#dev 2018-11-14
2018-11-14 UTC
tbbrown and mblaney joined the channel
Loqi [tantek]: [eddie] left you a message 24 minutes ago: https://writing.exchange/@matt/101066523112656548

[tantek] want to file an issue with suggested warning text? https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues - i.e. what warning text would have been sufficient for you to remove the p-summary 🙂

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
@Lady_Ada_King Indie Web Awesomeness: You can use <a rel="me"> to verify you own the sites in your mastodon profile!
It would be really cool if you could use mastodon as an authentication provider for https://indieauth.com/ (twitter.com/_/status/1062518206345097216)
dougbeal|mb1 and jjuran joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Animoji" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Animoji is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[eddie] joined the channel
[eddie] !tell aaronpk Looks like xray DOES support follow posts, it’s just webmention.io that doesn’t (https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues/117)

mblaney Zegnat regarding: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2018-11-13/1542101621165000

gRegorLove I think we tweaked/followed https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery#Algorithm for that

gRegorLove e.g. micro.blog understands photo but not location (as of summit, at least?), so it would publish a photo post and not the location following PTD

gRegorLove and read posts would get to the summary step of PTD

gRegorLove so maybe PTD could be referenced in the micropub spec at some point? Not sure.

mblaney hi gRegorLove doesn't look like /post-type-discovery got the summary update yet.

gRegorLove step 8, right?

jjuran joined the channel
Klose and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek] !tell aaronpk per your suggestion and https://twitter.com/Lady_Ada_King/status/1062518206345097216 - is there an issue on Mastodon GitHub requesting IndieAuth support?

@Lady_Ada_King Indie Web Awesomeness: You can use <a rel="me"> to verify you own the sites in your mastodon profile! It would be really cool if you could use mastodon as an authentication provider for https://indieauth.com/ (twitter.com/_/status/1062518206345097216)
[eddie] joined the channel
[eddie] There is this one: https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/issues/4800

vilhalmer and [sebsel] joined the channel
Loqi single point of aaron is when a relatively early IndieWeb technology is being developed and there haven't been enough implementations to create proper diversity causing an over reliance on one of Aaron Parecki's services in order for the technology to work broadly https://indieweb.org/SPOA

Loqi jf2 is a working prototype of a simpler JSON serialization of microformats2 intended to be easier to consume than the standard Microformats JSON representation https://indieweb.org/jf2

cweiske joined the channel
tbbrown, mblaney, [frank], [Vincent], jjuran and swentel joined the channel
@kisik21 Ok, ok, ok, I know nobody reads me in Twitter, but just in case: I made my own #IndieWeb site and using http://brid.gy to publish my posts to Twitter. btw if you like this this like will be sent to the site. (https://fireburn.ru/note/1542186992) (twitter.com/_/status/1062635461720662016)
kisik21 Wow, it really works!
kisik21 Not black, but magic. CSS is black magic.
petermolnar transistors are black magic, but that is commonly agreed on

kisik21 Okay, question! Is it acceptable to use JS to provide a non-essential feature like highlighting hashtags and linking them to hashtag search on my site? This would be the easiest way to do it for me - just a JS include!
petermolnar of course it is

petermolnar progressive enhancement is always fine

kisik21 ok, thanks
kisik21 petermolnar++
petermolnar I went back to using prism.js for syntax highlighting instead of in-HTML Pygments

kisik21 I just need to make owlcarousel2 progressive enhancement
kisik21 because if JS is disabled you can't see photo posts for now
kisik21 the carousel is hidden by default
kisik21 (though h-entry markup is there - readers could pick it up!)
petermolnar this thing provides surprisingly decent fallback for non-js: http://miromannino.github.io/Justified-Gallery/

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Oops thanks [eddie] microsub notifier is back up

[grantcodes] Didn't have it on my list of services to restart!

