#dev 2018-12-05
2018-12-05 UTC
# KartikPrabhu author is funny
# KartikPrabhu multi-author collaborative posts are surely a thing
# KartikPrabhu certainly "social media" but certainly not blogs
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# KartikPrabhu My reader (feedly) does show multiple authors obtained via RSS/Atom
# KartikPrabhu with markup
# KartikPrabhu and Loqi only picked first author :P
# [kevinmarks] Professional blogs have multiple authors
# [kevinmarks] Also, people do ha e multiple names.
# KartikPrabhu aaronpk: would you like a reader screenshot?
# [kevinmarks] Podcasts are an obvious one
[eddie] joined the channel
# KartikPrabhu also [kevinmarks]'s unmung does multi-author too
# [kevinmarks] <itunes:author>Our Opinions Are Correct</itunes:author> and
# [kevinmarks] <itunes:owner>
# [kevinmarks] <itunes:name><![CDATA[Annalee Newitz]]></itunes:name>
# [kevinmarks] <itunes:email>annalee@gmail.com</itunes:email>
# [kevinmarks] </itunes:owner>
# [kevinmarks] Hm. That may be an iTunes artefact like the way they fuck up music too.
# KartikPrabhu aaronpk: see the uploaded screenshot https://indieweb.org/File:multi-author.png
# kisik21 Micropub "mp-" properties should be in JSON "properties" mapping, right? just in case
# KartikPrabhu arxiv.org a preprint repo for physics academic papers. this is from their RSS/Atom feed
# KartikPrabhu yes
# KartikPrabhu nope. the post is not by the organisation. the post is by the two authors on a preprint server that sends out updates
# [kevinmarks] though they're using dc:creator wiht 2 names as text
# [kevinmarks] people putting 2 names into a univalued field is an example of procrustean data representation, not authorship by a temporary hybrid person
# KartikPrabhu yup I see: a post on "feed name" by "author1 and author2" not a post by "arxiv"
# KartikPrabhu the "hep-th on arXiv" is more like a "channel" or "category"
# KartikPrabhu not sure. I can send you a link to the Atom
# [kevinmarks] definitely plural in Atom https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287#section-4.2.1
# [kevinmarks] atomCommonAttributes,
# [kevinmarks] element atom:feed {
# [kevinmarks] (atomAuthor*
# [kevinmarks] tomEntry =
# [kevinmarks] atomCommonAttributes,
# [kevinmarks] element atom:entry {
# [kevinmarks] (atomAuthor*
# [kevinmarks] yes, lots of posting interfaces are shitty at multiple authors. Not sure why you are advocating that we keep them that way.
# [kevinmarks] maybe we should split on 'and'
# KartikPrabhu aaronpk: if you'd like to test other readers here is my atom feed from arXiv https://arxiv.org/a/prabhu_k_1.atom
# KartikPrabhu Firefox ignores all authors btw but they are present in the source
# KartikPrabhu :thumbsup:
# [kevinmarks] hm, unmung only shows the first too
# KartikPrabhu [kevinmarks]: here is a version with collapsed authors in unmung http://www.unmung.com/feed?feed=https%3A%2F%2Farxiv.org%2Fa%2Fprabhu_k_1.atom2
# KartikPrabhu of course it shows all because they are in the same element
# [kevinmarks] I think feedparser is takig the last author tag for author_detail, but getting it rightin authors
# [kevinmarks] `'authors': [
{'name': u'Venkatesa Chandrasekaran'}, {'name': u'Eanna E. Flanagan'}, {'name': u'Kartik Prabhu'}
]`# KartikPrabhu yup
# KartikPrabhu maybe switch to using "authors" instead
# [kevinmarks] seems like a bug fro feedparser
# kisik21 [kevinmarks]: I've noticed you're using Python 2... is there a reason for it?
# [kevinmarks] because appengine standard doesn't support python 3
# kisik21 oh, right
# [kevinmarks] despite google employing almost the entire python dev team
# kisik21 On my testing instance my posts are represented as mf2 markup, and I think I went overboard with that... /<kind>/<id>.json gets you parsed mf2 JSON directly. I don't think that would be even used by anyone, but still nice to have
# kisik21 parsed mf2 JSON == the micropub request that created this post in JSON form
# kisik21 is this even a good feature to have?
[tantek] joined the channel
# KartikPrabhu what is multi-author post?
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "multi-author post" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "multi-author post is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# KartikPrabhu what is author
# Loqi authorship is how to determine who the author(s) of a post are https://indieweb.org/author
[eddie] joined the channel
# snarfed GWG: it does: https://indieweb.org/Special:RecentChanges (see the Atom link)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] @gwg how does [pfefferle] make the indie events plugin that appears in the editor?
