updating for a week and i just noticed.
[eddie] joined the channel
oh no! haha
note to self: don't blindly re-fetch a bunch of webmention data and just assume that jekyll can consume it before embarking on 2 days of travel and three days of sickness.
jgmac1106 joined the channel
is so close to feature parity with the new hugo templates for his site.
looks like a couple of swarm posts got flipped in time, also.
!tell aaronpk In order for Compass’ Web Hooks to run, does it require the background process to run? because I’m not seeing the pings on my server. But I haven’t run the background process, so I’m wondering if that’s what is missing
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
schmarty the Swarm stuff is probably because a couple days ago OYS had API denial issues from Foursquare
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
these posts went through before that. the ordering problem is from a "safety feature" on my micropub server where i decided never to trust incoming publish dates and times. :}
chrisaldrich joined the channel
oh, nvm, they seem to have come through a couple of days late, so it's a combination of those issues. :}
swentel, snarfed, [chrisaldrich], [kevinmarks], eli_oat and gRegorLove joined the channel
[eddie] yeah you need to run the background script for the trip stuff and web hooks to run
aaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 1 hour, 31 minutes ago: In order for Compass’ Web Hooks to run, does it require the background process to run? because I’m not seeing the pings on my server. But I haven’t run the background process, so I’m wondering if that’s what is missing
I don't like relying on the HTTP connection from the phone to also do long-running stuff like that
[eddie] joined the channel
Gotcha. I intentionally don't have the background process because the trip stuff doesn't use a media endpoint yet it still just sends it in that multipart that breaks on my Micropub endpoint. haha
If I let the background process run and all the trips are "sent" is there anyway to retrieve them?
the trips are kind weird, and I probably need to redo how it's handled completely
haha I basically have it not running in the hope that when I get Compass to send the geodata via media endpoint, I can turn it on and all my trips will send.
really a trip is just a few additional properties on the start and end location in the regular collection of locations
when the HTTP endpoint recognizes that a trip has ended, it queues a job to process it
So I guess if I wanted to "query the trips" from the past, I could just scrape each day and look for the start and end parameters
so depending on what you've configured for your job queue, you might have a bunch of jobs queued up already now. but if not, the trip data is still in there but you'd have to iterate over all the records to find them
I probably should have stored the trip start/end markers in a separate database table so they'd be easier to find :sigh:
Gotcha. I *think* the jobs are in the queue because when I ran the background worker for a minute awhile ago it started sending stuff
So I've left the background worker off so my queue builds up
haha maybe not a good idea though because.... who knows how many queue items have piled up
I'm guessing it's probably just easier for me to dump the queue, turn on the background worker and then fetch the past trips by iterating over the content in the future
if you want to run the worker and skip processing all the trips, add a "return" at the top of this function to just skip it https://github.com/aaronpk/Compass/blob/master/compass/app/Jobs/TripComplete.php#L23
Ah, great idea!
!tell KartkPrabhu this id pretty cool: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/480/4/5550/5089220 thinking how many scifi storied take advantage of the leGrange poiint….maybe all that dust would muck up your system
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
oops that was meant for chat
jekyll-webmention_io (3.3.2): This Gem includes a suite of tools for managing webmentions in Jekyll: * Tags *… https://rubygems.org/gems/jekyll-webmention_io
snarfed and tonz joined the channel
hmm the scope for deleting an item from a timeline, is that channels then ?
or also just 'read' ?
good question, I can't remember what I did on aperture
I was about to check
hmm seems to be read
I guess that does make sense
works for me :)
[federicoculloca] #5485 Added rel="me" to website link on user profile
[Rose] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Can anyone look at this post?https://breadcrumbs.wiobyrne.com/nearly-one-in-five-teens-cant-always-finish-their-homework-because-of-the-digital-divide/ A span class in his h-card is displaying as plain text in my reader
[wiobyrne] Nearly one-in-five teens can’t always finish their homework because of the digital divide by an author Research report from Monica Anderson and Andrew Perrin from the Pew Research Center. Full report here (PDF). All annotations in context. Some 1... https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/4bc25e5546435520409e2bc166714dd5?s=100&d=https://breadcrumbs.wiobyrne.com/wp-content/plugins/semantic-linkbacks/img/mm.jpg&r=g
there's to e-contents, the outer one includes way to much
*two e-contents
Weird he would get two e-contents... Using Independent Publisher... Must be another bug. I will test when I have a chance
[kevinmarks], snarfed, benwerd_, benwerd, [tantek] and chrisaldrich joined the channel