kisik21 petermolnar: I chose owlcarousel because it emulates Instagram's gallery post (or how they call it), and while JustifiedGallery can provide a nice gallery, I think it just doesn't go with my use case...
petermolnar I just wanted to point it out as an example of nice fallback

petermolnar I was thinking of re-adding bookmarks to my site, on the fly generated from the wallabag API, however, I'd like to create batches or even a single page of them. I'm guessing it'd be a h-feed with h-entries with u-bookmark-of -s in them but the questions is, without unique urls, what would the receivers of the webmentions see?

petermolnar would a #id-of-bookmark-entry in the url help?

petermolnar I wonder

petermolnar that's what I'm afraid of as well

kisik21 If I post via webmention by including https://brid.gy/publish/twitter link somewhere in the page, would replies be properly syndicated without me marking the link with extra classes? I'm kinda confused about this u-syndication markup stuff...
petermolnar u-syndication is a link to the [silo] entry from your site

kisik21 can I somehow include it if I post via brid.gy?
petermolnar that's tricky; unless you have a copy of the brid.gy response

petermolnar I have this problem as well

kisik21 ok, probably will need to hide the bridgy link with display:none, or it will confuse my readers...
petermolnar cweiske: should I try doing it anyway, a single-page bookmarks archive? I could become an small edge-case; nothing like Zegnat though

petermolnar kisik21: many are doing a section with "Also on" or "This post is also at:"

petermolnar ah, the brid.gy post url, the one for brid.gy to pick up

petermolnar I hide that as well

petermolnar TIL: in Chrome, in platform without dark color scheme support - linux, for example, `window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches` returns false.

petermolnar which makes my site default to light theme, which is not what I want

petermolnar it didn't work

petermolnar I need more ground to test though

Zegnat petermolnar: small edgecase nothing like mine? I already did the multiple-h-entries-on-a-page thing actually ;P https://grapefruit.zegnat.net/

petermolnar Zegnat: ... I should have anticipated that.

petermolnar any of them

petermolnar schema.org let's you reference an element, so I didn't have to include their godless Organisation publisher with each post

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
jeremycherfas Done

[Vincent] joined the channel
jeremycherfas Ooops. Wrong window.

Zegnat https://grapefruit.zegnat.net/ if you want another challenge

Zegnat Specifical challenge, get the h-entry from the permalink correctly (with author): https://grapefruit.zegnat.net/2018/04.html#dt201804241055Z

[jgmac1106] Are you main page should be your feed if you want it. I will always use a Splash page with an h-card, another page with my feed, and an about me with a more expanded h-card

[jgmac1106] I do choose to highlight a few articles or even rotating feeds on my homepage

[jgmac1106] Sorry typo... Meaning there is no answer beyond your choice of a static homepage or a list of recent posts

[jgmac1106] I do that by having a link to "About Me" and link to "Posts" humans know that means expanded info "about me" and "feed" what kind of rel would I use so parsers know too?

[jgmac1106] But humans know what to do. Is it a big question? [chrisaldrich] has an entire page of possible feeds to follow I think.

[jgmac1106] And I find few want to subscribe to my firehose, rather be selective in following just articles or a feed for one specific class or just notes... Lot of people who follow me choose 4-5 different feeds for different channels

[jgmac1106] Think I will add a feed menu section to my New homepage... Or my about page embedded in my h-card to make it extra complicated

[jgmac1106] For humans I meant they know About Me is an extended h-card without knowing what an h-card is

[jgmac1106] They know a link called "posts" or "blog" is probably a feed

[jgmac1106] ... For edgecases of people who have 37 different feeds... No

[jgmac1106] @zegnat I ran into this with [eddie] site (fixed now) my default decision tree is do you see link to blog or post? Yes click and follow? No use homepage url

[jgmac1106] But most readers take care of this for me. So if I drop your site in inoreader I get a list of everyone of your feeds to choose from