# aaronpk GWG: https://indieweb.org/events is a feed of h-events yes
[asuh] joined the channel
# kisik21 mime-types?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] [jgmac1106] the pfefferle events thing in the dashboard is a very old school rss widget trick that was removed from core ages ago. If you search around you'll find references and code and can put in almost any rss feed.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] Events are hard
[asuh], [eddie], snarfed, cweiske, Cumlicker, swentel and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] @swentel how do people style titles in themes? Only on the h1 element no classes?
[eddie] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] .... See WordPress... Over flexible
# [jgmac1106] Eddie what I have been doing for follow post is using an article with who I follow as title... Only way I can get markup in Known
# [jgmac1106] So wouldn't that work for WordPress? Or a note with markup?
# [jgmac1106] If micropub endpoint does not use post type discovery default to article with markup for follow post
# [jgmac1106] And Bridgy would be to syndicate elsewhere?
# [jgmac1106] ... Ahhh yes good point.... Reason I separated my long form articles for other articles
# [jgmac1106] In Known I can't add HTML to notes I gave to use articles
# [jgmac1106] Yeah had to make this foe myself https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/pages/templates
barpthewire joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] Yeah after hacking on idno plugins just came to conclusion "this is a ton of work just to add " u-listen-of"
# [jgmac1106] Though others can use plugins so I will return
# [jgmac1106] If @gwg made an explicit follow postkind could a micropub client recognize that as it does with other post types?
# [jgmac1106] ... More worried I am going to finish my blog migration and say, "Maybe I could do this as an SSG or my own CMS using perch... I should migrate away from Known"
# [jgmac1106] [eddie] still might steal [chrisaldrich] idea of a faux podcast feed for easy listen posts
[tantek] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] But add 🔊 button if <audio> tag present in Indigineous would be cool feature cc/ @swentel
# kisik21 The good thing about microformats2 + micropub: easy migration of posts... I've noticed it only now that the only thing I'll need to do to migrate my posts is to just go through my feed and send a micropub request for each post
# kisik21 because my posts are already microformats2, and Micropub can parse mf2 JSON, it's really easy to migrate
# kisik21 someone should write a tool for automating that
# kisik21 maybe me
# sknebel kisik21: regarding "the mf2 json being accessible, good idea or not" - depends - as long as it's only public information it is not a problem, but e.g. if you have posts stored that aren't publicly visible, either because they're private or not published yet, or attributes you store but not show it could be an issue
bradenslen joined the channel
# kisik21 sknebel: examples of attributes I don't wanna show?
# kisik21 and aaronpk is posting the town in his location with each post, and the map on the backdrop... (the latter feels a little bit dangerous)
# kisik21 aaronpk: do your posts really contain your precise location, but only the city gets shown, or they contain only the city?
# kisik21 and most of it is obscured by posts
# kisik21 yeah
# kisik21 I feel like that's OpenStreetMap
# kisik21 the colors
# kisik21 they feel openstreetmap-y to me
# kisik21 do they require attribution?
# kisik21 well, that
# kisik21 that's either Google or OSM
# kisik21 but Google Maps have more vibrant colors
# [jgmac1106] [aaronpk] is white male, exposing location safer due to privledge
# kisik21 [jgmac1106]: still there are robbers who might wanna track him!
# kisik21 because we started talking about private attributes in mf2 JSON, determined that precise location might be one, and by a pure coincidence aaronpk publishes details about his location on his indieweb site
# kisik21 I hope his mention counter would not explode ><
# kisik21 s/would not/won't/
[Rose], jgmac1106, [Vincent] and [eddie] joined the channel
# [Vincent] “if you excite me, I do it faster” - That’s a quote right there lol
swentel and snarfed joined the channel
# petermolnar kisik21: what's the trouble with jinja2?
# kisik21 I need to port a lot of Hugo's html/template (go library) templates from my old site to jinja2
# kisik21 manually
# petermolnar right
# petermolnar jinja2 is different
# petermolnar while you can use it the same way, ideally, jinja2 should be used the same way you build inheritance
# kisik21 thankfully its feature set is similar to html/template (actually, even bigger because it allows for arbitrary Python expressions in templates)
