[eddie], eli_oat, jgmac1106, [manton], tantek, [tantek], snarfed, kisik21, barpthewire, swentel, [jgmac1106], [Khurt] and cweiske joined the channel
#petermolnarI have a weird idea: https://cloud.google.com/vision/ can give you a list of exact matches of the image you upload. Should I assume that all exact matches for my photos are syndications, even if it wasn't done by me?
#petermolnaroh, that's interesting: I have a photo taken at the Barbican in London, google thinks it's Rome
#[jgmac1106]Go read Alan Levine's blod about his fruitless effort to remove his img from fake dating profiles
[tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
#sknebel[eddie]: I wonder if it makes sense to try some way for a microsub server to have the client add custom buttons to a post in the reader? which e.g. could help with "how do you authenticate the magic link for the read post" etc
#[eddie]Hmm, I guess the question is what do the custom buttons help with?
#[eddie]Often times different Microsub readers will have different button options
#[eddie]Are you wanting to sync what button options exist to the Microsub server?
#sknebelwith things where the current idea is "inject a link in the post"
#[eddie]Well, I don't think we would inject a link into a post for a Microsub reader
#[eddie]only external things that don't support Microsub/pub
#[eddie]But for Monocle, or Indigenous we never inject links into posts
#sknebelhm. for e.g. webmention moderation it has been proposed too
#sknebelI guess the podcast example you'd probably ask the reader developer to make native read post support, true
#[eddie]Hmmmm 🤔 I'm not sure webmention moderation should happen inside of Microsub
#[eddie]If anything that moderation link injection would happen on the webmention receiver side before it gets sent into a Microsub server as a post
#[eddie]so I think Microsub wouldn't know anything about there being a special link inside of a Webmentino that needed moderating
#[eddie]instead the webmention receiver would add the link, send it to Microsub (for example through Micropub) and when you clicked on the link it would take you not to a Microsub server but to your Webmention server
#[eddie]because it is likely people's Microsub servers will be in different locations than their Micropub/Webmention servers
#[eddie]I think most people's webmentions end up on their server near their Micropub post data (either in the same database or as a flat file in a folder near the post folder), which would be something interesting to research
#sknebelthe microsub server adding display hints doesn't have to mean it actually has to "handle webmentions"
#[eddie]Okay, so with the per-feed config, you would configure custom buttons essentially telling the Microsub server, for posts in this feed add a button with this title and that when clicked opens to this url
#sknebelmaybe. ideally with some way of attaching authentication. don't have a detailed idea what one might want yet (and it's probably a bit to early to do something like this, lets try the link thing first and find its problems)
#[eddie]hmm interesting. Yeah, I think as you said, one we need to iron out some of the link/authentication problems first. Second, I think this wouldn't work for the podcast listen posts discussed in IndieWeb because most people will be listening to podcasts in a regular non-Microsub player
#[eddie]It is definitely an interesting idea to build out as we go thoug
#[eddie]argh! my iPad keeps messing up the last letter of my posts lol
#[jgmac1106]But the community would switch to a microsub player... Or in short term what if I have a podcast feed in my reader but I just use it to publish listens (all three categories) or h-review for example
#aaronpkbut I think it'd be neat to provide a podcast feed from an aperture channel so that I could subscribe to it in a podcast app
#[eddie]Yeah, I think right now that is the optimal solution until another comes along
#[eddie]while continuing to provide better audio support within the native apps themselves
#sknebelaaronpk: "we could benefit from some documentation around how to handle people changing their URLs for IndieAuth apps" - http to https moves could be covered by following the redirect rules?
#aaronpkYes and that should cover domain changes too, I just think it needs to be spelled out explicitly since it's often overlooked when people write apps. Even generic OAuth apps.
#aaronpkthere was a post just the other day about this
#[tantek]I'm a little confused here - why would a user ever have to / want to worry about providing a specific "podcast feed" instead of just their normal "primary" feed?
#[tantek]or to put it another way, shouldn't a Podcast listener (AKA "app" / reader) be able to subscribe to any feed and then just download / queue up the podcasts that happen to be in that feed?
