#dev 2018-12-06

2018-12-06 UTC
a /listen is a *response* to the post with the actual media player / embedded attachment
a listen post could show a link preview of the thing that was listened to, but that doesn't need to be part of the data sent back to the original post
[chrisaldrich] or was it [jgmac1106] - if you want to provide a "player" for the media that you listened to, you could do so, IF you put it inside an explicit /reply-context in your /listen post
or reply context yeah maybe that's better
that way an indieweb social /reader would know that the media is *not* by produced by you at all
just like original post text that you reply to is not by you
or a comment on a photo that you put in a reply context - it's not your photo
might be worth adding to /listen#Brainstorming - a stub/straw proposal for how to embed the media you listened to, inside a [[reply-context]]
that's what chrisaldrich does and what they were talking about
wait he is putting them explicitly in a reply-context?!?
example permalink? and either way the media must not be an "attachment" on the RSS item that represents the /listen post
it certainly should not be inside e-content for example
er, must not πŸ™‚
in general your /reply-context MUST NOT be inside your e-content - because e-content is for stuff that YOU are the author of, not the stuff you are replying to that is from someone else
yeah, that part is wrong (not sure if intentional or a template issue or whatever): https://boffosocko.com/2018/12/04/deployed-in-the-u-s-just-waiting-for-the-caravan-the-new-york-times/
[Chris Aldrich] 🎧 The Daily: Deployed in the U.S., Just Waiting for the Caravan | The New York Times
u-listen-of h-cite, but inside the e-content
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Woah intersection observers are so good. Just implemented then in Together instead of scroll events and it's so much smoother!
so yeah that's the problem. "inside the e-content" is wrong
no u-*-of should be inside the e-content
that's something we could add to indiewebify.me's h-entry validator
it's not technically invalid, but it is bad form and likely to cause misattribution of authorship. so it's like a linting problem
[grantcodes]: seems like alltogethernow.io improved so much I can use it instead of monocle! At least as a reader
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I disagree - if it's outside the content it's likely to be omitted entirely, breaking fallback
If I can quote text inside my content, why not other media?
Yay happy to have you onboard kisik21
[kevinmarks]: having had to deal with this with the relatively simple case of photos, I really really don't want to encourage duplicating that reply context content inside the content of the post
maybe for a simple listen, but if I am discussing audio then quoting it makes sense
go write a reader and get back to me on that :-)
[grantcodes]: I always liked together's design but it had a bug, but now this bug is fixed, yay
[kevinmarks]: discussing an audio post was never part of this, please stop adding unrelated variables
there is no reason left for putting reply-context in content
kevinmarks we already covered fallback as summary at IWS 2018
I see an h-cite as expressing that it is external content.
quoting is a totally different case than a reply context SMH
[grantcodes]: oops, nope, this bug is not fixed yet!
[grantcodes]: when I go to editor and back to home channel, it says "nothing to show", as if the channel was empty
anyway I agree with manton, we have solutions to this, we should encourage them
works with every channel, switching to another channel and back helps
you're thinking note rather than article.
This was never about articles ...
Hmm kisik21 can you open an issue on GitHub and I'll fix that
nope I'm thinking /response rather than article
[grantcodes]: cleverdevil/together?
I think my mental model of this is informed by huffduffer, where propagating the attchement is a big part of the utility.
kisik21: My Parser has no problem with fireburn.ru
GWG: the new markup isn't in production yet
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Okay. Just telling you
GWG: try to parse this! <span class="u-author h-card"><a class="u-uid u-url" href="{{ site.author.url or request.host }}"><span class="p-name">{{ site.author.name }}</span></a></span>
oh wait sorry
kisik21: I should add a parse HTML tool. I only have a debugger for URLs.
I'll make a note.
kisik21 that looks find though you could simplify it further:
<span class="u-author h-card"><a class="u-uid u-url" href="{{ site.author.url or request.host }}">{{ site.author.name }}</a></span>
yeah, I know
and if you wanted to drop the uid (unless you know of a consuming use-case you are depending on), you can make it even simpler thanks to implied url and name
<span class="u-author h-card"><a href="{{ site.author.url or request.host }}">{{ site.author.name }}</a></span>
in general you should use the simplest shortest markup that satisfies the consuming code use-cases
I'm depending on u-uid specifically
by what consuming code?
GWG: parse this then! https://fireburn.ru/test.html
authorship algos for comments. They should recognize u-uid property and grab h-card from there
kisik21: What should it find?