# petermolnar I ported PHP Twig to jinja, same problem - half different
# kisik21 this new site is actually my first serious Flask project
# kisik21 so I'm a total newbie in Jinja2, the only thing I have is Flask's manuals
# petermolnar https://github.com/petermolnar/nasg/tree/master/templates - check base.j2.html then Singular.j2.html
# petermolnar you'll understand the inheritance thing
aleksip joined the channel
# aleksip oh it did! excellent!
[eddie] joined the channel
# aleksip yeah, i was expecting to see the webmention on your page, so that is why i came here :)
# aleksip bug report: /admin/content/webmention gives me an error
# aleksip "PHP message: Uncaught PHP Exception Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper: "Exception in Webmentions[webmentions]: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'FROM webmention_entity webmention_entity LIMIT 30 OFFSET 0' at line 1: SELECT FROM
webmention_en# aleksip i had already done some experimentation with a beta version, and just upgraded to beta-1, maybe that might cause some issues?
# aleksip sorry, rc1
[manton] joined the channel
# aleksip swentel: thanks the view works now!
# aleksip well if it is related to an upgrade from beta, maybe not super critical
# aleksip so what about that missing class? :)
# swentel aleksip, can you go to /admin/config/services/indieweb/microformats
# aleksip swentel, have that open now
# aleksip swentel, you are correct :) that is set now.
# aleksip so should i try sending the webmention again now?
# aleksip ah, i see
# aleksip :)
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# aleksip swentel, i had left the standard body e-content checkbox on, so there were two e-content classes in the page (did the indieweb module create the div?). unchecked it now.
# swentel aleksip, your comment is there: https://realize.be/blog/send-me-webmention-drupal :)
# aleksip swentel :)
# aleksip swente, yes it is a node entity reference revisions field
# aleksip swentel, hmm, i ran cron but don't see it
# aleksip swentel, yes that is where i looked but "No webmentions received yet."
# aleksip admin/reports/dblog just says that indieweb_webmention_cron() was started
# swentel it says http://www.aleksip.net/webmention/receive, but you go to it rewrites to https
# aleksip ah
# aleksip is there an easy way to change the protocol
# aleksip yes :)
# aleksip so maybe i'll just add it manually?
iasai joined the channel
[Vincent] joined the channel
# aleksip swentel, manually set in html.html.twig now
# aleksip received! :)
# swentel have you configured /admin/config/services/indieweb/comments ?
# aleksip not yet... and i think i configured processing on cron run, so it seems it is already processed...
# aleksip oops!
# aleksip i do!
# aleksip rsvp and html comment were empty
# aleksip it was there yes!
# aleksip so i just enable comments? does not seem to be other things i can change?
# aleksip done!
# aleksip yes :) done!
# aleksip edit form open
# swentel it will now say /trying-out-the-indieweb-module
# swentel but that needs to be https://www.aleksip.net/trying-out-the-indieweb-module
# aleksip it was the full canonical already!
# aleksip https
# aleksip ok so i ran cron and now it changed back to a published entry
# aleksip but no new comment?
# aleksip no...
chrisaldrich and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# aleksip swentel, now the type and property changed to no_link_found
# aleksip i'm afraid i'll have to leave now for about 30-45 min but will be back
# aleksip anyway, huge thanks for all the help and of course the module itself!!!
# aleksip ah, so how do i configure drupal to think it is on https? :)
# sknebel this seems somewhat relevant https://alvinalexander.com/drupal/getting-drupal-8-metatags-module-show-canonical-https-url
# [jgmac1106] [manton] [eddie] is this correct h-feed for a podcast: view-source:http://stuffedworld.dogzone.jgregorymcverry.com/
# [jgmac1106] and I agree I would link to the page of the photo and the page of the podcast or podcast episode rather than the media file...unless a repost...but that is different
# [jgmac1106] perfedt will make change after class, thx
benwerd joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] Ahh I see thank you.....really only built the page to apply to Itunes and PocketCast but then realized could end up being a fun thing others want
aleksip and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# aleksip swentel, ok so i'm back and looks like i've lost the log as i'm using a web gateway... :/