#[jgmac1106]Yeah but I would probe have a podcast channel in aperture
#aaronpkThe discussion wasn't about the theoretical best podcast app, it's about how to do it right now with apps that already exist
#[tantek][jgmac1106] that sounds like extra work, that's my point
#[jgmac1106]I might subcribe to someone's blog feed but not care for their podcast feed
#[tantek]right [aaronpk], that's where I was going next: another way of thinking about it, instead of trying to build podcast downloading / listening functionality into every Microsub client, how about we Microsub client support into existing podcast "apps"?
#[jgmac1106]And the feed also does the custoum button... Unless rule is if you see <audio> add button
#aaronpksure but again that's not a solution that works *right now*
#[tantek][jgmac1106] re: "might subcribe to someone's blog feed but not care for their podcast feed" so do you follow people on Twitter and get not care about their posts with photos / video / audio?
#[tantek]Note that Twitter has no way to follow someone and then mute just certain "types" of posts
#[jgmac1106]Following on Twitter is a h/t I never watch my main stream
#[tantek]so once again, I'm going to claim edge case feature request on special feeds / filtering of that sort
#cjwillcocktantek: re DNS short TTL - I withdraw the 600 has a special meaning of 'do-not-cache' comment. Testing showed this is not the case in the wild.
#LoqiTTL is Time-To-Live, a measure in seconds of how long a DNS record (such as a name-to-address mapping) is valid https://indieweb.org/TTL
#[tantek]cjwillcock did you find any references or examples of DNS providers with default / minimum TTLs that we could document on /TTL?
#aaronpkIf I add a podcast feed output from Aperture then it will basically work the way Tantek is suggesting
#aaronpkif you follow someone's home page with a bunch of different kinds of posts, only the posts with audio would be output in the Aperture podcast feed for that channel
#[jgmac1106]But I do think now I could put all the podcast feeds into an Aperture channel, then Indigenous would recognize existence of <audio> add a custom button that would publish a listen post with podcast url, name,
#[tantek][jgmac1106] tl;dr: "I love spending extra time micromanaging special feed subsets for every person I want to follow on the web" said no one ever.
#aaronpkTechnically people do kinda do that, by following only someone's Instagram account or YouTube account and not their blog or twitter
#[tantek]Or they get annoyed at having to find/follow n different social media profiles for the same person and then get more annoyed with seeing so many dupes, but not all the time, so there's no easy way to just get everything once.
#cjwillcockI did not, my approach was to live-test/monitor Google's public DNS at while I changed records at various TTL settings. I observed that any setting of seconds was respected, including 0 seconds as 'do-not-cache'. Grain of wisdom: legacy systems don't handle 0 consistently.
#aaronpkthere are plenty of people i follow who I do that with, tho typically not people i know personally
#[jgmac1106]I want to publish a listen post without crashing. Not everyone just commutes by plane. Not sure it is edge case
#[tantek]cjwillcock that's definitely worth noting as an observaction on /TTL perhaps in a new "DNS examples" section listing "* Google ..." explicitly
#[jgmac1106][tantek] I know you are pushing the follow person model rather than person's x feed. Just not sure how it works in terms of post types... I do not want everything from everyone...
#[tantek][jgmac1106] yet the default (e.g. FB, Twitter, any other "generic" social media silo) *IS* everything from everyone
#[tantek]seem to work ok for 100s of millions of people so maybe not a bad simple default to start with?
#[jgmac1106]No it isn't it is algorithmicly reduced
#aaronpkAlso just want to point out again that people have accounts on different silos and post different kinds of content there intentionally
#[jgmac1106]Firehouse didn't work for Facebook and they removed it as did Twitter (though you can opt in).
#[eddie]tantek If you believe you should get everything from everyone try following chrisaldrich
#[schmarty]it's the user-centric reason to have algorithmic feeds. information overload, a need for filtering (or summarization).
#[jgmac1106]I think the better strategy is encouraging folks to list their feeds in their h-cards
#[jgmac1106]I go to someone's site or check [grantcodes] IndieWeb directory I can click on it.