[jgmac1106] [eddie] main feed was off of /timeline I would not have guessed that

aaronpk swentel++ for https://twitter.com/swentel/status/1062645342699745280

@swentel Scared about all the terminology in #indieweb ? I'll guide you next week at @drupalcampbe! Also, a new (breaking - apologies) beta is out, check the release notes if you'd like to upgrade https://www.drupal.org/project/indieweb/releases/8.x-1.0-beta5 - next up RC! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dr9GTnWUUAMHrjS.jpg (twitter.com/_/status/1062645342699745280)
Loqi aaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 8 hours, 37 minutes ago: Looks like xray DOES support follow posts, it’s just webmention.io that doesn’t (https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues/117)

Loqi aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 7 hours, 26 minutes ago: per your suggestion and https://twitter.com/Lady_Ada_King/status/1062518206345097216 - is there an issue on Mastodon GitHub requesting IndieAuth support?

petermolnar re Zegnat it really bothers me there seems to be no way to detect prefers light mode

[jgmac1106] I have seriously thought about using p-category for listing feed options in my h-card... But since sone feeds are actual categories and tags and others are not... Felt wrong

[jgmac1106] @petermolnar I don't understand why doesn't your browser just recognize your light/dark mode preference?

[jgmac1106] Ohh Safari... I thought the question was about Browsers

[jgmac1106] I actually find it's about 50/50 in k12 schools where kids use the Dark mode in Chrome

[jgmac1106] Ohh okay just used to Chrome and FF where light/dark is a toggle with web extensions

[jgmac1106] I just don't get a the hub bub of adding additional CSS to a site for light/dark when browsers do it already

petermolnar https://drafts.csswg.org/mediaqueries-5/#prefers-color-scheme - "Value: no-preference | light | dark" - I assume no-preference is the default - ie. the light in macos -, which is why my query doesn't work

[jgmac1106] Ahh okay thanks, now I get it... Though never found a site that didn't work in FF

petermolnar wait... apparently windows 10 has a similar functionality I was unaware of: https://www.ghacks.net/2018/07/13/firefox-will-support-windows-10s-dark-mode/

petermolnar sknebel: yes, I'm aware, but that's just a single step to propagate to websites

petermolnar I should have said it's nearly there with firefox

petermolnar but I can't find any docs about planned features around that media query

[jgmac1106] Now I get the difference, thanks

petermolnar (a little voice in my head just sounded the one more thing to browser fingerprint on... meh.)

Zegnat https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2735#issuecomment-433114041 suggests to me the mediaquery is actually only active in Safari 12.1, I am on 12.0.1

Loqi [adviva] @jonathantneal https://codepen.io/jonneal/pen/vzPwWo/ is working on Safari Technology Preview Release 68 (Safari 12.1, WebKit 14607.1.11)

petermolnar ackl

petermolnar -l

petermolnar and thank you anyway :)

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
petermolnar that's when you're in dark mode, but what if your OS is in normal (light) mode?

petermolnar :)

petermolnar that is unless you set it by hand by clicking on the "dark mode" checkbox

petermolnar thank you very much for the test, Zegnat

petermolnar I owe you a cookie or something

petermolnar yes, that is

petermolnar although I probably don't need that

petermolnar lemme revisit that 10 lines of js

petermolnar that is a completely valid and reasonable suggestion and I'm about to fix it, yes

petermolnar please try now

petermolnar clear localstorage in advance though

petermolnar ah

petermolnar I thought I can remove those

petermolnar seemed unneeded

petermolnar I was wrong

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
petermolnar btw, it would be much simpler without a fallback - the checkbox-localstorage - support

petermolnar it could be done with a mere media query in css

tbbrown joined the channel
Zegnat petermolnar: https://imgur.com/JH5Myxl

petermolnar yeah, it would have been

petermolnar thanks for the video :)