# sknebel aleksip: chat log? we have them :) https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/
aleksip joined the channel
# aleksip ouch
# aleksip but your site is on https too? :)
# aleksip you have http working too?
# aleksip hmm, this nice web interface keeps telling me it is connecting to the chat room...
# aleksip ...but seems to work anyway
# aleksip :) ok i'll try that!
# aleksip ok, i have now added that to my site's settings.php
# aleksip copypasted from here
# aleksip but the /webmention/receive url is now hardcoded in my html.html.twig...
# aleksip is that what you expected to change?
# aleksip should i remove that and check the box in the module settings again?
benwerd joined the channel
# aleksip or is it something else?
# aleksip have now cleared the cache
# aleksip have now cleared the cache
# aleksip have now cleared the cache
# aleksip have now cleared the cache
# aleksip oh yes the og:url...
# aleksip does not seem to have changed... :(
# aleksip i use the metatag module, maybe i could set it hardcoded with that?
# aleksip how have you set up your own site?
# aleksip i'll remove the hack from settings then
# aleksip ah yes
# aleksip yes i use a tls termination proxy in nginx
# aleksip ok, thanks, i'll have a look soon, thanks again for all the help. i could also stop using the proxy for my site if nothing else helps!
jgmac1106, benwerd and jackjamieson joined the channel
# kisik21 It feels kinda weird that the function to render my h-feeds has more Flask @app.route(<...>) decorators than actual code
iasai, [eddie], snarfed, benwerd, swentel and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] [eddie] there is a way to express that you're quoting another feed in Atom - the source stuff. You could import that into rss with a namespace
# snarfed also https://github.com/snarfed/granary/issues/137 might help. i gladly accept contributions and PRs!
jackjami_, [Khurt] and snarfed joined the channel
# kisik21 Today I learned that mf2py can find webmention endpoints for you: mf2py.parse(url=url)["rels"]["webmention"]
# kisik21 That is amazing
snarfed joined the channel
# KartikPrabhu rel-parsing is included in the mf2 parsing
# KartikPrabhu no mf2py afaik
snarfed and benwerd joined the channel
# kisik21 Zegnat: mf2py handles fetching if you pass an URL.
# [kevinmarks] it is how plugs work in the UK though
# [kevinmarks] you do get moulded power cables with plugs on, yes, but they still need fuses in, so have moving parts.
# [kevinmarks] making mf2py inspect headers if it is fetching is a reasonable feature request, but I'm not sure putting the rels in that structure would be ideal
# [kevinmarks] mf2py preserving (and potentially parsing) headers seems reasonable
[eddie] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] the rels part was originally for rel-based microformats like xfn, but it is very handy for endpoints too
# kisik21 please remind me where is the authorship algo tester on glitch? I forgot the url
# kisik21 thanks
# kisik21 Would most h-card implementations in the wild pick up a canonical h-card on my homepage if I markup authorship on a post like this? <a class="u-author h-card u-uid" href="https://fireburn.ru">Vika</a>
# kisik21 if u-uid property on h-card represents a canonical URL, it probably needs to be picked up by compliant consumers
# kisik21 is this better? <span class="u-author h-card"><a class="u-uid u-url" href="https://fireburn.ru">Vika</a></span>
# kisik21 I want the implementations to grab a canonical h-card
# aaronpk does this describe what you're going for? https://indieweb.org/representative_h-card
# kisik21 I think my second variant is authorship+representative h-card. If I understand correctly, consumers should go to the u-uid to get full data for an h-card... am I right?
# aaronpk that is described as one of the steps in /authorship
# kisik21 but I am providing an h-card, which means that an implementation that doesn't process representative h-cards might or might not go to my homepage for an h-card (it depends on whether it will pick either author.value or author.properties.uid)
# kisik21 s/pick/pick up/
# kisik21 if it picks up one of these two, my avatar would be shown there. If it doesn't, my h-card would be the bare-bones one.
# kisik21 so the question boils down to: how frequent is representative h-card support on IndieWeb?
# kisik21 with exact same markup?
# kisik21 will p3k pick up an h-card like this when showing me in the comment section?
# aaronpk you can test by putting one of your post permalinks into https://xray.p3k.app
# kisik21 that exact markup is not used in production by me
# kisik21 but it will be soon
# kisik21 aaronpk: but the fact that XRay supports this probably means this is widespread. How many people use XRay?
# kisik21 probably almost every PHP project
[tantek] joined the channel
# kisik21 does it use representative h-cards in authorship algorithm?
# kisik21 then we have roughly 66% support for WordPress
# kisik21 I don't know! for me - it's good if it at least parses my u-author+h-card
(like the one a dozen or two messages up)# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "url I need to check" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "url I need to check is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# kisik21 if you see an author property with an h-card which contains u-uid, retrieve my h-card from u-uid
# kisik21 ok! thanks~
# [tantek] aaronpk had a good answer also about this too: https://chat.indieweb.org/2018-12-05/1544015342644700