It recognizes fireburn.ru as the h-card url and can fetch it.
GWG: try to get my avatar pic
starting from test.html page, get my avatar pic
kisik21 which part of the authorship algo in particular? and which specific consuming code?
It did on one of your posts, but it isn't now.
[tantek]: I wanted to combine the authorship algorithm + u-uid for an h-card so a consumer would grab my h-card from u-uid and not from given page
but I guess it doesn't work that way...
"would" is not good enough - sounds theoretical
e.g. if there is no such existing consuming code
The authorship algorithm should already capture your use case
kisik21: According to my algorithm, it it finds an h-card it stops, and only returns the full h-card if it only finds a URL.
I suppose I should expand it
GWG: did you follow /authorship?
Maybe handle u-uid in h-card, sending you to fetch h-cards from page it contains?
aaronpk: To the letter
aaronpk: /authorship doesn't contain that, and I'm hereby proposing it as an addition!
Authorship doesn't say if you have an h-card, but it doesn't have a photo, go look at the url in your h-card
kisik21: I'm not sure i understand what you're trying to do that isn't covered already
u-uid on h-card - what should it do?
isn't it a canonical version of h-card? could the canonical version contain more info?
kisik21: that's not a use case, doesn't some other rule already take precedence in the current algorithm?
well, there is
but u-uid on h-card sounded kinda logical for me to use, and I thought that maybe that will work as good as just sticking to that rule
GWG: that is true! I remember seeing some missing photos in my reader but I thought I reread the algorithm and fixed XRay and now it works
aaronpk: so xray does that, but it's non-standard behavior?
aaronpk: I'm adding to my code if there isn't a photo, try to parse the URL inside it to find the photo. It isn't standard behavior.
But people want photos.
how does u-repost-of fit with this no e-content model?
No I mean I read the authorship algorithm again and made sure XRay follows it and then it started working
GWG: if you can find examples of missing photos after you've followed the authorship algorithm that's worth adding as an issue there so we can fix the algorithm
[kevinmarks]: reposts cant have original content by definition so I'm not sure what you're getting at trying to find new edge cases for the fun of it or something?
aaronpk: Step 5, if an author property was found, and it has an h-card, use it, and exit.
There isn't a 5.1.1 saying that if the h-card is minimal, you might want to go look for more data.
GWG: did you find a site that publishes that pattern? Please add an example if so!
I cant remember the details right now but I remember encountering the problem you're describing but it's not a problem for me anymore somehow
my site did that a while ago
Common WordPress pattern for feed pages
pleas document on the wiki!
Otherwise it will be lost in this chat
kevinmarks the /repost page already documents that, please take a closer look
aaronpk: I am looking for a good example
no, i'm looking at existing markup rather than theory.
with huffduffer and tumblr as examples
both of which embed the repost in the content.
Where on the authorship page does that fit?
we can say that they should do something different
GWG: an issues section if there isn't one already
we might need to give it a github issues page soon if it doesn't have one already
I actually have two issues.
Great! Worth documenting then so we can solve them!
aaronpk: noted in on wiki /authorship#Minimal_h-cards
kisik21, why do you want the h-card property? If you follow the author property, you retrieve the h-card.
perfectionism probably
How is that perfect?
it's not, more markup is more work to do & maintain which is the opposite of perfect
tumblr's RSS feed does the attribution as a link+blockquote which is a kind of POSH h-cite
kisik21: If we have to create a special case for your markup, it is a less than perfect situation.
I think the two issues I noted are a bit more of a challenge
kisik21: Thank you. You made my code better
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I think the u-uid definition on http://microformats.org/wiki/h-card confuses people
@kisik21 I need a collapsible nav on my blog ofr mobile view as well but trying new approach of not adding any CSS I do not truly understand...amkes my nav ugly for now...which is motivation to learn
but it doesn't have to be hamburger menu, you could write a media query so you grid area displays as a flexbox
I'm thinking about redesigning my site completely now... all because my <nav> looks awful with submenu
stay away from w3schools
when searching add !mdn +mdn or -w3schools
they don't use POSH but I can fix it
they are not associated with w3c, manipulate SEO, and often have incorrect markup IMO
they don't claim to have an association....but that's lie geting a burger at McDowells
ohhh...sorry you are in Russia and 17... reference to American move "Coming to America"
Obviously never heard about that movie
about your ugly nav page: projet not found
jgmac1106, they closed the McDonald's that filmed at
[jgmac1106]: this nav is as ugly as mine in the testing version
but mine is uglier
well I will share my journey @kisik21 as I want better nav as part of my newwwyear challenge
bc I can't ship as is....I can cut and paste in the css fine...but I don't want to use anythign I can't build from scratch
...except everythign I can't build...which is everything but a tiny bit of html and css
ok... new base template...
I guess I really do need to start from scratch
I'm not sure if I want my h-card to be in the top or in the bottom of the main page and if I should show my h-card anywhere else than the main page...
kisik21: Everywhere else, just do the u-author to your main page URL?
My old site shows the h-card in the footer on every single page
all choices, at minimum make sure you have an author h-card in the h-entry, and h-card on your home page and after that it's all extra toppings...I have one in my homepage and a gigantic one on my about page, and of course one in each h-entry
then I also include a directory of h-cards of people I follow to help others with discovery
my new site has builtin support for blogrolls
and planning to sync blogrolls with Micropub
I have to get to citations one of these days, which would move me toward some of that
kisik21 has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
I think and also a microsub reader. Add someone to your reader, a follow post goes out and the h-card gets added to your blog roll
Planning on this
when I implement my own Microsub server
Looking forward to the nav bar... πŸ™‚
Nav bar?
how conversation started in IndieWeb is the hamburger menu a good CSS design for mobile
we shared our miseries of ugly nav bars
I missed that.
...which is why the McDowells metaphor was used for w3school
layers of meaning spread on sesame seed buns
chrisaldrich, snarfed, tbbrown and [tantek] joined the channel
!tell snarfed does this present any hope for Bridgy publish/backfeed for FB? https://techcrunch.com/2018/12/04/facebook-allows-competitors/
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
cweiske, swentel and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[tantek] That Facebook thing doesn't help unless they also change the API, which wasn't mentioned there
swentel and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Reading all this h-card embedding discussion, I am now slightly tempted to embed my entire h-card on every future h-entry I write.
I'm not quite sure yet what the motivation is for having an h-card on every page instead of linking to a comprehensive one
I guess its a bit better for archived pages etc where you can't just go fetch the full one?
It makes stuff more self contained. Although to be fair, it does touch on an issue we have seen before: how do you tell a consumer that the current h-card they are seeing is only a subset of a full bio.
Which always comes up when people add truncated h-cards to their homepage and want the full one on an about (or similar) page
(afk for a bit)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Why not just add link to full bio... On the h-entry h-card?
Zegnat: true, that's not quite the same though
at least if you want to keep the homepage url as identity
!tell GWG re your authorship issues: is this also for non-indieweb themes, so we don't have control over the detailed markup?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I guess one could add a (option/suggested?) step to authorship along the lines of "if an h-card was found and no author-page, attempt to use u-uid as author page. if there is no u-uid and exactly one u-url, attempt to use that"?
jgmac1106 joined the channel
@snkebel in that example in my h-card would I put the u-uid to my url and u-url to my about me or the other way around?
sknebel, it is primarily for non Indieweb themes
GWG: sknebel left you a message 18 minutes ago: re your authorship issues: is this also for non-indieweb themes, so we don't have control over the detailed markup?
Sknebel, with the author archive issue, I have a setting in the Indieweb plugin that overrides that
that's not for that issue
(sorry, that was a response to [jgmac1106])
an interesting question with such a change would be how often it triggers without doing anything useful. i.e. if it causes the algorithm to follow a link to an author archive that doesn't have a better h-card (or none at all), that's a useless request on all such pages
and of course how (if?) to combine information from the two cards
I assume that the url you follow has more info
So I return it instead
if it has what? a card matching the url of the other? a representative card?
A representative card, but I need to tweak my implementation a bit still
[Khurt] joined the channel
Have a mini h-card embedded in my h-entry, then what does the consumer do?
1. Does this h-card have a photo?
2. If no: follow the url of the h-card and discover h-card there.
3. The new representative h-card may still not be complete, magically discover /about link.
4. Is there a magical full-h-card link? Go there.
That feels like a *lot* of requests to figure out the most complete h-card
I'd look at 1/2 and 3/4 separately
1/2 is one indirection, we already have that as a very common pattern
Zegnat, this may be why nickname caches come in handy
it's an interesting idea to go by "do I already have the information I want to display"
because true, if I want a name and a url and have those from the local card no need to follow links
I see them as two separate things to, sknebel. I am just anticipating the people who may expect them to follow eachother ;)
so it isn't necessarily needed to find the "completest" card
Right. Whether you as consumer are even interested in the most complete card is up to you as consumer
And then the second question is: how far do I as consumer want to go to find the information I want. If I need all those 4 steps I said before to find your photo, I may just give up at step 2.
But I would appreciate it if the publisher made it easier
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Zegnat, this is worth discussing regardless
GWG, definitely!
I just want to be careful not getting into the whole β€œthese 10 combinations are theoretically possible”. I’d like to see publishers having a clear usecase.
The easiest for publishers, to me, stills seems to just have u-author linking to their homepage which includes an h-card
Zegnat, that's what I said last night
Ah, I might have glossed over that. There was a lot in the backlog!
Sorry if I was repeating arguments :)
is apologising a lot lately. Clearly wrong mindset at the moment.
But it opened up my concern about WordPress
WordPress themes declare the hcard to be the author post archive
There are a lot of WordPress sites
jeremych_ joined the channel
GWG: in which situations does the minimal h-card in a WP theme actually lead to more information? e.g. you mentioned https://ma.tt/ on the wiki as an example, but following the link in the hCard there doesn't lead to more information?
does it if there's one of your plugins installed?
sknebel, the Indieweb plugin has a setting that changes the author url from the post archive to a url of your designation
but keeps the mini h-cards?
since those are in the theme?
The mini h-cards are in the theme, so can't be removed by plugin
(detail added to wiki)
I think trying to work around WordPress is going to be a long challenge
I have already been struggling for a bit with it
is there something we can do for the second scenario, where the link points to an author archive? are there cases where we'd expect parseable profile information there?
sknebel, not typically, but nothing prevents it
ok, but no common pattern that might be worth special casing then?
Common pattern is no
ok, so it's for now only relevant as a case where an algorithm change might fetch the page but not find anything
I guess there's also then a case where people have an h-card in their sidebar etc, but *also* a WP generated mini-hCard in the post?
sknebel, yes.
that'd also be a fair extension then, doesn't even require new requests
I wrote the h-card widget into the Indieweb plugin, but it doesn't stop that.
But one would be a top level property
The other a child of an h-entry
Either way, there is no easy solution. Even though the tools are there
right, but if there is a better h-card on the page, we could find it with the same idea from above
More code just got a lot more complex
Tincho1 joined the channel
I am not going to do that just trying to see if I can understand what you are asking
jgmac1106, if you don't have your feed on your main page, your post link should have rel=feed on it so it can be discovered
That's all
barpthewire joined the channel
including the post kind menu as well I assume
The post kind.menu could be marked up as rel feed because it is a menu of feeds
Although how many feed links do you want on your main page that a parser can discover?
how would I do that in the top level menu? Menu customizer doesn’t give me anything but title attribute
That's why I wrote a widget, but let me look later
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
See if it is filterable
I wonder if you removed the css class field in 2016-Indieweb I don't see it int he customize menu option
[tantek] joined the channel
but I think you have to trigger it that when they select a page in the customize menu a function adds the rel="feed" or add a rel= custom field
tantek__ joined the channel
I'll try to clean-up a bit
GWG your example of ma.tt doesn't make sense for missing an h-card photo, because the site as a whole now misses a photo
going to move to theoretical
!tell kisik21 spent sometime on my nav bar, not collapsing to hamburger menu, just went with a smaller em, and autofill grid columns with a set minmax...aint pretty but aint as ugly https://jgmac1106.homepage.glitch.me
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Your site looks awful on mobile though
kisik21: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 minute ago: spent sometime on my nav bar, not collapsing to hamburger menu, just went with a smaller em, and autofill grid columns with a set minmax...aint pretty but aint as ugly https://jgmac1106.homepage.glitch.me
I think it lost some buttons
I know....learning is hard
ugh... I have all the markup, I just need to somehow squeeze in the responisve part
via CSS
but CSS seems to be a total mess
need to fix the hero image...tempted to cheat and just load a smaller one on media query rather than rebuild how I do it
width: 100%
not sure what buttons you say are missing on my site, I do hide the image on my h-card for mobile view...and do know the article img are off centered...
tried that,
The podcast button is off-screen on the homepage you linked earlier
that's what I mean
oh, it scrolls
how big is your display?
I haven't added my podcasts yet
I'm using "iphone x" setting in the web debugger
since it's the weirdest display I've heard of anywhere
weird, I se all my nav on my pixel3
the issue with my header img is having text on a pic...I really need to just rebuild that..but I lost link to original picture....choosing a new img.....that is a tall order
reverse image lookup isn’t working?
...not like I also included the license info on the picture and fav any img I use
..I think Greg isn't working
do realize I need a different media query for 480px phones...does look scrolly there
but not as ugly as last night..at least I upgraded to "looks awful"
thx you so beat me, I was searching flickr
If authorship has this much discussion around it maybe it makes sense to "upgrade" it to give it its own github repo so we can use issues to discuss
later today I can fix my original sin
snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
GWG: from looking around a bunch of pages from chat-names, it seems people either use a theme with a full h-card or have links to author overview pages that don't result in finding something better.
tantek__ joined the channel
aaronpk, that may be a good idea, want to add an issue for it? πŸ˜‰
Seriously, perhaps that means I should write-up a more formal spec to start with
sknebel: that reminds me I've seen that failure happen as well, where someone's "about" page actually contains less information (usually no photo) compared to their home page h-card
tbbrown joined the channel
not really surprised the wordpress default doesn't result in a better page. was kind of surprised I didn't find a user of the option GWG mentioned in my quick scan
although it makes sense, people are quickly sent to use a full theme or probably don't understand all the options
we coach people to run into the conflict by including the side-bar h-card widget on post displays
sometimes if people have been around for a long time they may also have one hard coded in their header or footer, have a minimal h-card in the h-entry and then also have the widget in the side bar..
huh? what does the sidebar widget have to do with any of this?
I mean we tell people to NOT also use the h-card widget on their post displays
I was hoping that is partially why you didn't find any users
I don't think that's tied to the h-card widget in any way?
<-- goes to put a photo on his about me page and slowly walk away
(well, if it included the overview page as a u-url having it would actually make the change helpful for people that haven't set the homepage as user url)
snarfed, eli_oat, jackjamieson, callMeBaby and iasai joined the channel
sknebel: Anyone who installs the Indieweb plugin, people in our community, would probably enable the option to set it to a page other than the author archive page
as I said, I picked a bunch of examples from chat-names, and those that didn't have h-cards with photos already in the posts didn't have a different url set... but if you know an example of course happy to look at it
Will look at non-community WordPress sites a bit later
I'm on lunch
eli_oat, swentel, iasai, snarfed, tbbrown, eduardm and jackjamieson joined the channel
how much do people rely on the fat pings in WebSub vs just taking it as a notification to refetch? on the other side, do you send just new posts for h-feeds or the entire file?
i somehow thought fat pings were optional, but unless I'm misreading the spec they're not?
snarfed joined the channel
sknebel: dunno about the spec, but bridgy's blog webmentions feature depends on fat pings, it doesn't fetch
snarfed: [tantek] left you a message 13 hours, 49 minutes ago: does this present any hope for Bridgy publish/backfeed for FB? https://techcrunch.com/2018/12/04/facebook-allows-competitors/
[Belp-audio] #590 blog webmentions: fetch and parse HTML directly to find links instead of using superfeedr's content
not sure why I thought otherwise. (looking into it for AutoAuth)
jackjamieson, leg, jgmac1106, iasai and mblaney joined the channel
sknebel: fat pings were optional but when the spec was formalised the optional part was dropped.
how do AutoAuth and WebSub fit together?
thats the question :D can we get e.g. private feeds with WebSub support
aaah yes sounds fun :-)
with thin pings it's probably fairly straight forward to trigger the reader to refetch, especially if you're willing to leak that you posted *some* private post to everyone. without them, does the websub hub now have to handle private posts? or do we use it for thin pings by having it push out a placeholder?
yeah I think you might be a level above the websub spec here. all language of fat/thin pings was removed and was simplified to assume payloads are always sent. The spec does mention capability urls, which might be an interesting way to work with private posts?
I'm not sure how that would fit with what you've already done with AutoAuth though.
yes, since supporting autoauth of course needs application changes on all sides it's ok if there's extra rules for websub, at least to a degree. e.g. I think I'd prefer it if you could still use an unmodified hub, but authenticated clients could use a different topic url so normal clients don't notice anything weird, e.g. if placeholder posts are needed
will make a few notes in the repo issues tomorrow
iasai joined the channel