#[eddie]I definitely think feeds linked with rel=feed (I think that's the one for h-feeds) from the identity url (like eddiehinkle.com) is the right path. Then it's up to the Microsub server/clients to present that in a friendly way about "topics" rather than technical about "feeds"
#[eddie]and display user friendly feed titles rather than feed urls
#[jgmac1106]Yeah I had my feed links and folks told me to use regular urls with rel="feed"
#[jgmac1106]Would you use p-name for topic match or weight a p-category more?
#[eddie]by topic I am referring to a more user friendly way to refer to a feed
#[schmarty]jgmac1106: i don't understand how that is a dichotomy
#[tantek][jgmac1106] your point about algorithmic feeds is a good one - note however that is an *automatic* way of throttling what you see from your followings, without having to manually pick and choose yourself
#[jgmac1106]Indieweb is about restoring control... Choosing myself not a machine
#[eddie]Notice though that algorithmic feeds have been DISLIKED
#[eddie]At one point in Facebook you could prioritize who you saw first
#[eddie]then with algorithmic streams they removed a lot of that control
#[tantek][jgmac1106] indieweb is about independence and choice. While yes algorithmic feeds do a horrible job at this, it doesn't mean everyone wants to sign up for doing manual feed micromanagement themselves
#[jgmac1106]@schmarty I could had p-category=moocs and then a p-name for each course... In that instance the category higher than name
#[tantek]being forced to choose everything can also be a time-wasting tax of sorts
#[schmarty]jgmac1106: that hierarchy sounds arbitrary?
#aaronpksknebel: quickly thinking through migration, if someone logs in with a new URL, how can the app know about their old URL?
#[eddie]If you enter eddiehinkle.com and are presented with 4 items with checkboxes (timeline, photos, videos, checkins)
#[eddie]You can check or uncheck any of those four
#sknebelaaronpk: oh right, the client knows it but not the app?
#[eddie]and then never have to do that for eddie again
#aaronpkas soon as you move domains and make the redirect, or change your Wordpress folder, nothing will report the old URL as the identity
#[schmarty]eddie: the person following you may have to spend time evaluating all of your feeds to understand the content in each one. also, you've carefully curated your feeds for content, but e.g. wordpress sites offer a feed per category, or by kind with post-kinds. that's a combinatorics explosion to sift through.
#[eddie]schmarty: that's true, wordpress could end up listing a lot of feeds
#[schmarty]there's an opportunity cost with time spent micromanaging which feeds you're following
#sknebeluser logs in with old url into aperture, aperture follows the redirects, sees they are permament and applies them?
#[jgmac1106]Yes so me as blog author say "If you like X follow Y"
#aaronpkLet's say I want to change my website to aaronpk.com, so I change the domain and redirect aaronparecki.com to aaronpk.com, when I log in next there's nothing that will let me log in as aaronparecki.com because my site is moved
#aaronpk"Log in with old URL" isn't practically possible
#[jgmac1106]I am a perfect example [aaronpk]. I need to move aperture to quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com from jgregorymcverry.com
#sknebelhuh? I thought discovery says to follow that and not send the old url to auth endpoint?
#[schmarty]also, i feel like you've put a lot of thought into how you want folks to consume your site based on the feeds you've established. more so than many! but i still might want some subset of the items you're putting into feeds, so it's not enough for a reader to let me select feeds that the author curates.
#aaronpkhm that could work but that is a very specific instruction to users
#[jgmac1106]@schmarty yes and you still would have ability to add a feed for me of just photos in posts tagged S #IndieWeb.... But that would be up to you
#[eddie]ahhh schmarty so instead you're saying we should be able to filter the feed itself?
#sknebelalternatively you could do that with a "claim old account" option somewhere after logging in
#aaronpkYep that's more like what i was thinking because realistically that's what's going to be needed
#[schmarty]eddie: i think multiple approaches will be necessary!
#aaronpkand that's the specific guidance i was talking about needing
#[eddie]schmarty: makes sense to me. Aperture supports some of that in the backend right now, but I definitely think it would be useful to move some of that into the Microsub spec so that clients can update that info without someone having to go to the server
jgmac1106 joined the channel
#sknebelloss of a domain becomes also worse and worse the more information we access through it (especially now we are startingto talk private posts too), another interesting problem to consider
#sknebelcjwillcock: [tantek]: with times that low browser caches etc also could come into play in practice. e.g. I don't know if Firefox special cases TTLs that are below it's default cache time (which I think is 60s)
#[tantek]if you need a more assertive statement that newURL is definitive, then also a <link rel=canonical href=newURL/> at the newURL
Kaja joined the channel
#[tantek]so when the redirect(s) terminate(s) then you can see that the final URL retrieved matches the rel=canonical, you've even more strongly confirmed that you've found the correct new URL for the user (where they migrated to)
wagle joined the channel
#jgmac1106[grantcodes] I meant to ask as I saw so many similar…used to bootstrap now is CSS grid classes in your directory if your started with the same Brutalism template I used for a quick copy/paste hack job\
#aaronpkhm what are the odds of getting people to add a rel=me to their old url
#aaronpklikely multiple approaches will be necessary
#[tantek]was just trying to think of something that used existing tech, that people had already some experience with
#jgmac1106I will do it, it is a good idea for migration advice in general
#[tantek]the point here is that people don't have to do anything special on their oldURLs other than the redirects that sknebel mentioned above
#[tantek]the only place they have to "do the work" is on the newURL which they presumably have more control over anyway (since they switched to using it)
bradenslen joined the channel
#cjwillcocksknebel: tantek: we can't rely on layers that consume DNS to go to the DNS on each request, as sknebel says. IIRC the pancakes we were making had something to do with mobile phone as web server.
#cjwillcockIn this case the mobile is probably behind NAT and would need port mapping on the LAN router to serve content requests coming into the public IP. Even realtime DNS updates would not be sufficient for the use-case, as port-mapping updates would need to travel between networks with the mobile device, and this isn't possible unless you are also the network admin / privileged for all those
jgmac1106, snarfed, eli_oat, KartikPrabhu, eli_oat1, [tantek], [jgmac1106], [eddie], jgmac1106_, [Csongor], benwerd and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#[eddie]Anyone experiment with Twitter's Archives before?
#[eddie]It's interesting, the tweet.js file gives the old fashion RT <original tweet text> for the content, which is nice, but strangely it seems like they don't actually provide the url of the originally tweeted url
#[jgmac1106]I have requested a half dozen times and never not once gotten them
#[eddie]so there is no way to find the original tweet from the Twitter archive that I can tell unless its in another file
#[jgmac1106]Yeah.... Nobody ever replies to my inquiries... Will try again today... Want to import them all. My archive only goes to 2014. I lost 2009-2013 bc I used TwapperKeeper
[schmarty] joined the channel
#GWGaaronpk, re the migration, WordPress should return the current account URL, not the old one
#doubleloopI've replied to it (https://doubleloop.net/2018/12/03/4631/), but my reply is listed in the section that says "The mentions below linked to this post, but did not include this post's URL as an in-reply-to property."
#Loqi[Neil Mather] We’re acquainted with the wormhole phenomenon, but this… Is a remarkable piece of bio-electronic engineering by which I see much of the EM spectrum ranging from heat and infrared through radio waves, et cetera, and forgive me if I’ve said and l...
#doubleloopI think I have an in-reply-to property, so not too sure what I'm missing
#aaronpkhmm this "mentions" page could use some cleanup... it's not particularly interesting to know that I happen to have @-mentioned chris a bunch of times https://boffosocko.com/mentions/
#aaronpkthat would help but isn't really the source of this problem
#[jgmac1106]otherwise your generic webmentions on wordpress just pile up
#[jgmac1106]yeah so your facepile would say, 45 likes or something....the weird part is why did the like go to his generic homepage and not to the specific post
#[jgmac1106]"somehow that caused a cascade effect and now a bunch of my own posts have mentions of themselves all "via boffosocko.com"" happens to me too
#aaronpklooking at my telegraph logs... i just sent a ton of webmentions because i support sending salmentions and that just caused a dozen of my posts to get updated so i just sent out like a hundred webmentions
#aaronpkyeah i don't quite understand what just happened here