doubleloopAt IndieWebCamp Berlin 2017 (yes 2017!) I remember I think it was Sebastian Greger and Zegnat discussing a way of embedding YouTube videos so that they didn't pull in any cookies until you actually clicked on them
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "silo.pasta" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "silo.pasta is ____", a sentence describing the term)
doubleloopIf I recall correctly, Sebastian's solution displayed a static screenshot from the video, and at the point of clicking on that, replaced it with the actual video
Zegnatdoubleloop: sgreger has written a big blog post on that pattern, and also implemented it on his site. Looks a lot like how DuckDuckGo does it, if you are familiar with that. Let me find the blog post about it
LoqiThe EDPB’s official “Guidelines on Transparency” under GDPR are a valuable, yet little-known, resource for designers. In this article series, I examine the 40-pager for contributions on putting individuals in control of their personal data thro...
ZegnatBut I am pretty sure he was using a similar thing where you need to click a button before the embed is put into place for video content too. It is really clever.
ZegnatIIRC that was exactly how hooktube worked, they were able to show <video> element embeds of youtube videos. Which was nice, because iOS Safari was then able to run that video picture-in-picture.
ZegnatI wonder if that shouldn’t just be the recommendation, always. If someone exposes a media endpoint, lets not assume their micropub server can handle big uploads at all, so prefer the external endpoint
ZegnatFor several things on my h-card I myself am the consuming use-case. Creating diffs of personal data regardless of html/design changes to the page
aaronpkSo given that, a more common pattern I've seen is that people want to link out to some other service to say where they are, instead of making something to update their home page all the time.
GWGWith location, it says that if I use a venue/place API I can't store the data and have to attribute. But I only want the textual name of places. I still can't store them?
snarfed(this is not at all intuitive, especially when you're newer to software engineering. can often years to decades of experience to fully appreciate. :P)
[Khurt], eli_oat, snarfed, eduardm and [tantek] joined the channel
jgmac1106[zegnat] I am trying to embed a grid (the h-card) in a girdd with four columns, withnin that h-card there is also a flexbox of social media icons
ZegnatI don’t see a grid on the h-card element though, only on its parent element... I don’t think grids are inherited, so no way the h-card subelements will be on that grid
jgmac1106my peeps has these defined grid-areas: 'avatar''name' 'bio' 'deets deets’;…think that is my mistake. I can always get explicit defined columns and rows correct, whenever I try to use gridareas I screw everything up
ZegnatIt can be done how you do it now, but you need to define those grid-areas on the h-card, not on yhe mypeeps. When you tell the image tag to be in the “avatar” area, it looks for an avatar area on its direct parent (the h-card) and it doesn’t find it there
ZegnatSo it does exactly what it is supposed to. You declared a width on the column of 50%, and then declared a bunch of areas that need to be stacked. Then all the elements get stacked in the squashed space
jgmac1106okay I fixed that but now why iis my inspector sayign there is no grid in the page: I marked container as a grid and then tried to explictly place items1-4 to no avail
jgmac1106this was supposed to take me an hour or so….remind me how much I hate learnign css, its logical, it works, something doesn’t work because I cant figure it out
jgmac1106.well where I started, bunch of detours along the way, I thought defining this on the grod justify-items: center; or align-items: center; would do it