#dev 2018-11-29

2018-11-29 UTC
[schmarty] joined the channel
a headless CMS?
just publishing through micropub clients with no publishing interface?
mblaney, snarfed, [tantek] and j12t joined the channel
You can make a micropub publishing interface with a form (assuming you can hide or assume a token)
jgmac1106, benwerd, eli_oat, [tantek], j12t, j12t_, [eddie], KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106] and snarfed joined the channel
hmm really want to use webactions but x-frame-options will break it in browsers
at least the way it's implemented
it's because of the x-frame-options header
benwerd and iasai joined the channel
Lots of factors when it comes to the webactions thing
benwerd, barpthewire, [jgmac1106], jgmac1106, koddsson, jeremych_, snarfed and cjwillcock joined the channel
jgmac1106: where you have the edit in functions.php, you've borked the closing 'div' tag as 'divc' -- maybe that's all you need to adjust to be in good shape
well that get's me the h-cite.....if I wanted to add other microformats, I couldn't figure out where to put them
I didn't try running this yet, just a code review so far. Spinning it up now to take a look
right on, there's that folder 'includes' and inside that are the two supported specs
sorry, inside includes/formats/
yeah apa is the only one I have been working on
i could be more specific, if knowing the specific uf you want to add, but generally, this will be where everything needs to go
okay I really needed to to know the file, don't want to eat up too much of yopur time before I try myself
there is an example of just a single author citation here: https://jgregorymcverry.com/can-we-indieweb-google-scholar-highered/
it's a good time for it jgmac, the whole place is shut down due to winter storm today
haven't had a good snow yet, just a 6-7 incher, still early...but the rain we got...you folks gonna be buried
not bad on snow today, but 100 km/h wind gusts knocking out power poles
!calc 100 km/h in miles per hour
no loqi
I can do the rough estimate in my head
60 mph
yeah 100 makes it easy
60 mph = 100 km/h, 100 mph = 160 km/h are useful and easy to remember key points
!calc 100 kilometers per hour into miles per hour
62.14 mph (miles per hour)
aha! i read about this loqi feature and was waiting on an excuse to give it a try
I'll blame ^^^ on wolfram
the website understands it weirdly enough
and I am old enough to have spent long time staring at speedometers with a manual and both scales so its kinda more visual memory for me
cjwillcock has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
I need to figure out a citation builder for both my syllabus maker and indieweb course template..long term goal is a UI for both that just spits out HTML or is remixable on Glitch.
...ughh crap, be back later....messed something up and now s3 is serving up the wrong url's after teachers upload artifacts to review....
I need to work on citations as well
for photos?
For everything
I have this idea about citations working like the old link manager, except extensible
And I want to store more photo and media metadata
sooo how close did you get @gwg, spill the beans in chat
To photo metadata?
nooo the Disney challenge
Don't follow my site?
Will answer in chat
benwerd and jackjamieson joined the channel
I do, haven't read my feeds this morning
will check it out
I think I am messing up my h-cards on my following page, the parers are picking up the "title" property in p-name. Is that supposed to happen should I delete the title?
There will be more on my feed this weekend when I add more photos and data
still need to remove all the redundant alt text
they are not reading the title, they are including the alt="" in the text
both title and alt don't make much sense like that IMHO (but what's the right alt in such a context is highly debated). but anyways you might need a span around just the name.
[Vincent] joined the channel
okay delteted all alt text anyways bc it was redundant
the title is redundant to...I am going with at="" as people who use screen readers in the community noted that makes the most sense for their use.
I probably wouldn't have included the title...just exported data that way
much prettier...thought today's hack wasn't gonna take too long
snarfed, koddsson and benwerd joined the channel
missed a few...need to walk away
benwerd, snarfed, [tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[grantcodes] [schmarty] how hard would it be to copy to add indieauth to my glitch project https://jgamc1106homepage.glitch.me can you copy and paste you way to greatness or do you need actual knowledge? love to use IndieLogin
[schmarty] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] in order to let other folks log into your site with their domain?
no so I could log into places like webmentions.io
I just need to add the endpoint really probably not it all…but I was thinking well if I am doing 1/2 the project...
https://indieauth.com/setup should have what you need. if you don't want to use a silo account because of the 2-way link, you can use an email address.
i don't think webmention.io needs a token endpoint, so a link header indicating that indieauth.com is your authorization endpoint, and a rel=me to an email address for indieauth.com to send you codes should get you going.
snarfed joined the channel
I have never been able to figure out how to add more than one link on GitHub
I have to switch it all the times for demo purposes
jgmac1106: fwiw for many silos, bridgy pulls web site URLs from bio/description as well as dedicated "web site" fields, including bridgy
er including github
ohh nice
[dave], jackjamieson, jjuran, [schmarty], snarfed, leg and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[aaronpk] I don't think IndieAuth does support this. I could be wrong but I think I have to use the url in the settings page and not the bio fields
leg, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, [eddie], benwerd, [jgmac1106], rigelk, jgmac1106 and snarfed joined the channel