[cleverdevil] and eli_oat joined the channel
tantek__, [tantek], [kevinmarks], jackjamieson, eli_oat, dougbeal|imac, sebsel, [jgmac1106] and [eddie] joined the channel
@flarpamingus Testing webmentions. https://jeremybise.com/web-development-on-windows/ (twitter.com/_/status/1062800693646581760)
@vincentlistens Just published: Implementing the #Indieweb on a static website.
Using @jekyllrb @Netlify @github and @nodejs on @heroku
This is big article. It took me a long time to write!
#Indieweb #Webmention #Micropub (twitter.com/_/status/1062801768919240705)
tbbrown and [Vincent] joined the channel
petermolnar I'll lose fallback if I do so

petermolnar unless I set up an event watcher

sknebel AutoAuth << a "post" that returns what user you obtained a token for: https://www.svenknebel.de/testing/autoauth/
[eddie] joined the channel
Loqi ok, I added "a "post" that returns what user you obtained a token for: https://www.svenknebel.de/testing/autoauth/" to a new "See Also" section of /AutoAuth https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=53912&oldid=53542

gRegorLove joined the channel
Loqi AutoAuth is the working title of an extension to IndieAuth that allows clients to authorize to other servers in the name of their user, without the user being present to confirm each individual authorization flow https://indieweb.org/AutoAuth

[chrisaldrich] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] sounds like what we used to call two-legged auth

petermolnar Zegnat: still around? Would you please test it again? I may have found a way to toggle it by hand and automatically, but I'm not certain, I may have just broken it :D

gRegorLove I just emailed with Barnaby about a php-mf-cleaner PR. He merged it, but also said he doesn't have much time to maintain. He'd be willing to move it to indieweb or microformats github org. Thoughts?

gRegorLove I was thinking microformats org, since it's an add-on for php-mf2.

gRegorLove It's used in indiewebify.me

gRegorLove And maybe some other indieweb projects. I don't mind contributing to maintaining it. It's pretty solid as-is.

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
petermolnar Zegnat: that's weird, the manual should work as well, let me see

petermolnar can you please try again now?

petermolnar ah

petermolnar got it

petermolnar the problem is: I need to decide which has priority: the manually set value, or the media query

petermolnar obviously it should be the manual

petermolnar unless the media query changes to the other

petermolnar what should happen then?

@vincentlistens ↩️ It's certainly an option. Originally, I used a Ruby Gem to pull in Webmentions at build time. It did slow down the build more than iterating over a JSON file by about a factor of 5. But @eleven_ty should be faster than Ruby (twitter.com/_/status/1062814422673080320)
gRegorLove I think `getAuthor()` is the only function that might be more indieweb than general microformats. Other functions just help you fetch specific mf2 from the parsed results, and representative h-card.

petermolnar sebsel: I promise I'll make it to a blog post

petermolnar maybe not that soon though

petermolnar Zegnat: should be OK now

petermolnar user setting has priority, otherwise use the media query

petermolnar yes

petermolnar you are reading it right

petermolnar neither did I till ~15 mins ago :D

swentel joined the channel
petermolnar that's... unexpected

petermolnar I'm not certain how that is possible

petermolnar if you've ever clicked the label, it should set a localstorage key

petermolnar if that's there, the media query shouldn't even be checked and watched

petermolnar I'll render it again

petermolnar I need to get some kind of browser which supports this to test

petermolnar !!!

petermolnar with the empty localstorage, it should follow the OS setting

petermolnar in theory

petermolnar yeah...

petermolnar so with not null in the localstorage, it should set the theme and shouldn't set a media query/listener

petermolnar lol

petermolnar if we found a bug in webkit, we can split the price

petermolnar ok, and thank you very, very much for the help :)

petermolnar once we're done, I'll sum it up in a small post with snippets and code for anyone else

AngeloGladding using private mode is often a good way for ensuring all of these opaque storage items are reset
[tantek], j12t, [eddie], [schmarty], [Vincent], j12t_ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel